

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Mil .т.I translate the article.

I limber belongs to one of the oldest building materials. It has been ■ ancient times and is still produced from cut wood. Timber has always in I lighly usable in construction because of its many advantages. To these |ong its strength, light weight, cheapness, and high workability. Its other I age is that it belongs to natural resources and is naturally renew-u is the more so that about a third of the world is still considered to ir.. »\( red with forests. Besides, timber is resistant to corrosion produced hcmical substances in the modern polluted atmosphere. One more ■vantage of timber is that it can be used for many construction purposes. m, naturally, timber has disadvantages and the main ones are that it is Ш fire-resistant and it easily decays; especially if it is not impregnated. ftaides, freshly cut timber contains water that may cause great structural pacts. Removal of water from timber is a necessary procedure that should Ike place before timber is used in practice. It increases strength and work­ability of the material and, of course, its durability.

What is timber mainly used for? Because of its many advantages it is h it-lily used for producing window and floor frames, for flooring and roof­ing and for other various woodwork. The two main types of timber are luulwoods and softwoods. Of them, hardwoods are popular as materials ii ,ecl for decorative purposes: veneering in furniture and panelling. As to kftwoods, they are mainly used for producing window and door frames and other kinds of woodwork. 67. Answer the questions of Ex. 66. Translate the extract in writing. Use a dictionary if necessary.

Timber is wood, suitable for building and structural purposes. There are over 4000 woods in common use throughout the world, e best and most commonly used softwoods popular for structural work in many countries are redwood, whitewood, pine, red cedar, sequoia, beech ftnd some others. As to the hardwoods, the best known ones include beech, birch, blackwood, chestnut, elm, mahogany, maple, myrtle, oak, rosewood, walnut and some others.

Unit Six


их Metals


»ti. lion -to ;
nil.HI -to
111.... -to
Ml.lllMll -to




Master the key terms and head words.

expensive — дорогой

framework — основа, каркас, рама

invention - изобретение joint — соединение, стык гаге - редкий skyscraper - небоскреб slab — плита (каменная, метал­лическая) traffic — уличное движение

to cast — отливать .

to introduce - вводить, выдвигал to join — соединять, присоеди­няться к to turn out - оказываться to turn — сделаться, повернуться turner — токарь cast in situ — литой на месте wrought iron - сварочное желез

^B|ld the examples. Translate them from Russian.

■fight! left! - Сверни направо! налево! [on (off) the cutter! - Включи (выключи) фрезу! heated, the metal turned red. — Металл покраснел, когда его на­зрели.


No left turn! — Влево не поворачивать! No traffic! — Движение запрещено! Don't turn over! — He кантовать!


68. Read the examples. Ask your groupmate to translate them a) from English in. Russian; b) from Russian into English.

a) caster — литейщик cast concrete — литой бетон cast iron — чугун cast steel — литая сталь

b) joiner - столяр, плотник joint place — место стыка joint stock company — акционерное общество joint traffic — комбинированное движение

c) iron worker — металлист iron industry — черная металлургия wrought iron — сварочное железо wrought nail - кованый гвоздь stab roof— кровля из плит

69. Put down the corresponding verbs. Translate every word.

Model: cutter — to cut; фреза - резать -to

-to -to -to -to

caster joiner turner iron worker inventor

Itanslate the signals from Russian.

71 Translate the following sentences. Mind the Complex Subject.

I I or a long time steel was considered to be a rare and expensive con­struction material.

!. Bronze is known to have been used by the ancient people for joining heavy blocks of stone.

I The Bessemer process is known to have been invented and introduced into practice in the middle of the 19th century. 14. The Eiffel Tower of Paris is known to have been extremely unpopular for a long period after its construction. Nowadays it is considered to be one of the greatest attractions of Paris.

5. According to modern scientists, skyscrapers proved to be extremely injurious (вредные) for people's health.

^■1 and translate the article.

From the History of Metals

\ began to be widely usedlts construction materials not so long the beginning of the nineteemrfcentur

Metals ■go. Before the beginning of the nineteerrflfcentury metals played little ■tructural role in the process of building. Mostly they served for joining parts of buildings. The ancient Greeks and Romans are known to use bronze (Tor joining slabs of stone.


