

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника


The Institute is constantly working to ensure the collection, analysis and dissemination of basic information for the effective management of training programs and other activities.

In accordance with the provisions of the units, maps processes regulated information gathering and periodicity in all major areas of the university.

In order to ensure free access to information concerning the personnel decisions of the Academic Council, reports on the results of sociological research, reports the results of internal audits and other issued in the form of brochures and distributed by departments of the institute.

Mechanisms for the collection of information on certain areas of the university on the basis of automated information and communication technologies. At the stage of implementation of mega-project "Electronic university", provides for the possibility to synchronize with the applicable software products that operate at the institute, in order to further step closer to building a Smart Institute. Implementation of an automated information system (AIS) «Platonus» serves as the management of all subsystems IP. The completed project provides the software modules: "The selection committee", "DUP", "Dean", "Department", "student", "Pilot testing for college graduates."

System for collecting and monitoring data at the Institute is supported by information systems: for full-time education is the AIS «Platonus», for Extramural and distance learning AIS «Moodle». These systems allow you to monitor the level and quality of students' progress in all subjects studied during the development of the educational program.

PLATONUS program includes all services and centers Institute. Each student and all the workers of the Institute have web-leaf, which makes it possible to automate the staff, students and teachers to find the necessary information for students studying remotely to quickly get into training or monitoring programs and communicate with teachers on an internal network. Service announcements program allows you to receive current information on the status of the institute: information teachers, preparation of test items, information on the collection of new textbooks, business opportunities of students.

Under this program, each student has the opportunity to become acquainted with their estimates, results of current, many foreign and total control. At the request of the student at any time, the teacher can prepare tests at all levels for its exercise, and use UMKD any discipline related curricula.

And parents are able to keep track of scores of their children, who are our students. Each parent is given a login and password to enter the program PLATONUS. According to the results of the session for parents of underachieving students are sent a letter adviser of specialty 5V010900 - Mathematics of the student's academic achievement. The letter indicates the credit discipline on which was rated unsatisfactory. then parents can contact the Institute at the address indicated in the letter.

The Institute has created a model of electron-innovative institution: an educational portal of distance learning, digital library. Access to all information resources is based on an individual login. Institute students have access to electronic resources available RMEB, Thomson Reuters, Scopus, Elsevier and access to the resources of the publishing house Lan Russia (Sank-Peteburg). The digital library is equipped with a kiosk with information referral system, there is an equipment Polycom video conferencing, interactive whiteboards installed contactless panel search engine library information center is equipped with educational television, which can create training programs, films and other educational resources in strict accordance with state educational standards purchased online platform.

The university established and continuously improved system of providing regular feedback to the staff of the university, including various forms of conferences, seminars, interviews, conducting the survey, the enlarged meeting of the Faculty Council, an expanded meeting of the Academic Council.

Formed and function information feedback channels of staff and students with the leadership of the university (meetings, conferences and meetings of the Board).

Functions "box reviews and suggestions." The reception staff of the university rector on personal matters carried out one day a week, in strict accordance with the schedule of reception.

Information received through all channels of feedback, analyzed and used for the correction and improvement of policies, strategies and development plans of the university.

The Institute has a website www.api.kz, supports the mission, goals, policies of the university. The structure of the site: "News", "General Information" subsections: "Education", "Departments", "student", "Science and International Cooperation", "State purchases", "Alumni Association." The institute in the module web site "www.api.kz »there is a" Virtual Receptionist "for effective feedback to students and their parents, staff, faculty, employers, members of the public. Rector of the Institute shall be liable only to the questions, the contents of which are specifically addressed to him. The analysis suggests asked questions , that for the most part they relate to the activities of the office of the Registrar of the educational process. during the reception of the company - these are issues that are relevant to the rules of admissions.

Information about all aspects of the Institute is reflected in the pages of national, regional and local newspapers, banners on the building of the institute. Also in the building of the Institute feature information booths about the varied activities of the university: teaching, research, educational, artistic and others.

In order to maintain its image and career-oriented activities carried out production and distribution of leaflets, brochures, books about the institute, in important areas of its activities: educational and methodical, scientific research, social, cultural and educational.

The university conducted systematic work on updated information on the results of monitoring activities.

The use of information technology in the implementation of the educational program provides students with such expertise:

- Using innovative methods and technologies in their subject area;

- To design and test their innovations;

- Analyze and evaluate the results of the implementation of innovations in the educational process;

- Apply information and communication technologies in the teaching activities at the qualified user (up summaries, letters, vldaet computer methods of gathering, storing and processing information on the Internet, use e-mail);

- Programming using modern tools peredovat their knowledge to students.


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3 Закон Республики Казахстан «Об образовании» от 27 июля 2007 г. № 319-IIIЗРК (с изменениями и дополнениями по состоянию на 24.10.2011 г.).

4 Приказ МОН РК «Порядок и требования по ведению Национальных реестров аккредитационных органов, аккредитованных организаций и образовательных программ» от 30.12.2011 г.

5 Приказ МОН РК «Об утверждении Положения о Республиканском аккредитационном совете Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан» от 12.03.2012 г. №98.

6 Келлс Г.Р. Процесс самооценки /Пер. с англ. в сокр. О.Бухиной – М.: Московский общественный научный фонд: ООО «Издательский центр научных и учебных программ», 1999. – 152 с.

7 Каланова Ш.М., Бишимбаев В.К. Тотальный менеджмент качества в высшем образовании. – Астана: Фолиант. – 476 с.

8 European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA): Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (3rd edition) .

9 Стандарты и руководства к системам обеспечения качества в Европейском пространстве высшего образования. Европейская ассоциация обеспечения качества в высшем образовании. - Астана, НАЦ МОН РК, 2006 г.

10Правила организации учебного процесса по кредитной технологии обучения от 20 апреля 2011 г. (приказ № 152 МОН РК).

11 Европейский фонд развития менеджмента. Руководство по самооценке. Подред. ГордонаШентонаиДжинКрозьер.

12 Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (Proposal for the revised version - ESG) – February-2014.

13 Требования и процедура аккредитации бакалаврских и магистерских образовательных программ в области инженерии, архитектуры, информатики, естественных наук и математики. Агентство по аккредитации программ в области инженерии, информатики, естественных наук и математики (ASIIN), 2005 г.

14 Руководство по аккредитации образовательных программ AQA, 2010.

15 Руководство по аккредитации программ ASIIN, перевод на русск., 2010.

16 Руководство по аккредитации образовательных программ AQUIN, перевод на русск., 2011.

17 Criteria for accrediting engineering technology programs. Technology Accreditation Commission, ABET Inc.111 Market Place,Suite 1050Baltimore, USA, 2011.




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