

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

ВСТУПЛЕНИЕ 10 страница

Упражнение 5. Просмотрите текст А и определите тему каждого абзаца.

Text АFoods

Foods are substances which when taken into the body yield energy on oxidation, build new tissue, repair old tissue and play an essential role in growth and nutrition. We know the oxidation of foods produces heat thus maintaining the body temperature and providing kinetic energy for work. Supplying bodily heat and energy and leaving waste materials behind the food is «burned up» in combination with the oxygen to be furnished by the air we breathe.

The overall composition of the body is about 59 per cent water, 18 per cent protein, 18 per cent fat and 4,3 per cent minerals. At any time there is less than 1 per cent carbohydrate in the make-up of the body.

Scientists have studied the problem of food classification for many years. Foods are to be divided into two general classes. These are inorganic and organic foods. The former class includes inorganic salts and water. The latter class includes carbohydrates, fats and proteins. There are accessory foodstuffs called vitamins which are essential to growth and freedom from deficiency diseases1.

Fig. 10.Composition of food.


I'liese substances which make up the body are not distributed equally in ill organs. For example, the percentage of water varies from 90—92 per cent in blood plasma to 72—78 per cent in muscles, 45 per cent in bone, ;md only 5 per cent in tooth enamel. Proteins are found most abundant­ly in muscles. Fat is concentrated in the adipose (fat) cells under the skin and around the intestines. Carbohydrates are found mainly in the liver, muscles and blood. Carbohydrates are known as the chief source of ener­gy. The absence of carbohydrates upsets the fat and protein metabolism. As for the minerals, high levels of calcium and phosphorus form part of (he bones and teeth, sodium and chloride are found mainly in the body fluids (blood plasma and lymph), potassium is the main mineral in mus­cles, iron is essential to red blood cells, and magnesium is found through­out the body. These are the main minerals to be supplied to the body as food but many other minerals are essential to the human body in propor­tionally smaller amounts. They too must be ingested with our food| Other types of food (vitamins) needed in very small amounts for various func­tions of the body are essential.

You determine how you will feel throughout each day by the type of breakfast you eat. Your breakfast establishes how readily your body can pro­duce energy that day or, more specifically, the amount of sugar in your blood. Your energy production, which corresponds to the quantity of sugar available, determines how you think, act and feel. Energy is produced in your body when sugar alone or sugar and fat together are burned (oxidized).

It should be noted, sixty more nutrients are needed to build health. For example, cheese is an excellent source of protein but is largely lacking in carbohydrate. Black currants provide a rich source of ascorbic acid though they make little contribution to the calorie intake of the body. Milk we usually use is regarded as the most excellent food, for it contains much protein but little sugar.

Therefore, it is neccessary to select a well balanced diet containing all the essential nutritional substances to maintain health and to prevent illness.


1. deficiency diseases авитаминоз

Упражнение 6. 1) Прочтите и переведите текст А. Абзац 3 переведите письменно. 2) Найдите в тексте А ответы на следующие вопросы и зачитайте их.

1. Does the oxidation of foods produce heat or energy? 2. How is the food burnt up? 3. What substance is the most abundant one in the body?

4. What substances are present in the body? 5. What is the percentage of different substances in different organs?

3) Найдите в каждом абзаце предложение, выражающее основную мысль абзаца.

Упражнение 7. Найдите в каждом ряду слово, синонимичное по значению первому слову ряда.

1. to supply — to give, to furnish, to support, to provide; 2. to upset — to set up, to disturb, to improve, to distress; 3. food — nourishment, foodstuff, provision; 4. deficiency — need, luck, shortage, imperfection;

5. to yield - to send, to give, to submit, to produce

Упражнение 8. Найдите в каждом ряду слово, противоположное по значению первому слову ряда.

1. the former - the last, the latest, the latter; 2. general — particular, local, definite, in detail; 3. deficiency - efficacy, efficiency, efficient, effectiveness; 4. essential - unimportant, unnecessary, vital, dispensable

Упражнение 9. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, определите функции инфинитива.

1. The most convenient approach to understand metabolism is to ex­amine the properties of different sorts of foods. 2. It is interesting to see the apparatus used to determine the caloric value of different foodstuffs. 3. From the intestines glucose is absorbed and carried to the liver to be converted into a form of carbohydrate, glycogen or animal starch. 4. To reduce weight in an obese patient is an important problem. 5. Fat yields 9 calories of heat per gram instead of the 4 calories to be yielded by sugar.

