

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Suffixesof Adverbs• Суффиксы наречий

Наречие можно узнать по следующим суффиксам:



-ly -wards -wise
widely forwards clockwise



по направлению часовой


7. Which of the given words are adjectives or adverbs? Why? Translate the words.

buildable, equally, watery, carelessly, numerous, noisily, waterless, natu­rally, relatively, northward, dangerous, environmental, available

~--------------------- _____ Introductory Ран

8. Distribute the words into four columns. Thinsla te tbe words.
Model: What? use, usage

What kind of? useful

What to do? use fjurzj

How? usefully

fire, add, additional, addition, equal, noisy, equalize, equality, differ, dif­ference, differently, number, numberless, supply, noise, noisily, buildabil-ity, protection, protect

9. How many parts does each word consist of? What are the stems? Translate the words and their stems.

buildable, possibility, structural, strengthen, delamination, externally, pop­ularity

10. Form nouns by adding the suffixes -er, -or.

to cool, to pollute, to operate, to act, to combine, to use, to inspect, to construct, to own, to compute

11. R>rm the corresponding adverbs. Translate the words,
relative, common, easy, extreme, necessary, sufficient, strong, wide, clock

12. Choose the proper suffixes and add them to the stems given below: a) form nouns
stems: install-, moist-, replace-, require-, use-, durable-, product-,

equip-, work-, buildable-suffixes: -ability, -ment, -(a)tion, -ure, -age b) form adjectives

stems: nail, metal, disadvantage, control, resist, danger, base, structure,

differ, depend suffixes: -ous, -able, -ent, -ic, -al

13. Translate the following sentences in writing. Use a dictionary.

1. Moisture is one of the main causes ofcracking the fibre strengthening system.

2. Plastic construction materials belong to relatively new insulating materials.

3. Polythene coverings have numerous advantages.

4. Wrongly concepted, nearly all designs proved quite useless.


К числу широко употребительных относятся следующие при­ставки:

Introductory Part


Примеры При- Значение Перевод
  ставки пристаете  
abnormal ab- удаление из (от) ненормальный, аварийный
antibody anti- против антитело
autoload auto- само-; авто- автозагрузка
binary bi- два двоичный
coroutine co- с, вместе сопрограмма
counteract counter- против противодействовать
contradict contra- против противоречить
decompose de- обратное действие разлагать
disable dis- отрицание заблокировать, отключать
enable en- приведение в ка-кое-л. состояние (прилагательное обращается в глагол) делать годным
external; ex- внешний, быв- внешний; экс-
ex-president   ший президент
extraordinary extra- сверх, вне экстраординарный, необыкновенный
illegal il- отрицание не незаконный
impossible; im- не, внутрь невозможный,
imbedded     вделанный
indirect; inclose in- в, внутрь; не, в, косвенный, не
    внутрь прямой; включать
international inter- среди, между международный
irregular ir- не- неравномерный
misuse mis- неправильно, неправильно ис-
    плохо пользовать
multiple multi- много множественный
overload over- сверх-, пере- перегрузить
precondition pre- до, перед- предусловие
rebuild re- снова, пере- перестроить
semicircle semi- полу- полукруг
submarine sub- под-, ниже- подводный
supercomputer super- сверх- супер-ЭВМ
transfer trans- пере-, через пересылка, передача
unsteady un- не- неустойчивый
underpay under- недо- недоплачивать


Introductory Part

14. Translate into Russian the following a) words and b) combinations. Mind the prefixes.

a) disadjust, interaction, outside, displaceable, discontinue, overbuild, over­
load, preselect, depression, displacement, overproduction, reactivate,
remove, reconstruction, unequal, unfinished, deprivatisation

b) cooperative movement; disarranged details; discontinuous load; inter­
changeable parts; overburned material; preheated air; underfired clay;
unstressed and prestressed plates; undamaged coverings; underestimated
difficulties, unrealistic and unattainable project; precracking cpndition

15. Read the following words. What are their prefixes, stems, suffixes? nailable, workability, irregular, inequality, supercharge, available, under­production, interrelation, unbuildable, typically, environment, existence, airless, workmanship, various, unsuitable, owner, redesign, accountabili­ty, oversimplification, mechanize, devalvation

Умение «с первого взгляда» понять, какой частью речи являет­ся слово, помогает в определении членов предложения — подлежа­щего, сказуемого, дополнения, обстоятельства. Это умение также помогает выявить в словосочетании основное слово. По составу раз­личают: 1) простые слова, 2) производные и 3) сложные.