Essential Cou

It was only in the eighteenth century when the first all-metal struj ture was built in Europe. It was a cast-iron bridge across the river Severn I England. The strength of the bridge turned out to be so great that no1 more than two centuries after its construction, it still carries heavy m ern traffic across the Severn.

In the first half of the nineteenth century cast iron and^wrought ird were introduced and used for industrial construction in Europe and Norfl America. Steel was not widely used, being considered a rare and expensi building material. Inexpensive steel first began to be produced and use only with the invention of the Bessemer process, in the 1850s. From thai period on, metal started to be used as rather popular and useful buildir» material. The famous Eiffel Tower of Paris was constructed of wroughl iron in 1889. By that period several steel frame skyscrapers had alreadj been built in the United States. That was the beginning of the new era; new highly useful and popular construction material had been born an introduced into building industry.

72. Answer the questions given below. Try to do it without consulting the text of t article.

1. For what purposes were metals mostly used before the beginning the nineteenth century?

2. What did ancient Greeks and Romans use bronze for?

3. When and where was the first all-metal structure built? What can yo say about its present-day condition?

4. What kinds of iron were introduced in the first half of the nineteent century?

5. Why was steel as a building material unpopular for a long period?

6. What is the essence of the Bessemer process?

7. What was the global result of its invention?

8. What material is the famous Eiffel Tower constructed of?

9. In what country were the first skyscrapers built?
10. Are they good to live in? Would you like to live in a skyscraper?

73. Translate the extract in writing. Use a dictionary if necessary.

The Empire State Building was built in 1931 in the United States of; America. Its construction took about two years. The exterior of the sky­scraper is supported by a framework produced of steel. It should be noted that 60,000 tons of steel were used for its production. The Empire State Building is considered to be one of the tallest and spacious construction of the world. It can be attended by 80,000 people simultaneously.

i ч Metals_______________________________ .—


to melt - отливать, плавить to pull — тянуть to pool down — сносить построй­ку

«he kiv terms and headwords.

ЩШ - сплав

• i'ii«m - исключение ^Hpl - обозначение соедине-

ний закиси железа ^Hfee - ковать

■, Read the terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian.Hdus metal — черный металл Hpus iron — закисное железо Bfbrccment metal — железная арматура

поп - без, не-, анти-non-metal - металлоид

See Ex. 74.

-ferrous metal — цветной металл -bearing wall — ненесушая стена -corrosive material — нержавеющий материал

76. Put down the corresponding verbs. Translate the words.

Model: possession - to possess

Itception -to__________ corrosion -to__________

dilution —to__________ fabrication — to________

|t7. See Ex. 74.

Pjlter — литейщик |!oyed steel — легированная сталь distance alloy — сплав высокого сопротивления He king tank — котел для плавки )»rger - кузнец

urging test — испытание на ковкость jlling machine — подъемная машина

р 78. State parts of speech. Translate the words.

bxcept, forge, meltable, meltability, ferrous, fusible, support, light, con­duct, conductor, conductivity

Essential Cou



Read and translate the article. »

All metals, with the exception of mercury (ртуть), are hard- and fire-: resistant.[The comrnqn properties of metals being hardness and high fire-] resistance, they are widely used in modern construction.

Metals are divided into two main groups: ferrous and non-ferrous Iron, steel and their various alloys belong to the group of ferrous metals while the main) component of non-ferrous metals is not iron.

All metals have some common properties: they can be pulled, forged
and melted. They are also good conductors of electricity. i

Ferrous metals are commonly used for construction of supporting
members. Steel and other ferrous metals serve as reinforcement in ferro­
concrete constructions. ]

As to non-ferrous metals, their advantage is their being light. They are also good conductors of electricity, copper being the best one. Metals possess high resistance.

79. Pair work. Think of several questions covering the article. Put them to your group-mate.


careful - точный, старательный ordinary — обычный, простой

Master the key terms and head words, amount — количество, сумма general - общий, общего характера

88. Put down the corresponding adjective; translate the words.

Model: partially - partial — частичный

carefully -__________________ -_________

safely —__________________ —________

generally —_________________ —________

ordinarily —__________________ —________

carelessly —_____________

TABLE III Kinds of Steel

кровельная сталь легированная с. листовая с. нержавеющая с.
strip s. welding s. reinforcing s.
полосовая с. сварочная с. арматурная с.

roofing steel alloyed s. sheet s. stainless s.

til i In- terminological combinations given in the table. Translate them from En-Ululi In to Russian and from Russian into English.

i- instate the terminological combinations.