6. Muscle fibres have the power to store glycogen.

Упражнение 10. Переведите предложения с бессоюзными придаточными.

1. Many substances the organism absorbs may be harmful, and many harmless substances may be difficult for the organism to handle. 2. We know proteins are absolutely essential to the proper nourishment of the human body. 3. There is some evidence vitamin A plays a part to protect the body against rickets. 4. It is known vitamin Сoccurs abun­dantly in the juices of the citrus fruits, tomatoes, germinated seeds, cabbages, carrots, beans, apples, turnips, rutabagas, raspberries, liver. 5. The carbohydrates animals most commonly ingest consist of a vari­ety of sugars.

Упражнение 11. Переведите следующие предложения и определите функции словаfor.

1. The young animals are practically porkilothermic at birth and con- linue to be so for some days. 2. They could not translate the article for it was written in French. 3. Each organism establishes for itself a level of nitrogen metabolism which is modified only with difficulty. 4. Carbo­hydrates and fats are food, substances which do not contain nitrogen; they have high fuel value, and so are able to serve for the production of heat.

Упражнение 12. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами for, as, since, after, before.

1. ... it is commonly stated one of the chief distinctions between animals and plants lies in the fact that the animals depend upon highly organized foodstuffs ... their source of supply. 2. The protozoa are considered ... very primitive organisms, rudimentary ancestors of higher animals, ... they are unicellular. 3. ... the discovery of streptomycin, a great deal of information has been accumulated concerning its use. 4. Rats deprived of vitamin D ... 35 to 40 days become unable to use their hind legs.

Упражнение 13. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Продукты питания:, которые мы исцользуем, можно разде­лить на два общих класса. Это органические и неорганические вещества. 2. Дополнительные вещества, которые должны при­сутствовать в нашей диете, — это витамины. 3. Отсутствие или недостаток углеводов в организме нарушает жировой и белковый обмен.

Часть II

Слова к части II


cure [kju9] vвылечивать, излечивать reveal [ri'vi:l] vобнаруживать, от­крывать

conduct [kan'dAkt] vвести, прово­дить (исследование и т.д.)

proper['ргэрэ] а правильный, над­лежащий improperа неподходящий, непра­вильный improperlyadvнеправильно, неверно


Упражнение 1. Прочтите следующие слова и переведите их на русский язык.

actually, crystalline, substance, combination, essential, series, differ­ence, isolation, synthesis, diet, to produce, product, spinach, cream, capsule, calcium, protein

Упражнение 2. Найдите в данном ряду слово, перевод которого дан в начале ряда. Переведитеданныеслова.

1. вылечивать — curare, curative, curable, cure; 2. источник — sour, south, resource, source; 3. проводить - conclude, conduct, convey, convoy; 4. означать — means, meaning, mean, main

Упражнение 3. Прочтите текст В (10 мин). 1) Выделите три основных момента, обсуждаемых в тексте по теме «Витамины». 2) Найдите предло­жения, где: а) инфинитив выполняет функцию определения; б) употреб­ляется словоfor;в) бессоюзные придаточные предложения. 3) Переведи­тепредложения.

Text В

Vitamin means life. The story of vitamins actually begins in 1911, when a Polish chemist by the name of Kazimir Punk extracted from rice polishings1 a crystalline substance. This substance was capable to cure beri-beri. Analyses of these crystals revealed the presence of nitrogen in basic combination, i.e. the «amino»-nitrogen; Punk therefore called this substance «vita-mine». The root «vita» indicates that the substance is essential to life and health. In this way, the word vitamin was born. For four years before Punk's discovery a series of studies had begun in the USA to determine the value of cereals such as wheat, corn and oats as a cattle diet. Eventually it was found necessary to resort to rats to solve the problem of cereal differences.

I Today the successful isolation and synthesis of many of the substanc­es has proved that vitamins are organic chemical compounds to be present in the diet for the maintenance of^n&tlf and health.

