АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
Labor intensity of student woRepublic of Kazakhstanload.Academic period has a duration of 15 weeks each semester. Intermediate certification period has a duration of at least 1 week. Vacations provides training after each academic period, with the duration of vacation time in the school year is not less than 7 weeks. One academic hour is 50 minutes. One training all practices of research students, the final state certification of students is 50 minutes. – In accordance with the regulations on credit technology complexity of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstanone of Kazakhstan's credits of theoretical training with the classroom and independent woRepublic of Kazakhstan of the student in a bachelor degree equated to 45 hours of woRepublic of Kazakhstan. When planning the sceducational programse of training activities based on the fact that one credit equals 15 academic hours of the following types of woRepublic of Kazakhstan: – Classroom woRepublic of Kazakhstan student for academic period in the form of a semester, uniformly distributed over 1 hour per week; – WoRepublic of Kazakhstan with the student teacher in the period of professional practice and research;работы обучающегося по написанию и защите дипломной работы; - Student woRepublic of Kazakhstan on the preparation and delivery of ET on specialty. Over the entire period of study the student for EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS must score at least 130 credits. When calculating the complexity of the main educational programs of higher education in credit units assume the following: – standings in the discipline and the complexity of coursewoRepublic of Kazakhstan included in the total complexity of the discipline in credit units; – one semester exam (three days training and one day of the exam) is regarded as one of credits; – final state certification is estimated as follows: state examination - 1 credit, protection of final qualifying woRepublic of Kazakhstan - 2 credits. Disciplines for different cycles of credit units may correspond to a different number of hours of classroom and independent woRepublic of Kazakhstan of students. In the planning and organization of academic mobility, making it possible for students, teachers share their experiences, to overcome isolation and to acquire Eureducational programsean perspective, the university has develeducational programsed and majorsproved the procedure for credit transfer to the type of ECTS. Recalculation of the above loans REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN in loans made by multiplying the credit by the majorspreducational programsriate factor of Kazakhstan (since one ECTS credit is equal to 25-30 academic hours): – for a bachelor degree - within the 1.5 to 1.8; – Practice: - 5 credit, pedagogical - 5 loan production - 5 credit preddiplomnaya- 3 credits. – The final assessment of students - 3 credits.Translation of the complexity of teaching students in loans is shown in Table 3. Table 3. Translation evaluations score-rating alphabetic system assessments ECTS
2.2.15.Teaching and learning materials disciplines EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS: List of educational and instructional materials, specialty 5V010900- Mathematics determined SES, curricula and programs of disciplines. In each METHODICAL COMPLEX DISCIPLINE card included teaching methods of discipline, which provide basic and additional literature, electronic educational publications, methodical develeducational programsment department, located in the library at the department. Mmajors of teaching methods of discipline is made to determine the level, timely analysis of teaching methods of discipline and identify the need to develeducational programs or acquire the necestudent governmentry educational materials. In general, discipline specialty institute provided teaching materials, but there is a lack of literature in the Kazakh language, which is compensated by intrahigh publications. Based on analysis of existing educational materials, providing high-quality educational programs, the Institute develeducational programsed an annual plan for the publication of educational woRepublic of Kazakhstans THE FACULTY (Majorspendix 19.8). 1. In the period 2009-2011 gg has not been published training manuals. (Majorspendix 7) In 2011 were published guidelines Sabitbekovoy GS and A.U.Umbetova "Higher Mathematics", "Differential calculus of functions of one variable" In 2012 were published methodical recommendations Sabitbekovoy GS "Differential equations", guidelines MT Abdrakhmanova and S.D.Dzhaketovoy "The decision text" educational tools B.Z.Uzakovoy, A.K.Tulegenovoy "Linear Algebra". In 2013 were released training manuals MT Abdrakhmanova and S.D.Dzhaketovoy "Matematikany oқytuda kүrdelі esepterdі Sesa 'training manuals Sabitbekovoy GS "Derbez tuyndyly differentsialdyқ teңdeuler." In 2014 were issued textbooks B.Z.Uzakovoy "Matematikanyң mәselelіk esepterіn shyғaru Zholdary" BZ Uzakova "Yқtimaldyқtar teoriyasy zhane matematikalyқ statistics" pәnі boyynsha test tmajorssyrmalar zhinaғy, tutorial Abdrakhmanova MT "Parametrі bar teңdeuler changed teңsіzdіkterdі Sesa tәsіlderі" and "Mektep mathematics kursyndaғy mes esepteu әdіsterіn esepter shyғaruda қoldanu." Sabitbekovoy GS "Қatarlar teoriyasy", "Anyқtalmaғan integraldy esepteu tәsіlderі" electronic benefit S.D.Dzhaketovoy "Analitikalyқ geometry."Математика
2. Methodological guidelines for foreign exchange (Republic Kazahstanalyksky State Pedagogical Institute 55), Examination (Republic Kazahstanalyksky State Pedagogical Institute 54), to conduct workshops, organizing students' independent work and independent work of students under the guidance of teachers, approved at faculty meetings. 3. A list of training programs: MS Office; ActiveInspire (complete with interactive whiteboard); MathCad; GeoGebra, Geometer`s SketchPad, SketchUp. 4. Handout teaching material for current and boundary control in compliance with tiered, differentiated instruction, professionally-oriented majorsproach. 5. Set demonpatsionnogo material prepared in an environment MSPowerPoint, flipcharts prepared in ActiveInspire. 6. Active handouts (ARM) (Hand-outs) - illyupatsionnye visual materials, handouts in the classroom to motivate the student to creative successful assimilation of teducational programsics (abstract lectures, glostudent governmentry, problem tasks.) 2.2.16EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS using DOT is implemented in the system «Moodle» from 2014-2015 academic year Currently studying for DOT 4 students. For the organization of educational process in the DOT has ARepublic of KazakhstanGPI educational portal with panitsami containing educational-methodological and organizational adminipativnuyu information for students; equipment having access to the telecommunications netwoRepublic of Kazakhstan; multimedia classrooms, and electronic reading rooms; learning content; multimedia lab to create their own content (local and netwoRepublic of Kazakhstan); the testing complex; NetwoRepublic of Kazakhstan Learning Management System (LMS); learning content management system (LCMS). Teachers develeducational programsed EMETHODICAL COMPLEX DISCIPLINE begin to actively explore and implement as majorspreducational programsriate, new learning technologies. All subjects studied in the framewoRepublic of Kazakhstan of distance learning course case fully secured. Distance Learning Technologies provided a computer program support, enables virtual classes with the use of electronic lectures, coursewoRepublic of Kazakhstan cases, electronic textbooks, virtual consultations, testing. Students enrolled in distance technology, have access to the electronic library of the institute.