.......... \ -Лес] ____________________________________________________________________

11nctural steel __________________________________

■ lled amount_____________________________________

imll'il amount of carbon _______________________________

^Hdhresistant alloyed steel___________________________

MllCS _______________________________________________________________________________________

Ну designed steel frames __________________________

s$ steel_________________________________________

|il.ini npiipment produced of stainless steel_________________

(■ I_________________________________________________________________________________________

ВИшПуused sheet steel ______________________________

II hi nslate the following questions. I What group of metals does steel belong to? .' What substances can steel contain?

What amount of carbon does steel generally contain? H. What materials can be used for producing plant equipment?

What is the construction purpose of steel frames? For what reason must they be carefully designed? HI Read the following decimals. . 1.07; 15.008; 110.95; 0.003; 0.01; 45.0006; 100.95

■lidand translate the article.

What is steel as a construction material? Steel may be classified as iron

wiih I he controlled amount of carbon. The amount of carbon in steel is gener-

Btlyless than 1.7 per cent. Ordinary structural steel should contain less than

Ihiec tenth of one per cent carbon. This kind of steel also contains small

mts of phosphorus, sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen and silicon. Like iron and its alloys, steel belongs to ferrous metals. It is a hard substance. Accordingly, it i .in be pulled, forged, and melted. Generally, steel, this strong metal, like oth-|f r metals, is a good conductor of electricity. Alloyed steel and stainless steel ■Utcorrosion-resistant kinds of steel. Corrosion-resistant materials are known to be widely used for plant equipment, furnaces, valves, etc.

It should be noted that steel frames as a whole and their separate parts should be carefully designed: their function is to be able to carry the loads imposed on them and supported by them.

Essential Course

Unit Six. Metals





power - сила, энергия, мощ­ность relative - относительный transfer - передача, перемеще­ние

Master the key terms and head words.

alumina - глинозем, окись

алюминия ductile - гибкий, ковкий foil — фольга middle - середина oxygen - кислород

85. Put down the corresponding a) nouns; b) verbs; c) adjectives; d) nouns, a) Model: ductile - ductility

Pure -_____________________________________

durable —______________________________________

resistive —

b) Model: comparison - to compare

addition —to_______________

ornamentation - to_______________

generation - to_____________

location - to

c) Model: easily - easy

relatively —____________

generally -_____________

additionally —______________

extremely —____________

d) Model: oxygenous — oxygen

porous —_____________

transferable —____________

comparable —___________

advantageous -___

86. Put down the combinations with the opposite meaning.

Model: powerful transfer — powerless transfer

short distance —__________________

cheap foil —__________________

interior ornamentation —_________________

unnecessary details -________________

comparable amounts —

tilllу surfaces

■ilmosphere —_______________________

и' I isc the word power as an attribute. Translate the combinations. Model: power engineering — энергетика


supply _____________________


station _____________________

generation ____________________



И8. Read the combinations. Translate them from Russian.

■umina cement - глиноземный цемент Hire copper — красная медь

i loader - ковш для загрузки бетона fell covering - покрытие из фольги

ductile materials - гибкие материалы ■tnsfer service - служба передачи

i rnnsferred load — нагрузка, передаваемая элементами друг другу

Head and translate the article.

Aluminum is a considerably new structural material. For a long peri­od it was considered to be rather expensive since its production required Ihe use of electric power. Because of its relatively high cost, aluminum was | not very popular as a construction material till the middle of the twentieth century. But now the situation is absolutely different.

Aluminum and aluminum-based alloys are extremely popular and are widely used in various forms for construction purposes.

The advantages of aluminum, compared with other popular metals, are its high strength combined with lightness. High-purity aluminum (about 99% pure) is soft and ductile but its great disadvantage is that it is not strong enough. At the same time it has high corrosion resistance and is used in construction of buildings as bright foil for heat insulation, roofing, exterior and interior architectural ornamentation.

And what about aluminum alloys? They are much more advanta­geous than pure substance, Aluminum alloys are much harder and strong­er than pure aluminum. Besides, pure aluminum is rather difficult to cast while many of its alloys are extremely easily cast. Pure aluminum is easily alloyed with other metals. And these combinations possess a great variety of usage. For example, when alloyed with copper, aluminum possesses

4 - 6049

Essential Course

Unit Seven


shale— сланец shape- форма, очертание texture- структура, строение to take into account- прини­мать во внимание
ovtrpref. - над, свыше, сверх-overburnt— пережженный

additional strength. Unfortunately, it is much less corrosion resistive than alloys with manganese, chromium, or magnesium and silicon.

