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Complex Subject with the Infinitive

I. Complete the sentences using the verb in brackets and translate them.выделить задания жирным

Model: The value increases. (assume) → The value is assumed to increase.

1. These values are in good agreement with the experimental ones. (consider) 2. Density changes with temperature. (know) 3. The magnitude provides slow shift in energy. (be likely) 4. The product contains two components. (assume) 5. The path is reduced twice. (appear) 6. The value is derived from the above equation. (suppose)

II. Translate the sentences into English using the construction Complex Subject with the Infinitive.

1. Известно, что эти вещества имеют одни и те же свойства. 2. Эти данные, по-видимому, являются весьма точными. 3. Известно, что эти свойства тщательно изучались. 4. По-видимому, прибор работал без поломок (breakdown). 5. Предполагается, что он будет использован в нашем эксперименте. 6. Оказалось, что они уже пользовались подобным прибором. 7. Оказалось, что поведение частиц в этих условиях резко меняется. 8. Доказано, что эти два различных пути рассмотрения вопроса практически являются одним и тем же. 9. Оказалось, что исходные данные были более точными. 10. Известно, что корпускулярная теория света (corpuscular theory of light) объясняет образование теней. 11. Полагают, что они остановили работу из-за отсутствия необходимых материалов. 12. Результаты работы, вероятно, дадут возможность объяснить нашу ошибку.

III. Put questions to the words given in bold type.

1. For the basic principles and equations of reflection to be derivedwe assume simple geometric relations between incident and reflected light rays. 2. Light was assumed to leave a source as an indefinite number of particles traveling in straight lines. 3. We observe rays of light from the same point source to be nonparallel to each other. 4. The path to be followed by any one of these imaginary particles is called a ray of light. 5. The ray to strike the mirror is called the incident ray. 6. The light to be reflected from a polished silver plate is an example of regular reflection.

IV. Answer the questions using the verb in brackets.

Model: Does this value change? (expect) → It is expected to change.

1. Does this metal become glowing at 300˚C? (expect) 2. Is the luminous intensity of a firefly measurable? (know) 3. Does platinum become glowing at this temperature? (assume) 4. Does this substance emit visible light? (see) 5. Is light from a fluorescent lamp incandescent? (doubt) 6. Are the two surfaces at equal distance from the point source? (find)

V. Find the predicate in sentences. Determine the function of the Infinitive in sentences and translate them.

1. The predicted precision was found to be difficult to obtain in practice. 2. Five or six orbit elements are known to be determinable. 3. Another important element in the filter technique to be treated in the equations is the parameter of observability. 4. The purpose of the experiment is to provide evidence of diffraction of light. 5. We are to provide all necessary equipment for the experiment to be carried out successfully. 6. This is the type of procedure to be followed to obtain accurate results. 7. The results presented here are supposed to indicate the type of procedure to obtain exact measurements. 8. To overcome this problem we return to the results listed in Table 2 where the initial weights are given. 9. To come to an approximate solution these values are assumed to be zero. 10. The present paper will present an attempt to apply a form of the Kalman filter to such systems to determine both the state estimation and the time delay.



Дата добавления: 2014-11-13; просмотров: 225; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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