Vitamins are substances to be found in certain foods which are nec­essary for the growth, development and general health of the body. There are several different kinds of these protective substances to be provided in the diet. To make sure our bodies get all the vitamins they need, it is best to include several different vitamin-containing foods in the diet. Such foods include milk and many of the products made from и, all the green leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage, lettuce, other Iresh vegetables, fruit and fruit juices, whole-grained cereals, eggs and a number of others.f

When we plan a nutrition program for any person, young and old, well and ill, we must know certain foods are the best sources each body requires.

1. Vitamin A: fruits and vegetables, cream, butter or margarine, eggs and liver.

2. The Вvitamins: yeast, liver, whole-grained breads and cereals, milk, meat.

3. Vitamin C: orange or grapefruit juice, any fresh raw fruit or vege­table, ascorbic acid tablets if needed.

4. Vitamin D: fish-liver oil or vitamin-D capsule.

5. Vitamin E: soy-bean oil, vegetables oils.

6. Vitamin K: is produced by intestinal bacteria. The diet must be adequate in milk and unsaturated fatty acids and low in refined car­bohydrates; intestinal bacteria are increased by eating yogurt.

7. Vitamin P (rutin): citrus fruits, especially lemons.

8. Calcium: milk, yogurt.

9. Phosphorus: milk, eggs, cheese, meat.

10. Iron: liver, yeast, meat, bread and cereals.

11. Proteins: yeast, milk, yogurt, cheese, meat, fish, eggs.

12. Liquids: milk, fruit, juices, soup, water.

Experts in the study of foods are constantly conducting experiments. They are making their discoveries public from time to time for such knowledge enables us to select the proper foods in order to protect us against the diseases. .

1.6 i o:


1. rice polishings шелухариса

Упражнение 5. 1) Найдите в тексте предложения, более полно выражающие мысль данных суждений, и прочтите их.

1. К. Punk has extracted a substance capable to cure beri-beri. 2. Vita­mins are organic chemical compounds to be present in the diet. 3. Vita­mins are found in certain foods. 4. Certain foods are the best sources each body requires. 5. VitaminК isproducedbyintestinalbacteria.

2) Передайте основное содержание текста, используя предыдущее упражнение в качестве плана.

Часть III

Контрольно-обобщающие упражнения к уроку 10

Упражнение 1. Найдите и переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив выполняет роль определения.

1. The secret of a proper diet depends much on the ability of the cook or dietician to prepare and serve meals which are palatable and tasty to the individual. 2. Average intake of protein to maintain nitrogen equi­librium is 42 grams per day. 3. Practically all the chloride to be involved in metabolism enters and leaves the body in combination with sodium. 4. In order to use this drug you must consult your doctor. 5. In an experiment to measure the sensitivity of the reaction good results were achieved.

(Ответ: 1, 2, 3, 5. Если вы ошиблись, повторите § 25 Граммати­ческого справочника.)

Упражнение 2. Найдите и переведите бессоюзные придаточные предло­жения: а) определительные; б) дополнительные.

1. When the man smells something he likes to eat, the gastric juice is poured out in large quantities. 2. We know vitamin B, is widely distribut­ed in nature occurring in most foods. 3. The cells select the amino acids they need and use them to construct new body tissue and such vital substances as antibodies, hormones, enzymes and blood cells. 4. The food we take and the air we breathe often contain poisonous substances and pathogenic microorganisms. 5. Chemical studies have shown vitamin D is exceedingly stable as regards oxidation and heating. 6. The four parts the pituitary consists of perform several functions and produce several secre­tions.

(Ответ:a) 1,3, 4, 6; 6) 2, 5. Если вы ошиблись, повторите § 32 Грамматического справочника.)

Упражнение 3. Укажите, в каких предложенияхfor:а) союз; б) предлог. Переведитеэтипредложения.

