

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Poured-in-place floors

One should strictly follow the job practice for making poured-in-place floors. The measured materials for making the mastic must be put into the concrete mixer in the strictly correct order. The water and the emulsion should be carefully mixed till the mastic becomes homogeneous.

When making a poured-in-place floor, mastic is applied with a spray gun and its nozzle must be kept away from the floor surface.


Essential Course

Unit Fifteen. Floor


Ornamental Floor Covering

Master the key terms and head words.

adhesive—клейкий, связывающий stove — печь, сушильная печь
cutter — резец, фреза to tap — слегка ударять

svb-pref. — под-, недо-subclass — подкласс subfloor - основание под пол

degree - градус, степень immediate — немедленный, непо­средственный mallet - молоток, ступка

229. Read the terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian.

adhesive substance — клейкое вещество degree of hardness — степень твердости cutter instrument — режущий инструмент adhesive power — сила сцепления degree of safety — степень безопасности substructure — основание, нижнее строение

230. Find the Russian terms b) corresponding to the English ones a).

Model: ornamental glass — узорное стекло
a) immediate action b) режущая головка

subdivision градусы ниже нуля

rectangular timber мгновенное действие

rubber mallet подразделение

cutter head брусковой пиломатериал

degree of frost резиновый молоток

231. Choose the English sentences b) corresponding to the given Russian ones a).

Model: 2-1

a) 1. Основание под пол насеките, очистите и промойте водой.

2. В этом помещении делайте, пожалуйста, рисунчатый пол.

3. При устройстве пола... с прямоугольным рисунком плитки рас­полагайте параллельно стенам, с диагональным рисунком плит­ки располагайте под углом 45°.

4. Наносите мастику на основание на один ряд плиток.

5. После нанесения мастики необходимо сразу же укладывать плитку.

6. Укладку плиток ведите по разработанным картам раскроя.

7. Подогрев плиток производите на электроплите.

8. Плотнее, пожалуйста, прижимайте плитку к основанию.

9. Для более плотного прилипания плитки осадите ее ударами
резинового молотка.

10. Резку плиток производите при помощи резаков.

Ь) 1. Make an ornamental floor covering in the room, please.

2. Scratch, clean, and wash out the subfloor.

3. When making a floor with... a rectangular design set the tiles parallel to the wall,... a diagonal design set the tiles at 45° to the wall.

4. Cut the tiles with a cutter.

5. For better adhesion tap the tiles into position with a rubber mallet.

6. Lay the tiles to the prepared design.

7. Apply mastic to the subfloor only for one course of tiles.


8. Tiles should be laid immediately after the mastic has been applied.

9. Press the tiles tightly to the subfloor, please.

Laying the Parquet Floor Master the key terms and head words, battens - рейки row - ряд to batten - скреплять рейками string — шнурок direction — направление tongue — гребень to face - облицовывать to lay - настилать joint — стык, шов to saw — пилить joist - балка 232. Put down a) the corresponding adjective; b) the corresponding verb. ■a) Model: jointly-joint - объединенный hardly -________________ -_________________ directly -________________ -_________________ previously -_________________ -_________________

10, Heat up the tiles on an electric stove.

b) Model: perforation - to perforate - пробивать отверстие

selection —_______________ —________________

direction —_______________ —________________

addition —_______________ —________________

regulation —________________ —________________

233. a) Read the examples. Translate them from Russian.

sawer - пильщик sawdust — опилки

Essential Course

Unit Fifteen. Floor


face of building — фасад здания joint stock company — акционерное общество b) Translate the following combinations, flooring battens present strip preparatory work parquet-floor layer 234. Connect the English terminological combinations with the corresponding Russian ones. Model: jointless floor - бесшовный пол у направляющая пружина акционерное общество дощатая переборка потолок на деревянных балках брусковый гвоздь прямое действие место стыка пиленый лес круглая пила
8. Before the first row is laid fix a string along the line of the course. 9. Every strip should be moved toward the previ­ously laid one.   10. Force the strip into posi­tion by tapping a piece of board set against the strip. 11. Nail the pressed strip down. 12. The nail should be ... 60-70 mm long.   13. Saw the strips with a disc saw, please. 14. When laying short parquet strips make the joints on common joists. 15. An additional common joist should be set up here.
previously laid strip

sawn timber joist nail disk saw batten wall joint place joint stock company joist ceiling direct action batten spring

235. a) Read the given sentences, fry

1. Lay a parquet floor in this

2. Select flooring battens of
the same wood.

3. Lay the parquet floor only after all the preparatory work has been done.

4. Parquet strips should be laid in the direction of the light. Parquet strips in corridors should be laid in the direction of the move­ment of the people.