One more advantage of aluminum is that it can be easily remelted over and over again.

Aluminum combined with oxygen forms a new oxide. Its name is alumina. Alumina is a colourless crystallic substance. It is glass hard, solid and extremely durable.

It should be also noted that being an excellent conductor aluVninum is widely used in power engineering. It serves for long-distance transfer of electric power.

89. Which of the qualities listed below can be classified as advantages (disadvantages)
of materials used for construction purposes?

ductability, poor conductance, low durability, high corrosion resistance, high purity, low strength, high cost, low cost, excellent conductance, hard­ness, workability, poor purity, high strength

90. Pair work. Have a talk with your groupmate. Use the questions given below.

1. Why was aluminum unpopular for a long period?

2. What good qualities does aluminum possess?

3. Where is aluminum in the form of bright foil used?

4. What are the advantages of aluminum alloys?

5. Can aluminum be remelted?

6. In what way is alumina produced?

7. What are its properties?

8. What does aluminum serve in power engineering for?





Master the key terms and head words.

clay — глина

mortar— раствор

poor— слабый, скудный,

бедный, плохой raw— сырой raw materials- сырьё

underpre/. — под, ниже,

менее, недо-under burnt — недостаточно


91. Fair work. Ask your groupmate to translate the examples given below a) into Rus­sian; b) into English.

перегрузка — overload пережженный — overburned подземное убежище — undershelter избыточный вес — overweight недостаточный размер — undersize надсмотрщик — overman перепроизводство — overproduction подпочва — undersoil

State parts of speech. Translate every word.

pollution, extremely, porous, poor, poorly, size, shape, fabricate, clay, burn,

brick, underweight, overproduce



Essential Course

92. Connect the English combinations with the corresponding Russian ones. Take into
account the different translations of the word poor.

Model: 1. poor light - с) тусклый свет

1. poor light а) тощая (бедная) смесь

2. poor knowledge b) слабая прочность

3. poor contact с) тусклый свет

4. poor mixture d) слабые знания

5. poor strength e) плохой контакт

6. poor vacuum f) недостаточный вакуум

93. Translate the following combinations into Russian.

extremely strong and glass hard bricks_____________________

underburnt and highly porous bricks_______________________

clay and shale used as raw materials ______________________

wood panel used as construction material___________________

bricks produced by drying in the sun______________________

bricks made of mortar and burnt clay______________________

few forests and little timber______________________________

many forests and much timber___________________________

polluted atmosphere and polluted soil______________________

eco-friendly production and eco-friendly usage _____________

(eco-friendly — экологически благополучный)

94. Translate the sentences. Mind the Nominative Absolute Construction.

1. Salmon brick being porous and underburnt, its strength is extremely poor.

2. Modern bricks being different in size, texture, and colours, one can easily choose the type of brick necessary for one's construction.

3. Timber being strong and workable, it is widely used for flooring and roofing.

4. Freshly cut wood containing some moisture, it cannot be classified as a strong building material.

5. The upper stratum of soil being organic, it must be removed from the building area.

6. Wood panels requiring less labour for installation, they are widely used for construction purposes.

Read and translate the article.

Brick, stone, and timber are known to be the oldest building materials. Bricks belong to artificial (man-made) materials. Their production started in prehistoric times. Since then they have been produced and tested in all types

Unit Seven. Brick. Terracotta. Ceramic Tiles_______________ _53

of climate and in many countries. Thousands of years ago the builders in Egypt already knew the advantages of bricks and used them for construction. In those days the production of bricks was quite different from the modern one: bricks were produced not by burning but by drying in the sun, there being much sunshine in Egypt all the year round. Brick work was also popular in Rome, there being very few growing forests and as a result little timber there.