1. The ordinary intake of vitamin A by most adults is sufficient to maintain their health in good condition for administration of this vita­min decreases the susceptibility to the «common cold» (or lessens its severity). 2. Scientists have studied the deficiency diseases for many years. 3. The importance of vitamin D for growth and nutrition was established as a result of a series of discoveries. 4. The cell is not isolated

Milk Beans
Cheese Wholewheat
Yoghurt bread
Leafy green Dried fruit
vegetables Cocoa
Wholewheat Nuts
bread Leafy green
Potatoes vegetables


  (b) 1 г^Й^Ю           //и УУ1\ 1» \ - \ \ * 1/i-o    
Vit. A B, B2 B3 B6 B12 Folic acid Vit. С Vit. D Vit. E Vit. К
Carrots Spinach Parsley Butter Margarine Yeast extract Peanuts Bran Oatmeal Almonds Cheese Wholewheat bread Dried Yeast extract Peanuts Wholewheat bread Bran Whole­wheat bread Yeast Eggs Cheese Yeast extract Milk Yeast extract Bran Spinach Oranges Grapefruit Spinach Cabbage Black Eggs Cheese Butter Margarine Almost all foods Green, Vege­tables
Dried apricots Cheese flour Wholewheat bread Peas peaches Mushrooms Beans Dates Mushrooms Beans Dates extract Hazel-nuts Bananas Peanuts Currants Yoghurt Butter Peanuts Almonds Hazel-nuts currants Parsley Strawber­ries Sunlight enables the bo­dy to make Vft. D. in the skin.    


Vegetarians can get lots of calcium and iron in their food ... LOOK!
And here are some of the foods where you can find the vitamins you need!

Fig. 11.Vitamins you need and the food where you can find them.

from the outer world by its membrane, for it is entirely dependent on this outer world. 5. Cottonthreadisusedforligatures.

(Ответ:a) 1, 4; 6) 2, 3, 5. Если вы ошиблись, повторите § 37 Грамматического справочника.)

Упражнение 4. Переведите производные от данных слов.

1. oxide- окислять, окисление, кислород, насыщать кислородом; 2. provide— обеспеченный, при условии, что..., временный; 3. distrib­ute— распределение, распределительный

(Ответ: 1. oxidize, oxidation, oxygen, oxygenate; 2. provided, pro­vided that, provisionary; 3. distribution, distributing.)

Упражнение 5. Дайте синонимы к следующим словам.

1. to supply; 2. to upset; 3. foods; 4. deficiency; 5. to yield (Ответ: 1. to furnish, to provide; 2. to disturb, to distress;3. food­stuffs; 4. lack, shortage; 5. to produce.)

Упражнение 6. Дайте антонимы к следующим словам.

1. general; 2. deficiency; 3. around; 4. essential

(Ответ: 1. particular; 2. efficiency; 3. within; 4. unimportant, unnecessary.)

Упражнение 7. Дайте английские эквиваленты к следующим словам.

1. вылечивать; 2. обнаруживать; 3. надлежащий; 4. источник; 5. про­водить

1. toconduct; 2. toreveal; 3. tocure; 4. proper; 5. source(Ответ: 1 - 3; 2 - 2; 3 - 4; 4 - 5; 5 - 1.)




1. Сложное подлежащее (§ 27)

2. Функцииипереводсловas well as, as well(§ 40)

Часть I

Слова к части I

empty ['empti] а пустой; vопорож-perspiration [,pa:sp3'reijn] я потение; нять(ся), выливать пот; испарина

up proximate [g'proksimit] априбли-intake ['inteik] n поглощение, вса-

зительный сывание, приемвнутрь

approximately [a'proksimitli] advпри-result [ri'zAlt] (in) v приводитьк

близительно чему-л.

average ['aevaricfe] «среднее (число);frequency ['fri:kw9nsi] n частота

vсоставлять в среднем urination [Jusri'neiJn] п мочеиспус-

cvaporate [ivaepareit] vиспарять(ся); кание

выпаривать pure [pjua] а чистый

evaporation [i,vaep9'reijn] nиспаре-overheating ['ouva'hi:tir)] nперегрев, ние; выпаривание \ перегревание

Р - ')



Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, определите сложное подлежащее.

1. The body is known to utilize six kinds of food-stuffs - carbohy­drates, proteins, fats, water, mineral salts and vitamins. 2. When burned, the carbohydrates, proteins and fats are sure to yield a certain definite and measurable amount of heat energy. 3. Many substances which are readily absorbed by the organism prove to be harmful, and many harm­less substances prove to be difficult for the organism to absorb. 4. Pro­teins are found to be absolutely sssenti^l to the proper nourishment of the human body. 5. Vitamin С1 appear! to be lacking in seeds, white bread, fats, yeast, purified protems and carbohydrates. 6. Vitamin D is known to be the antirachitic substance. , .