1. Простые слова состоят из одного корня, например: use — поль­за, name — название, room — пространство, помещение, комна­та, only — только.

2. В производных словах, помимо корня, имеются суффиксы и/ или приставки: useful — полезный, unsuccessful — безуспешный, variable — переменный.

3. В составе сложных слов могут быть два и более корня: airplane, stairway, place-in-situ. Отметим, что в языке строительства слож­ные слова весьма распространены!

16. Translate into Russian the following words. Use a dictionary if necessary.

pre-design, highway, simple-shaped, waterless, mixture, limestone, Inter­net, workable, place, know-how, townhouse, lightweight, subsoil, super­cooling, homeowners, reuse, preconstruction, displace


В отличие от русского языка, в английском языке одно и то же слово может выступать в предложении в качестве разных частей речи. Так, в данных ниже предложениях слово water является суще­ствительным (1), глаголом (2), играет роль прилагательного (опре­деления) (3), является частью сложного слова (4).

iniioductory Part

1. V\&ter is necessary for life. — Вода необходима для жизни.

2. Water the flower-bed, please. — Полей(те), пожалуйста, клумбу.

3. Water mills served a source of energy. - Водяные мельницы слу­жили источником энергии.

4. water-supply system - система водоснабжения water-proof watch - водонепроницаемые часы

Значения подобных слов и их перевод на русский язык зависят оттого, каким членом предложения они являются. Они могут быть подлежащим, сказуемым (или его частью), определением, обстоя­тельством. Функцию слова помогает определить твердый порядок слов в английском предложении и контекст.

17. Look up the meanings of the words in a dictionary if necessary. How are they translated in the sentences below? Mind the word order.

1. Concrete was combined with steel in order to prevent damage by fire.

2. The highway was badly damaged by the storm.

3. The house is heated by steam power.

4. This crane houses a 10-ton load.

5. "Water only this part of the floor, please."

6. "Name the places of the future construction, please."

7. In what way should these figures be positioned?

8. What is the position of these data in the text?

9. The device should be re-fuelled with light fuel.


10. The light went out in the whole house.

11. The instrument is foot-controlled by a pedal.

12. The amount of power used in the world in a year amounts to 12,000 million tons of equivalent fuel.

13. The new engine will have a great number of uses.

14. After the metal was heated it changed its colour to a red heat.

15. The fuel-and-energy balance is important for both heavy and light industry.

6 six [siks] 7 seven ['sevnl 8 eight [eit] 9 nine [nam] 10 ten [ten]



I, П eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty

Introductory Par

[rtevn] ftwelvj Гвз:ип] fb:'ti:nj tWttnj f'siks'ti.nj f'sevn'ti:nj f'ei'ti.n] fnam'tirn] f'twentij
30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 hundred 1000 thousand










27 twenty-seven 51 fifty-one

118 one hundred and eighteen 365 three hundred and sixty-five 1,674 one thousand six hundred and seventy-four 5,803 five thousand eight hundred and three 75,000 seventy-five thousand