5. Lay the strips working to­wards yourself.

6. The tongue of the laid strip should face, the par­quet-floor layer.

7. Lay the first row of par­quet strips ... mm from the wall.

to translate the English sentences into Russian.

1. В этом помещении настилай­
те паркетный пол.

2. Рейки основания подбирайте
из древесины одной породы.

3. Настилку пола из паркетных досок производите после окончания подготовительных работ.

4. Паркетные доски укладыва­ются по направлению света. В коридорах паркетные доски укладываются по направле­нию движения людей.

5. Настилку досок ведите «на себя».

6. Гребень укладываемой доски должен быть обращен в сторо­ну паркетчика.

7. Первый ряд паркетных досок кладите на расстоянии ... мм от стены.


8. Перед укладкой первого ряда натяните шнур вдоль линии ук­ладки.

9. Каждая последующая доска при­двигается к ранее уложенной.


10. Придвигайте доску ударом мо­лотка по прокладке из обрезка доски.

11. Прижатую паркетную доску при­бивайте гвоздями.

12. Гвозди для прибивки паркета должны быть длиной 60—70 мм.


13. Доски распилите, пожалуйста, дисковой пилой.

14. При настилке укороченных пар­кетных досок стык должен быть на лаге.

15. Здесь надо установить дополни­тельную лагу.

b) Read and translate the questions. Answer them consulting the sentences given above.

1. How should flooring battens be selected?

2. When must the parquet floor be laid?

3. In what direction should parquet strips be laid?

4. What direction should the tongue of the laid strip face?

5. How should the first row of parquet strips be laid?

6. Where should a string be fixed?


7. In what way should every strip be moved?

8. In what way should the strip be forced into position?

9. How long should the nails be?

10. What kind of saw is used for sawing the strips?


means — средства, ресурсы rise - подъем, повышение horizontal - горизонтальный

Master the key terms and head words, access - доступ, подход available — имеющийся в нали­чии, годный

Essential Course

Unit Fifteen. Floor


Supply the words according to the model.

Model: duration - durable — durability

access -_______________ -________________

avail -______________ -________________

236. Which of the words are nouns? adjectives?

availability, accessible, equal, equality

237. Read the combinations. Translate them from Russian, available data — данные, имеющиеся в распоряжении means of reproduction — средства воспроизведения rising moisture - возрастающая сырость

238. Give the Russian for:

domestic stairways means of access

pitch length steadily rising costs

Read and translate the article.

Practically every modern building is supplied with stairways of some kind. A stairway is designed to provide a means of access between different floor levels of a building. Nowadays stairways are produced of various con­struction materials but the most popular among them are timber and rein­forced concrete. Of them timber may be used for domestic stairs of all kinds because of its economical availability. As to reinforced concrete it is popular because of its durable qualities, great resistivity to decay and great resistance to fire. It should be taken into account that domestic timber stairs must be designed for safe and comfortable use by people of different ages.

What is required of stair construction? The main requirements are the following. Firstly, there should be guaranteed equal rise for every step and landing. Secondly, the maximum pitch length to the horizontal must be 42°. Thirdly, stair length must include not less than two rises and not greater than sixteen.

239. Pair work. Have a talk with your groupmate. Use the following questions.

1. What house do you live in? Is it a modern or an old one?

2. Is it a multistorey building?

3. What materials is it constructed of?

4. What storey (floor) do you live on?

5. What materials are the stairways made of?

6. Is there an elevator (a lift) in your house?

7. Do you have to use it?

8. How many rooms are there in your apartment (flat)?

9. What colours are the walls in the rooms?

10. Do you like your flat or would you like to change it for another (big­ger or smaller) one?

11. For how long have you been living in your house?

12. Are there trees and bushes around it?

Underfloor Services

Master the key terms and head words.

boiler - котел to distribute - размещать, рас-
capacity — емкость, объем пределять

facility - доступность, удобство to raise - повышать, поднимать

facilities - устройства, средства raised - поднятый, выпуклый

240. Combine the given attributes a) with the nouns b) and form the English combina­tions corresponding to the given Russian ones c).

a) distribution b) substation capacity of air

distributing load piping


с) распределение воздуха

распределительная подстанция _ распределенная емкость

распределительный трубопровод
распределенная нагрузка_____

241. Read the following terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian.

facility of access — доступность воздуха raised panel — выпуклая панель capacity of boiler — емкость котла

242. Translate the following combinations.

computer facilities finish-floor surface raised access flooring
limited capacity removable panels raised finish-floor surface

Read and translate the following article.