Упражнение 2.Переведите следующие предложения, определите, какую функцию выполняют словаaswellиaswellas.


1. A calorie is a definite amount of heat as well as a centimetre is a definite amount of length. 2. The character of proper food substances for animals as well as for plants is different. 3. Every organism needs the organic materials to build new protoplasm and variety of purely inor­ganic substances as well. 4. Besides carbohydrates, proteins and fats, the food contains necessary mineral substances as well.

Упражнение 3. Дайте исходные сл<>ва к следующим производным. Переведитеих.

! '/

. Г

various, harmful, excretory, namely, greater, evaporation, frequency

Упражнение 4. Познакомьтесь со значениями данных ниже приставки overи суффиксаfful.Образуйте слова согласно модели. Прочтите и переведите их.

1. over- + различные части речи = соответствующая часть речи со значением избыточности. Соответствует русским приставкам сверх-, над-, пере-:heatingнагревание —overheatingперегрев.

to work, busy, to feed, to build, work, production, weight

2. Существительное (глагол) + -fill= прилагательное со значением «обладающий качеством, выраженным основой»: harmвред —harm­fulвредный.

success, care, beauty, joy, use, help

Упражнение 5. Прочтите и переведите данные гнезда слов. ,


1. empty, to erflpty, emptiness; 2. average, to average; 3. vapour, to evaporate, evaporation, evaporable; 4. frequent, frequency, frequently; 5. urea, urine, urination, urinary, ureter, urethra, urology, uremia

Упражнение 6. Просмотрите текст А, разделите его на 3 части и назовите тему каждой части.

\ х

>V Text А

Excretory Organs

1. Various harmful and unnecessary substances are continually being formed in the human body. These substances entering the blood are eliminated from the body by the excretory organs, namely the kidneys, the skin and the lungs; the latter are passing out carbon dioxide and water vapour. The quantity of water lost through the lungs probably varies within small limits only. The quantity lost through the sweat varies, of course, with temperature as well as with exercise. It may be said that the amounts of water secreted through the kidneys and skin are of an inverse proportion to each other, that is, the greater the amount lost through the skin, the less will be secreted by the kidneys.

2. Through these three organs but mainly through the kidneys blood is being continuously depleted of water and the loss must be made up by the ingestion of new water.

3. Most of the body wastes are found to be eliminated in the urine by the urinary organs. The urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra. Urine is formed in the kidneys, which are the main organ of excretion. It then passes through the ureters into the urinary bladder which serves as a reservoir. The bladder is emptied through the urethra, which leads to the exterior of the body. The wastes are excreted as urine, which is normally composed of approximately 96 per cent water, plus urea and various salts. The density of urine appears to vary from 1.015 to 1.020; the PH averages about 6. The healthy adult .eems to excrete an average of about 1.5 litres of urine from the body daily. From 40 to 65 per cent of all fluid taken into the body is eliminat­ed as urine, the rest, by evaporation from the body surface, evaporation horn the lungs, etc. When the loss of water through evaporation or perspiration is increased, as in summer months, the urine volume is reduced; if the water intake is increased, the volume of urine increases us well.

4. The combination of a warm, rainy day, increased liquid intake as well as moist air that prevents evaporation from the skin results in great frequency of urination.

5. The urine is being formed in the kidneys from many waste and harmful substances contained in the blood. Blood flows into the kidneys ihrough the blood vessels. In the kidneys the blood is cleansed of these substances. Thus, the blood leaving the kidneys is pure while urine formed in the kidneys flows down special ducts — the ureters, passing into the bladder from which it is eliminated.

6. An excretory function is also performed by the skin. The skin being the cover of the body protects it from harmful external influence and serves at the same time as an excretory organ passing the sweat out.

7. Sweat is formed in tiny perspiration glands found in the skin. It consists of water in which substances similar to those in the urine are formed but in smaller quantities. The evaporation of perspiration is known to cool the body and protect it from overheat as well.

Упражнение 7. Прочтите и переведите текст А. Первый абзац переведите письменно. Найдитеизапомнитезначениесловthe latter, through, only, that is, the greater ... the less.

Упражнение 8. Найдите в тексте А ответы на следующие вопросы и прочтите их.