18. Read the article out loud. Translate it using a dictionary.

Moscow University

Construction of the new University complex was begun in 1949, and the first students entered the new auditoriums of the Science Palace on September 1, 1953. The University grounds occupy 415 acres. The main building is 780 ft high. The 27 blocks and 10 buildings of the University complex contain'over a thousand excellently equipped laboratories, 148 auditoriums, museums, club premises with а щйшшя»™-— hall seating 800, an assembly hall for 1,500, a fundamental library of 1,500,000 volumes, reading rooms, hostels and flats for students and instructors; To look in at all auditoriums and laboratories of the Science Palace one would have to walk 145 kilometres, and a vis­it to its 45,000 premises would take a month. The splendid complex was designed by archi­tects L. Rudnev, S. Chernyshov, P. Abrosimov

and A. Khryakov, and built under the direc- „,

tion of engineer V. Nasonov. Fig. 1. Moscow University

Introductory Part


В простых дробях числитель выражается количественным чис­лительным, а знаменатель — порядковым. Если числитель больше единицы, то знаменатель имеет окончание -s: two fifths — две пятых. В смешанном числе целое число читается как количественные чис­лительные, а дробь присоединяется при помощи союза and: five and two fifths — пять и две пятых.

В десятичных дробях нуль произносится zero или о, за ним сле­дует слово point {точка) и затем дробь: о point five ноль целых и пять десятых. Между целым числом и десятичной дробью в английском языке ставится точка, а не запятая как в русском языке!

19. Read the following numerals out loud.

200.22 ft 55 miles (90 km) 320,000 miles (515,000 km)

40,000 volts 220,000-volt line 3 million miles

75 miles (120 km) 75.45 million m3 4.8 million km

132,000-volt line 345,000 volts 5.05 in

20. Read the extract out loud. Translate the extract using a dictionary.

The project, which is expected to cost more than $200 million to com­plete, iriciudes excavation of more than 35 million cii yd {26.8 million m3) of material in cuts as deep as 600 ft (183 m), more than 100,000 ft (30,480 m) of drainage pipe, "and 200 ft (61 m) tall embankment fills. Engineers must dis­pose of more than 8 million cu yd (6.1 million m3) of waste material.

The larger part of the route involves more than 25 million cu yd (19.1 million m3) of excavated material, approximately 79,000 lineat ft (24,080 m) of drainage pipe, 470 ft (143 m) deep cuts through mountains, and 200 ft (61 m) high embankment fills.

Note: m3 - to the third power

21. Read the following examples.

75; 1V4; 7507g 5.2 million m3 25,075 in 95.1 m

100.75 thousand m2 '/4; 45%; 1055/6 634.003 6,000 ft


При встрече с новым (или кажущимся таковым) словом не сле­дует сразу пользоваться словарем. В современных отраслевых языках встречается много слов, совпадающих по написанию с соответствую-


20 Introductory Part

щими русскими словами. Например: meetingмитинг, to informсо­общать, programпрограмма, basisоснова и т.п. При этом, однако, надо иметь в виду, что есть слова, которые требуют иного перевода и не соответствуют по значению русскому слову. Например: problem —задача, limitграница, engineer— может означать техник, механик, слесарь и др., industryтрудолюбие и т.д.

Имеются и слова, которые можно понять без словаря, хотя в рус­ский язык они перешли лишь в одном из присущих им значений. К примеру, revolutionимеет такие значения, как круговое вращение, пол­ный оборот, смена времен года. В русском же языке это Слово употреб­ляется лишь в значении коренной перелом, революция. Слово экспансия в русском означает захват чужих территорий. В английском же оно означает увеличение, расширение, expansion of construction—расширение строительства (а не его захват!). К числу подобных слов относятся a flair, occupation, reductionи множество других. Переводу таких слов мо­жет помочь контекст и их окружение; так, master segmentозначает глав­ный сегмент; commercial applicationкоммерческое применение (а не при­ложение). О значении некоторых слов можно догадаться, сопоставив их с подобными, в какой-то их части, русскими словами. Так, глагол to consist ofсостоять из сопоставим со словом консистенция, equalравный со словом эквивалент, to provideобеспечивать—со словом провизия, qual­ityкачество—со словом квалификация. Известно, что словарная статья дает обычно ряд значений одного слова. Но не всегда среди них имеет­ся нужный вариант! Например, в сочетании product developmentслово developmentнадо перевести как выпуск, а все выражение как выпуск про­дукции т развитие).

Рекомендуем выработать в себе привычку догадки о значении слова по составляющим его частям. Укажем также на необходимость работать с международными словами, в частности, над их произно­шением: cyclef'saikl] - цикл, mastic['maestikj - мастика и т.п.