In modern times bricks can be made of concrete, mortar, of burnt clay and of a combination of some other substances. For example, different types of clay and shale can be used as raw materials. Accordingly, bricks produced nowadays have different sizes, shapes, colours, and textures. Bricks also vary with the method of fabrication and temperatures of burning. It should be noted that some types of brick, such as, for example, salmon bricks are un­derburnt and highly porous. Naturally, their strength is extremely poor. This property of salmon brick should be taken into account when choosing brick material for construction. But there exist many other types of brick that are extremely strong and almost glass hard. Between these extremes there lie some other types of brick with different properties. Brick properties are of great importance and should be taken into account while choosing material for construction purposes. 95. Choose and put down the correct variant.

1. Shale and clay belong to {natural, man-made)_____ materials.

2. {Metal and glass, clay and mortar)___________________ are used

for fabricating bricks.

3. In {prehistoric, modern)________________ times bricks {are, were)

made by {drying in the sun, burning)____________

4. Russia is extremely {rich, poor)___________ in raw materials.

5. There were {many, few)________ growing forests in Rome in pre­historic times.

6. Bricks {are extremely different, do not differ)_____________ . in size,

colour, and texture.

96. Mr work. Put these questions to your groupmate.

1. What building materials are considered to be the oldest ones?

2. What natural (man-made) materials are used for construction nowa­days?

3. Is brick a newly produced or an ancient building material?

4. In what countries are there (many, few) growing forests?

5. What countries are rich (poor) in raw materials?

6. What properties of brick should be taken into account when choos­ing material for building purposes?

Essential Course

Unit-Seven. Brick. Terracotta. Ceramic Tiles


7. Was the atmosphere polluted in the ancient world?

8. Why is the modern atmosphere polluted?

9. What processes pollute the atmosphere nowadays?

Part 2

Master the key terms and head words.




adhesive [ad'hiisiv] — клейкий dependence — зависимость flat- плоский; квартира inch,in. — дюйм square— площадь, квадрат tile— плитка, кафель, черепица to apply- применять, прикла­дывать to consist of — состоять из to depend on, upon — зависеть от by means of — посредством, с помощью glaze- глазурь glazy — глянцевый, блестящий
97. Supply the missing parts of speech. Translate the words. Model: Verb Noun Adjective to apply application applicable
Verb to Noun Adjective various, variable
to decoration dependenc  
to to exist 2 (in)dependent
to   usable, useful, useless
to resist    
to lengthen    
to depth  
to wide

98. Read the examples. Translate them from Russian,
glazier - стекольщик

adhesive substance — клейкое вещество tile floor — мозаичный пол joint place - место соединения

99. Fill in the following prepositions: because of, on, to, of, by means of, in.

1. What building materials belong_____________ the oldest ones?

2. Does the colour of tiles depend____ the colour_____ the clay?


3. What ingredients does concrete depend___ ?

4. What does the weight_____ live load depend____ ?

5. Overbumt and underburnt bricks are unpopular____ their poor


6. Ceramic tiles are applied______ adhesive substances.

7. Concrete, metals, and plastics belong______ construction mate­rials widely used nowadays.

8. What ingredients does concrete consist______ ?

9. In ancient Egypt stone blocks were joined___ bronze.

10. European countries are rich___ timber.

Read and translate the article.

Ceramic Tiles

It is a well-known fact that there exist many types of bricks. Some of them are highly usable in construction while others are not popular be­cause of their poor properties. Between these types there lie various types that are used for specific purposes. To them belong, for example, ceramic tiles.

Ceramic tiles is a burned-clay product. It is mainly used for decora­tive and sanitary purposes.

A ceramic tile consists of a clay body (корпус) covered with decora­tive glaze. Ceramic tiles are usually flat in form. They are extremely vari­ous. They vary in size from about 1/2 in square to more than 6 in. Their shapes are widely variable: squares, rectangles, hexagones, and others. Ceramic tiles are produced from clays of different colours. But - strange as it is - their colours do not depend on the colours of clays they are made of. Tiles are glazed, as a rule, and their colour depends on the colour of the glaze they are covered with. It is quite natural that ceramic tiles in practice exist in wide variety of colours: from pure whites to deep darks and blacks. Ceramic tiles are applied to the covered surface by means of a mortar or some adhesive substance. They are usually applied with the thinnest mor­tar joint.

100. Fair work. Put these questions to your groupmate. Let him/her answer them.

1. Is the body of a ceramic tile covered with some substance? What sub­stance is it covered with?

2. What spheres are ceramic tiles used in?

3. Do they differ in forms, colours, and shapes?

4. What are their colours and sizes?

5. By what means are ceramic tiles applied to the surfaces? Are they applied with a thick or thin adhesive joint?

Essential Course

Control Yourself


Read and translate the article.