1. How are harmful substances eliminated from the body? 2. What organs pass out carbon dioxide and water vapor? 3. What are the organs of the urinary system? 4. How is water eliminated from the body? 5. When is the volume of urine increased or reduced? 6. What process takes place in the kidneys?

Упражнение 9. Найдите в каждом ряду слово, противоположное по значению первому слову ряда.

1. various — sum, some, same, seem; 2. the latter - former, the former, formal; 3. greater — lessen, lesson, lesser, less; 4. to increase —

to decrease, to decide, to decree, to demand; 5. to cool — to want, to water, to warm, to warn

Упражнение 10. Найдите в каждом ряду слово, перевод которого дан в начале ряда.

1. внешний, наружный - exterior, interior, exteriorly, exteriority; 2. внорме — normal, normality, normally; 3. посредством, путем — throughout, through, though, throw; 4. очищать, дезинфицировать — to clean, to claim, to cleanse, to clear

Упражнение 11. Прочтите следующие предложения. Определите, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова. Переведитепредложения.

1. Most of the body wastes are eliminated in the urine by the urinary organs. 2. The bladder is emptied through the urethra which leads to the exterior of the body. 3. The wastes are excreted as urine which is nor­mally composed of approximately 96 per cent of water plus urea and various salts. 4. In the kidneys the blood is cleansed o/harmful substanc­es. 5. Sweat is formed in tiny perspiration glands found in the skin.

Упражнение 12. Определите, чем выражено подлежащее в следующих предложениях. Переведитеданныепредложения.

1. The rate of urinary flow is known to be increased by various agents known in medicine as diuretics. 2. Three hours after injection 38-45% of the injected mercury was found in the kidneys.3. Renal tubular excretory transport of selected sulfonamides is assumed to require д, physicochemical interaction. 4. Under these conditions it was difficult to estimate the actual rate of tubular excretory transport. 5. The bladder is more likely to be affected with a direct pus-forming infection than by any other disease. 6. It is found that the process of urine secretion goes on constantly at the rate of about a drop every thirty seconds from each kidney.

Упражнение 13. Переведите следующие предложения со словамиaswellasиaswell.

1. The most important function of the kidneys is to remove urea from the blood as well as to maintain the proper balance of water, salts and acids in the body fluids. 2. Urinalysis is an examination of urine to determine the presence of abnormal elements as well as the presence of diabetes mellitus. 3. The purpose of this study is to determine the simul­taneous rates of bronchial and renal urea excretion as well. 4. Any doc­tor is responsible for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases as well.

Упражнение 14. Переведите на английский язык письменно следующие предложения.

1. Известно, что мочевой пузырь регулярно опорожняется. 2. Здо­ровый взрослый человек, как считают, выделяет в среднем 1,5 литра мочи в день. 3. Считают, что примерно 45 — 60% жидкости, поступа­ющей в организм, выводится через легкие и кожу. 4. Повышенное потребление жидкости, несомненно, приводит к более частому мо­чеиспусканию. 5. Потовыделение защищает тело от перегревания.

Часть II

Слова к части II


choice [tfbis] п выбор retain [n'tein] vудерживать, сохра­нять

constituent [kan'stitjusnt] п составная часть

glomerulus [gla'merulas] (pi.glomeruli [gb'merulai]) nклубочек

glomerular [gls'merula] а относящий­ся к почечному клубочку excess [ik'ses] nизбыток, излишек precisely [pri'saisli]advточно distinguishable [dis'tiggwijabl] а раз­личимый, отличимый regard [rfgcud] vпринимать во вни­мание; считать, рассматривать



Упражнение 1. Прочтите и запомните перевод следующих слов и словосо­четаний. Переведите предложения с этими словами и словосочетаниями.

1. except (that, for) заисключением (того, что); exception исключение; with few exceptions заредкимисключением: The elements which com­pose the urine, with few exceptions, exist in the blood plasma.

2. regard n отношение; взгляд; in (with) regard to относительно, вотношении; regarding чтокасается, сточкизрения; regardless независимоот, несмотряна; v считать, рассматривать: Kidney must be regarded as the chief controller of chemical balance in the organism.

Упражнение 2. Напишите исходные слова к данным производным.

Переведите все слова на русский язык.


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