Следует иметь в виду, что в современной литературе по разным отраслям строительства международная лексика представлена чрез­вычайно широко.

22. Try to translate into Russian the words given below.

container, automatize, efficiency, percent, variation, original, compres­sion, modification, calculate, matter, manufacture, multiple, reason, tem­perature, mixture, components, logical, historical, pressure, critically, equally, operate, examine, contain, sum, representation, contractor, man­ufacturer, recommend, finally, basis

Unit One

11mi One. Why Do People Build?



to use [j'u.z] — использовать use [ju:s] - использование indoors adv. — в помещении outdoors adv. — на воздухе, на улице because con/. — так как because of prep. — из-за in order to - для того чтобы both ... and - как... так и



Master the key terms and head words.

accommodation - приспособление

air [еэ] - воздух

shelter - убежище

site — участок, место

waste — отбросы

to build — строить

to dispose - избавляться от

to provide - обеспечивать

to take place - иметь место

pre- pre/. - до, заранее

preheating - предварительное нагревание

prehistoric - доисторический

23. Form the new words according to the model.

Mnrlnl- .»_._______ i •. •

precondition — предварительное условие

Model: condition-условие determine -__ control -examine -

24. Distribute the given words into four columns. Translate the words.

Model: nouns verbs adj. adv.

importance to use important indoors

use [ju.s], use fjurzj, useful, uselessly, serve, service, shelter, site, place, take place, mainly, main, door, indoors, need, sanitary, natural, nature, naturally, outdoors, prehistoric, predetermination 25. Supply the corresponding verbs.

Model: provision - to provide - обеспечивать
disposition to

Г Л Л /V

immodation to__________________ —____________

I'и .ilum tO______________________________ —_____________________

ll'tivity to__________________ —____________

■'(> Change the nouns into the adjectives. Translate the new combinations.

Model: water — watery taste — водянистый вкус

•In i -__________________ waste —________

min —_________________ season —_______________

'wind —__________________ weather —_________________

ни —_________________ morning—_________________

bnow -___________________ day —________________

I 27. Translate the following examples.

much air, less light, few people, more waste, little energy, a few buildings, fewer sites, many shelters, little sunshine

28. Put down the corresponding English words.

1. They stayed (в помещении)_________ (из-за)___________

the rainy weather.

2. People build houses (так как)_________ they need (убежище)

3. People's activity takes place both (в доме)________________

and (на улице)_______________ . hb*

4. Sanitary accommodation (избавление от отбросов)___ .

are provided by modern services.

5. Accommodations are (планируются заранее)_____________

and located on a site plan.

Read the article (Part 1).

Wfe build because we need shelter. We need shelter from sun, rain, wind, and snow Not much that modern people do takes place outciobrs: Our activities mostly take place indoors. For these activities we may need У/ air that is warmer or cooler than the air outdoors. We may also need less light by day and more light by night than is provided by nature.

It is a well-known fact that modern people in many countries also need services. Modern services must provide energy, water, communica­tions, and dispose of waste. Sanitary accommodation is also necessary and very important. For sanitary accommodation people must have ventila­tion. It is important to note that all services and accommodations are pre­planned and located on a site plan. A site plan must be prepared and pro­vided for every building and every construction.


Essential Course

highway - дорога общего поль­зования, шоссе facility — удобство, возможность facilities — средства, возможно­сти, предметы оборудова­ния since - с; с тех пор как; так как

Part 2

Master the key terms and head words.

among - среди

arrangement - устройство, при­способление

29. Put down the corresponding verbs. Translate every word. Model: construction - строительство; to construct — строить, сооружать accommodation —_____ arrangement -_____ organization —____ disposition —______ construction
—Jto. —ito. —;to_ _;to_

branch [bra.nt/J - отрасль, ветвь bridge — мост civil — гражданский difference - разница, различие enterprise - предприятие

30. Combine the given attributes (a) with the nouns (b); translate the new word com­binations.

гражданское строительство (b) branches pool enterprises facilities construction materials

Model: civil construction — (a) civil








Read the article (Part 2). u Ъ

In order to havefshelter provided with modern services and accom­modation, people all over the world use many different construction ma­terials and arrange them into different constructions. Since prehistoric times these constructions have served as shelter and accommodation for a man, a group of people, a family, a few families, many families, an organi­zation, or an enterprise.

