

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника



1. For breakfast

a) sandwiches (a cheese/ sausage sandwich, bread

and butter)

b) eggs (hard/ soft – boiled eggs, fried eggs, an omelette)

c) cereals (porridge, buckwheat porridge, rice, semolina)

d) dairy produce (milk, butter, cream, sour-cream, curds)

e) bread (a loaf/ a piece of white/ rye/ fresh/ stale bread)

f) pastries (biscuits, a cake, a pie, a pancake)

2. For dinner

a) for the first course (borscht, clear/ meat/ vegetable/ cabbage/

noodle soup)

b) for the second course

(- a beefsteak, a chop, a cutlet, sausages;

- meat: fried, roasted,

smoked; beef, pork, veal, mutton;

- poultry: chicken, duck, turkey;

- fish: perch, salmon, herring,

sardines, cod, trout;

- macaroni;

- vegetables: potatoes, (boiled, mashed, fried),

cabbage, carrot, cucumber (pickled), tomato, cauliflower,

mushrooms, onion, egg-plant, garlic, parsley)

c) for dessert (sweets/ candy, a bar of chocolate, jelly,

honey, marmalade, an ice-cream.

3. Soft drinks

a) tea ( strong, middling, weak, sweet)

b) coffee ( black, white (with cream), instant)

c) cocoa

d) water (fresh, mineral, soda)

e) lemonade

f) juice

4. Alcoholic drinks (aperitif)

- beer – vine - cognac – champagne – vodka

5. Fruits

- apple – apricot – banana – cherry – currant – grapes -

gooseberry – raspberry - strawberry – lemon – water-

melon – orange – peach – pear – pineapple – plums –

tangerine – walnut – chestnut – date – raisin

6. Seasoning and spices

- margarine - sunflower oil – salt, pepper – vinegar –

baking powder – flower – mayonnaise



What Do They Eat?

1. For breakfast

a) sandwiches

b) eggs (bacon and eggs, scrambled eggs, poached


c) cereals (cornflakes)

d) dairy produce (yoghurt, cheddar cheese)

e) toast with marmalade

2. For lunch

a) for the first course: -meat with vegetables

-fish and chips

-chips and sausages (plain

and butter)


-Yorkshire pudding, cottage


-barbecued meat

-vegetables (beans, peas,

lettuce, celery)

b) for dessert: -plum/ jam/ rice/ pudding

3. For their afternoon tea

- pastries: -a cheese/ plum/ chocolate cake

-a doughnut

-a strawberry tart

-an apple pie

4. For dinner

a) for the first course: -chicken broth, beef tea,

vegetable soup

b) for the second course: -meat with vegetables

5. Supper


Vocabulary Practice


1. Enumerate (as many as you can)

- kinds of meat

- kinds of fish

- fruits

- vegetables

- dairy produce

- dishes with eggs

- pastries

2. Make sure you can answer the following questions:

- What did you have for breakfast/ dinner/ supper yesterday?

- What are you going to have dinner/ supper today?

- What’s your favourite fruit/ vegetable/ kind of fish/ first course/ second course/ desert?

- What do you like having for dinner/ supper?

- What dishes do you cook?

3. Odd Man Out

- In each of these lines, there’s one word should be not there. Can you find it and explain why you think so?

- butcher, greengrocer, baker, newsagent;

- orange, potato, apple, grape;

- kitchen, bedroom, garage, dining-room;

- gin, vodka, whiskey, lemonade;

- pear, biscuit, plum, cherry;

- carrot, vegetable, cabbage, egg-plant;

- beef, lamb, egg, pork;

- noodles, beefsteak, fish, chop;

- cornflakes, porridge, poultry, rice.


Stories and Dialogues

1. Breakfast

They say, breakfast should be substantial, but I don’t

like to have breakfast. I prefer a cup of tea or cocoa with a couple of sandwiches. Sometimes I have coffee in the morning, but not very often. I have it white. My mother likes eggs for breakfast, but not me. I like neither boiled nor fried eggs. On Sunday when I take it easy, I like a toast with butter and honey. But my favourite Sunday breakfast is cold meat with mustard, or ham with brown bread.

2. Dinner

Dinner is my most substantial meal. Usually I have a four-course dinner. I like to have vegetable salad for an appetizer or herring with oil and onions. Cabbage soup is my favourite first course. I have it with sour-cream and brown bread. But sometimes I have chicken soup

or broth with rice. I prefer meat to fish for the second. I like fried or stewed meat with gravy and mashed potatoes or boiled vegetables. If I have fish for dinner I have it fried with chips and green peas. I'm very particular about my dessert. In summer I have stewed fruit or fruit juice. In winter I prefer to have hot strong and sweet tea with lemon if there's some.

3. Tea

Englishmen like to have tea at five o'clock. So do I. I

think it does you good as you can have a very light supper after five-o'clock tea. I usually make my tea myself and like to lay the table for it. I like to have tea with lemon and sugar. My mother prefers hers with

jam or marmalade.. Very often we have tea with honey and buttered toasts. On Sunday my mother or we bake something to a chat a cake or a pie. We like to have a chat over a cup of strong nice tea.

4. At Lunch

Vocabulary Notes:

tempt – соблазнять

I must have put on pounds as it is. – Я так уже поправился.

You have hardly eaten anything. – Вы почти ничего не ели.

Just take it to please me. – Ну, съешьте ради меня.

… or I shan't have any room for the pudding. – а то у меня не останется места для пудинга.

1 2

-You must have some -Wouldn''t you like

more chicken. to finish up the

-No, thanks. I'm slimming. omelette?

-Can't I tempt you? -No, really, thank

-Well, may be I could you. I just couldn't

manage a very small piece. eat any more.

-Come on, now.

Surely you can

manage it

-No, thank you

really, I must have

put on pounds as it is.


3 4

-Another piece of meat -Do you have the rest of

pie? the mashed potato?

-No, thanks, really, I'm -No, thank you, I have

on a diet. had too much already.

-Please, do. You have -Just take it to please me.

hardly eaten anything. –OK, but only a small

-It's delicious, but I piece, or I shan't have any

don't think I ought to. room for the pudding…


NOTE: Although the correct name for the midday meal is ''lunch'', many English families call it ''dinner''.

To complicate matters further, the mid-morning break of coffee and biscuits is also called ''lunch''. English people do not wish each other ''Good appetite''.


5. An English Restaurant

- Can we take this nice table for two?

- No, I'm sorry, you can't. It's reserved. Come over here, please. You'll be very comfortable at this table. Here is the menu card.

- Thank you very much. Give us some time to look it through.

- Of course. (in some minutes) have you made the choice?

- I'll start with soup and have a beef steak to follow.

- Do you prefer the beef steak underdone or well-done?

- I like it tender.

- As for me, I had meat for my main course yesterday, so I'll have fish for a change.

- Will you have any dessert? What would you like?

- Fruit salad and ice cream for me.

- I'll have the same. And I'll take a cup of coffee. Won't you have one also?

- Yes. Make it two. That'll be all, I suppose.

- What do we have to pay, waiter?

- 69 euros and 20 cents, sir.

- Here you are. (Give a €100 note.)

- Here is your change – 30 euros and 80 cents.

- Forget 80 cents.

- Thank you. Goodbye.


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