АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
Implementation and effectiveness of innovative teaching methods.The main pedagogical innovations associated today with the use of interactive teaching methods. Teachers Institute in the educational process is widely used various active methods: problem statement, presentations, discussions, case studies, group woRepublic of Kazakhstan, the method of critical thinking, quizzes, business and role-playing games, the method of rmajorsid-fire questions, brainstorming and more. With the use of Internet resources introduce new methods of teaching: learning online. So, in March 2014 Senior Lecturer Uzakova BZ was held an educational programsen practice session for the 3-th year on the theme "Yқtimaldyқtardy esepteuge arnalғan combinatorics elementterі" using multimedia complex: slides, electronic textbooks, demonstration material .. In March 2013 an educational programsen session on "Analytical Geometry" teacher Dzhaketovoy SD on "Ekіnshі rettі қisyқtar" used problem-search technology to the presentation of the material, where the 1st year students investigated the use of second-order curves in the home, which increased the motivation of students to research activities. So this student group Imanberlina Kyzylgul 2013-2014 school year began to participate in national and international conferences with articles on "Tұrmystaғy ekіnshі rettі қisyқtar" and defended the scientific project for the award of the rector ArGPI. In the educational programsen class of senior lecturer Abdrakhmanova MT Methods of discipline decisions stereometric problems on "parallelepiped taқyrybynda esepter shyғaru" used innovative methods to enhance students' cognitive activity, slides. (Annex 13) Teachers in the classroom are explanatory and illustrative teaching method using electronic posters in mathematics. In this method, the teacher sends students ready information through a variety of learning tools, and students perceive, recognize and record this information in memory. The teacher's role is to organize the perception of information or ways of life (eg, problem-solving). If the student vosprinyal and understand the mestudent governmentge it information or mode of action and managed to link them with their own knowledge and ideas, then we can talk about a certain degree of assimilation. Communicating via the teacher performs spoken word (story, lecture, explanation), the printed word (textbook, reader, reference, etc.), visual training aids (demonstrations, movies, videos, filmstrips, charts and tables, etc. .), practical ways to show activity (laboratory woRepublic of Kazakhstan, solution of the problem, a plan to accounified national testing and so on.). Explanatory and illustrative method - one of the most efficient means of transmitting knowledge. It is important, however, it is understood that the use of explanatory and illustrative method involves only the awareness, perception and memorization of data transferred. At the same time, the level of knowledge creation at the first level is the initial stage of any learning process. (Students often because of new terminology closed to the perception of new information. When the examples discussed theoretical statements, the perception of the abstract theory is already being meaningful, new terminology to digest well.). Results of innovative activity The introduction of elective courses helps: 1. Improving the quality of student training mathematicians. (Graduates are in demand in innovative schools, and prepared the winners of school science projects: Karimov EK (Akmola., ZhaRepublic of Kazakhstanaiynsky district, village Dalabay). 2. Increase the number of students (students motivation to master the subject-graduates young professionals - in their professional activities already graduates use non-standard tasks of research character, thereby increasing interest in mathematics) 3. Improve the quality of entrants. (The department had issued a teaching aid for teachers of mathematics, with which you can improve the quality of abiturentov). 1. Teaching aid Abdrakhmanova MT "Mektep mathematics kursyndaғy mes esepteu аdіsterіn esepter shyғaruda қoldanu" 2014 у. 2. Uzakova B.Z..Uchebno hanbasic disciplinesook "Matematikanyң mәselelіk esepterіn shyғaru Zholdary." ARepublic of Kazakhstanalyk, 2014. 3. Abdrakhmanova MT, SD Dzhaketova "Matematikany oқytuda kүrdelі esepterdі Sesa" ARepublic of Kazakhstanalyk 2013 (Majorspendix 19.8) In ARepublic of KazakhstanGPI majorsplication of information technology in the learning process is given a lot of attention. Institute since 2008, uses an information system to automate PLATONUS credit technology and distance learning. PLATONUS program includes all services and centers Institute. Each student and all the woRepublic of Kazakhstaners of the Institute have web-leaf, allows students and teachers to get information, automate and remotely, etc .. Students are able to participate in the learning process. With the help of an automated information system PLATONUS you can do: -indvidualny academic calendar; - Control of internal communications and assignments; - Indvidualnoy curriculum; - Educational-methodical complexes; - Tests; - WoRepublic of Kazakhstan schedule; - Forum; - Chat Institute. Automated Information System PLATONUS enables informed on current issues: ads, preparation of tests, information about the admission of new literature in the disciplines, communication with students. This system has, and gives users more educational programstions. Every student can learn the results of current and boundary control. 2.2.18.EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS specialty "Mathematics" is being develeducational programsed with the participation of all teachers, providing teaching natural and mathematical sciences. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS examination carried out by experts naturalists and teachers from schools of the city and the region, thus the develeducational programsment of EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS, the educational programsinion of employers' demand, the relevance of a particular component of the program. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS develeducational programsed in accordance with SES, MODEL CURRICULUM and CATALOG OF ELECTIVE COURSESmajorsproved at a meeting of the Department, the Faculty Council, TRAINING RESOURCE COUNCIL, the Scientific Council of the Institute.