Unit One. Why Do People Build?________________________ 25

■ What are the branches modern civil construction has? Among the brunches the main ones are housing ponstruction, construction of indus­trial enterprises, construction of railroads, highways, subways, construe-k|lon of bridges, dams, ports, canals, construction of different sporting fa­cilities. Among them there are stadiums, aquaparks, swimming pools, ■porting complexes, and others. 31. Pair work. Read and translate the following questions. Put them to your group-mate.

1. Why do people need shelter?

2. What kind of services and accommodation do modern people need

and use?

3. What branches of modern civil construction do you know?

4. Do you attend any sporting facilities? What sporting facilities do you attend? How often do you attend them? Do you attend them regu­larly?

5. Do you want to take part in modern civil construction?

6. What branches of modern civil construction are you interested in?

Unit Two

Unit Two. Excavation



to guard [gct:d] - охранять, защи­щать to transfer - переносить, пере­давать above — над, более, сверх below — под, менее upper - верхний lower - более низкий, ниже


Master the key terms and head words.

upper - верхний

area ['еэпэ] — площадь, про­странство

excavation — выемка грунта

foundation — фундамент, основа­ние

level - уровень

load — груз, тяжесть

major — главный, основной

soil — почва, земля

stratum sing., strata pi. — пласт, слой

re- pre/. — снова, еще раз reread — перечитать reform - реформировать

йе-pref. — придает слову про­тивоположное значение demobilize — демобилизовать deicer — льдоудалитель

32. Read the given combinations. Translate them from Russian,
below zero - ниже нуля upper part — верхняя часть

above ground - над землей lower part — нижняя часть

above water - над водой lower stratum - нижний слой

sub-pre/. — под-, недо-substation - подстанция

super- pre/. — над-, сверх-supei marine — надводный supercement — цемент высокого

качества supercooling — переохлаждение

33. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words.

remove -________________________

rebuild -____________________

re-transfer —

labilize —________________________________________

■water —________________________________________

■lactivation —_______________________________________

ppervisor -________________________________________

inperheating —________________________________________

■ibstratum —______________________________________

■ibpanel —______________________________________

Begas -_________________________________________

Ksoil -_________________________________________

34. Choose and put down the attributes opposite in the meaning to the given ones.
Translate the combinations.

attributes: above-ground, substructure of a building, above, warm, inor­ganic, lower, unnecessary

Model: below-ground and above-ground parts

upper and__________________ strata

I organic and__________________ soils

cold and__________________ climate

below and__________________ the level of freezing

necessary and__________________ details

35. Translate the following combinations,

water and wind erosion different levels of freezing structural changes of soil

major parts of a building upper stratum of soil decomposition of organic stratum

Read and translate the article.

What does construction of a building start with? Construction of any building usually starts with excavation. Excavation is a process'necessary for the construction of every modern building.

It is a well-known fact that there exist different kinds of soil. It is also a well-known fact that the structure of the upper stratum of the soil is of great importance for excavation. The foundation of a building should nev­er be placed on organic soils because soils of this kind are easily decom­posed. .They are decomposed because water and wind change their struc­ture. So, if the upper stratum of soil is organic, it must be removed from the construction area in order to guard the foundation of the building against water and wind erosion. Further excavation may take place only after the upper organic stratum has been removed. In colder climates the foundations of buildings should be placed below the level to which the ground freezes in winter.

~ :---------------------------------- Essential Course

What are the major parts of a building? Modern buildings have three major parts. These are the superstructure, the substructure, and the foun­dation. The superstructure is the above-ground part of a building; the sub­structure — its below-ground part. As to the third part — foundation — its function is of great importance as it serves to transfer the loads of a build­ing into the upper stratum of earth — its soil.