In offices and computer facilities, floors are frequently used for the distribution of electrical and communication wiring.

In computer rooms and offices supplied with a large number of elec­tronic machines raised access flooring is frequently used. Raised access

Essential Course

flooring is a raised floor surface. It consists of small individually remov­able panels. Under these panels, wiring, ductwork, and other services may be installed. This type of flooring provides unlimited capacity for wiring, piping, and ductwork. The space below the flooring can serve for air distri­bution. Any changes in underfloor systems can be made quite easily. Con­ditioned air can be supplied to computer rooms through the space below the raised access flooring.

243. Translate the following questions and answer them. )

1. What parts of buildings are frequently used for the distribution of elec­trical and communication wiring?

2. In what rooms and offices is raised access flooring frequently used?

3. What panels does a raised floor surface consist of?

4. What kinds of services may be installed under these panels?

5. What purposes can the space below the flooring serve?

6. Why can any changes in underfloored systems be easily made?

7. In what way can conditioned air be supplied to computer rooms?



Control Yourself


Choose the correct variant.

1. External and internal constructions possess

a) the same functions

b) different functions

2. The main function of interior walls is

a) dividing the space of the constructions

b) transmitting floor/roof loads to a foundation

3. Interior walls and partitions usually have

a) simple surface

b) complex surface

4. The framing materials of internal walls may be

a) steel or wood studs

b) concrete blocks

5. Openings in fire walls

a) should be strictly restricted in size

b) may be of any size

6. The fire separation wall

a) extends from foundation to roof

b) extends from floor to ceiling

7. Shaft walls enclose

a) a one-storey open space \ . .,.. Л u-* r ma building.

b) a multistorey open space )

8. Plywood siding materials are

a) relatively cheap

b) rather expensive

9. Large sheets of plywood are

a) more slowly installed than the boards "i ..; u\ . ,, . . „ ... .. . , ? of the same area.

b) more quickly installed than the boards /

Essential Course

Control Yourself. Review of Units 13-15


10. Plywood sidings

a) never decay

b) may decay

11. If plywood sidings are made of decay-resistant materials

a) they must have the surface coverage

b) they can be left without the surface coverage

12. In small buildings, wall and ceiling surfaces

a) are left uncovered

b) are covered with plaster or gypsum board

13. Windows are produced

a) in factories only

b) both in shops and factories

14. The area of glass in windows

a) may not be strictly determined

b) should be determined according to the regulations

15. Openings in fire separation walls

a) are not restricted in size

b) are restricted in size

16. In order to make a wall watertight

a) it is necessary to build walls very carefully

b) one should eliminate every hole or crack

17. There exist

a) double-hung windows only

b) both single-hung and double-hung windows

18. A system of special springs is used in
a) single-hung windows

a) double-hung windows

19. Roof windows

a) are always fixed

b) may be fixed or openable

20. The properties of wood as a frame material

a) do not depend on changes of the weather

b) depend on changes of the weather: they shrink and swell

21. Dark flooring materials

a) produce mirrorlike reflections

b) absorb light and darken a room

22. Floors require

a) less cleaning and maintenance work "i than other compo-

b) more cleaning and maintenance work / nents of a building.

23. The design of the floors

a) is independent of the structural loads of the building frame

b) should depend on the structural loads of the building frame

24. When making a poured-in-place floor

a) mastic is applied with a spray gun

b) mastic is poured on the floor from a mixer

25. Parquet strips should be laid

a) in the direction of the light

b) in the direction of the movement of the people

26. Modern stairways are produced

a) of various construction materials

b) of reinforced concrete only

27. Stair length must include

a) not less than one rise

b) not less than two rises

28. Raised access flooring consists of

a) small removable panels

b) large removable panels

29. Wiring, ductwork, and other services are installed

a) above these panels

b) under these panels

Essential Course


30. Any changes in underfloor systems can be made

a) only with great difficulty

b) quite easily

What is the English for:

внешняя стена толстые стены

внутренняя стена тонкие стены


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