Terracotta belongs to decorative types of brick. They are produced of burned clay. Their structural properties being similar to the properties of brick, they are often used in a manner similar to brick. Terracotta also exists in a wide variety of colours from pure whites to blacks. Their colour depends on the colour of the glaze they are covered with. Different adhe­sive substances are used for the application of terracotta to ^ie surfaces being decorated with them. 101. Шг work. Think of 3-4 questions covering the article. Put them to your groupmate.

TABLE IV Types of Brick

clay brick ceramic b. lime and sand b. common b. porous b. solid b. airb. wall b. shaped b. cellular b. pressed b.

глиняный кирпич керамический к. известково-песчаный к. красный к. пористый к. полнотелый к. пустотелый к. стеновой к. фасонный к. ячеистый к. прессованный к.

102. Read the combinations given in Table ГУ. Translate them a) from English into Rus­sian; b) from Russian into English.

103. Translate the English variants of the given sentences into Russian in writing. Com pare your variants with the given ones. Mind your mistakes if any.


1. Bricks are divided into several grades.

2. In what way should bricks as a building material be transported?

3. Don't load bricks in bulk!

4. Don't use pale bricks or overburned bricks.


1. Кирпич делится на несколько марок.

2. Каким путем следует перевозить кирпич как строительный ма териал?

3. Не грузите кирпич навалом!

4. Не используйте недостаточно обожженные или пережженны кирпичи.


Can you choose the correct variant without consulting the articles "Construction Mate­rials", "Wood", "Metals", "Brick"? In case you fail to do so, we recommend you to repeat the corresponding material.

1. High cost and low fire-resistance are classified as

a) advantages ) of construction materials.

b) disadvantages )

2. Cement, brick, and concrete may serve as examples of

a) natural materials

b) artificial materials

3. Durability, strength, and high fire-resistance are properties

a) of stone

b) of wood

4. Iron, steel, and their alloys belong to

a) ferrous metals

b) non-ferrous metals

5. One of the advantages of cast iron is

a) its cheapness

b) its high cost

6. Aluminum is

a) a good conductor of electricity

b) a poor conductor of electricity

7. VSfaod is considered to be

a) the only naturally renewable material

b) one of the naturally renewable materials

8. In cut wood water content is

a) constantly increasing

b) constantly decreasing

9. Steel, brick, and concrete

a) differ in their properties

b) have the same structural properties 10. The drier is the cut wood


a) the lower is its strength

b) the greater is its strength

Essential Course

Control Yourself. Review of Units 4-7


11. Large structural members are produced by glueing together

a) large strips of wood

b) small strips of wood

12. Wood panels are

a) much easier to install than boards

b) much more difficult to install than boards

13. Plywood panels are made up of

a) thin wooden veneers glued together

b) thick wooden veneers glued together

14. Timber is material that is

a) artificially renewed

b) naturally renewed

15. Removal of moisture from timber

a) increases its strength, hardness, and workability

b) decreases its strength, hardness, and workability

16. Birch and oak belong to

a) hardwoods

b) softwoods

17. Hardwoods are widely used

a) for sanitary purposes

b) for decorative purposes

18. In ancient Egypt bricks were produced

a) by burning

b) by drying in the sun

19. Russia is

a) poor in raw materials

b) extremely rich in raw materials

20. Overburned brick

a) should not be used in construction

b) can be used for construction purposes

21. Underburned brick is

a) highly porous

b) glass hard

22. Bricks are produced of

a) sand and water

b) mortar and burned clay

23. Many/Few growing forests serve for producing

a) much timber

b) little timber

24. The properties of building materials


a) are of no importance for building purposes

b) should be taken into account

25. Ceramic tiles are

a) modern products

b) ancient products

26. World's modern atmosphere is

a) clean and fresh

b) highly polluted by chemical waste

27. The colour of ceramic tiles

a) does not depend on the colour of clay

b) depends on the colour of the clay they are made up of

28. Ceramic tiles are applied by means of

a) glue

b) some adhesive substance

29. They are applied with an extremely

a) thin mortar joint

b) thick mortar joint

30. The properties of terracotta are

a) different from the properties of brick

b) similar to the properties of brick


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