36. Pair work. Have a talk with your groupntate. Use the questions given below.

37. Think of a few questions of your own on the subject of the Unit.

1. How many major parts does a modern building usually have?

2. What are the major parts of a building?

3. How is the above-ground (below-ground) part of a building called?

4. What is the function of a foundation?

5. Which part of soil is of great importance for excavation?

6. Which part of organic soil must be removed from the building area?

7. Why must it be removed?

8. In what climatic zones should the foundations be placed below the freezing point?

9. Have you ever watched the process of removing the upper stratum of soil from the building area?

Unit Three


■Iter the key terms and head words.

to include - включать в себя to sink — опускаться, тонуть to support - поддерживать, дер­жать live load - собственный вес, вес конструкции dead load — динамический вес, рабочая нагрузка

polling — потолок домск - трещина ^ect - прямой uipment — оборудование floor - пол, этаж frame — рама, каркас, корпус «liiiple — простой will -стена in cause [kd:z] — причинять

38. Distribute the words given below into two columns: nouns, verbs.

Model: nouns verbs

crack found

pit control, include, frame, react, reaction, equip, equipment, crack, found, foundation, cause, support, floor, sink, wall, transfer

39. Read the terminological combinations. Translate them into English.

frame construction - каркасная конструкция frame of roof- стропильная система lupport plate — опорная плита live load — собственный вес dead load - рабочая нагрузка equipment crane — кран для погрузки

40. Choose the attributes opposite in the meaning to the given ones. Mind the pro­
noun one.

Model: direct contact with the soil and indirect one, attributes: indirect, rather simple, live, small, unstable, high

dead loads and__________________ ones


ones ones

rather complex design and

large buildings and____

stable foundations and_

low weight and_______


Essential Cours

Hull Three. Foundation


41. Translate the given Russian words into the English ones.

1. Foundations keep both the (стены и пол)__________ from th

contact with the (почва)__________ .

2. Sinking may cause (трещины)______ in the walls of a building.

3. Foundation design may be both (весьма сложный)_________

and (весьма простой)______________ .

4. The foundations (поддерживают)______________ both dead

loads and (динамический вес)_____________ Г of buildings.

5. The dead load (включает в себя)___________ ••' the (вес)

_________________ of electrical and mechanical (оборудова­
ние) ____________ .

42. Translate the following questions.

1. For what reason does every building need stability?

2. What functions of a foundation do you know?

3. What may cause cracking in the walls of buildings?

4. What are the loads supported by foundations?

5. What parts does dead load (live load) include?

Read and translate the article. л '■,

It is a well-known fact that every building needs permanent stability. In order to have stability, buildings should have foundations. We know that the function of a foundation is to transfer the loads of a building into the soil. Foundations keep the walls and the floors of buildings from direct contact with the soil. They guard the walls and the floors against the ac­tion of the weather—rain, snow, and wind. They also guard buildings against sinking that may cause cracks in the walls. Foundation design is very spe­cial. It may be both rather complex or very simple. It is a common practice that for very small buildings foundation design is usually much simpler than for large ones. Why is it so? Firstly, because foundations loads of small buildings are usually low.

What kinds of loads are supported by foundations? A foundation may support different kinds of loads. Among them there are dead loads and live loads. The dead load of a building includes the weights of the ceilings, the frame, the floor, roofs and the walls. Besides, every modern building is known to have water, electricity, heating, ventilation and dispose of waste systems and, accordingly, their equipment. The dead load also includes the weights of this electrical and mechanical equipment and the weight of the foundation itself. As to the live load, it includes the sum of the weights of the people and other living beings, the furnishings, and equipment they use. The live load also includes snow, ice, and water of the roof.

41 ftiir work. Have a talk with your groupmate. Use the questions of Ex. 42.

44. Iranslate the extract in writing. Use a dictionary if necessary.

Л There exist two basic types of foundations: shallow and deep. Shal-ш foundations transfer the load to the earth at the base of the column or л i»l I of the substructure. Deep foundations transfer the load at a point far Jlow the substructure. As to the price of these types of foundations, shal-ones are usually less expensive than deep ones.


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