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Head aircraft into wind

(a) Parking brake ON, control column fully back.

(b) Fuel selector to fullest tank (if wing tip tanks are installed, select FRONT TANK or if belly tank is installed select CENTRE TANK).

(c) Propeller lever full INCREASE RPM.

(d) Set throttle lever to give 1750 rpm.

(e) Select magneto switch to "L" .Return switch to "BOTH" to allow engine speed to stabilize itself before switching to "R". Return to "BOTH".

The drop in rpm should not exceed 100 rpm; it is normally in the region of 50 to 75 rpm. (In cold weather keep the carburettor mixture temperature at 40°F (4°C) for this check).

(f) If magneto drop is more than 100 rpm re- check at aerodrome pressure.

(g) Set throttle lever to give 600 rpm.

(h) Momentarily turn ignition switch OFF.The engine should stop firing completely.


This last check should be carried out with the minimum delay in the OFF position to prevent backfiring when the switch is returned to "BOTH".


If the engine does not momentarily stop firing completely, stop the engine by selecting the mixture lever to IDLE CUT-OFF. Warn personnel to stay clear of the propeller and have igni­tion switch and magneto ground lead checked.

(j) Open throttle until manifold pressure is equal to aerodrome pressure.

(k) Check that generator cuts in at 1400 rpm appr oximately.

(1) Check rpm 2100 plus or minus 20 approxi­mately.

(m) Check oil, fuel and vacuum pressures, cy­linder head and oil temperatures within ranges.

(n) Retard throttle to give 1600 rpm.

(o) Move propeller lever to COARSE PITCH then return to full INCREASE RPM position. Note recover of rpm to 1600 rpm.



(b) Propeller lever - full INCREASE rpm.

(c) Watch oil and cylinder temperatures. If necessary, run engine at higher rpm to pro­vide additional cooling during taxiing.

(d) Make brake test as soon as aircraft starts moving.

(e) Operate rudder pedals to steer aeroplane by means of steerable tailwheel (25° to each side). Use brakes for larger tailwheel angles.

(f) Run engine at 1200 - 1400 rpm when air- craftis stopped during taxiing, to prevent spark plug fouling and to create a propeller blast for engine cooling.


While on the ground, avoid prolonged engine running above 1400 rpm, par­ticularly in hot weather, to prevent overheating of the installation.


(a) All doors and windows closed.

(b) Elevator trim to meet CG requirements.

(c) Mixture lever - AUTO RICH.

(d) Propeller lever - INCREASE RPM.

(e) Fuel selector to desired tank position.

(f) Flaps - TAKE-OFF position.

(g) Directional gyro and artificial horizon - uncaged and set.

(h) Pitot heat ON if necessary in cold weather or when icing conditions are anticipated.

(j) Carburettor heat - COLD.

(a) Make sure cylinder head temperature is below 450°F (2306C).

(b) Adjust throttle lever friction knob.

(c) Line up on take-off runway.

(d) Open the throttle smoothly to maximum permissible take-off power. See Figure 4-1.

(e) Anticipate tendency of aircraft to swing to the left.

(f) Allow aircraft to fly itself off at 55 to 65 mph. in a tail down attitude and climb at 65 mph.

(g) As soon as safe height has been attained, reduce power to 33.5 In.Hg. and 2200 rpm if aircraft is fully loaded, or 30 In.Hg. and 2000 rpm for normal weight.

(h) Slowly increase air speed to 80 mph and re- trim.

(j) At altitude of 500 ft. - flaps to CLIMB and retrim.

2.10 CLIMB

Best rate of climb is obtained using Maximum Continuous Power (2200 rpm, 33.5 In.Hg.). Speed for best rate of climb is 95 mph IAS; speed for best angle of climb is 80 mph IAS.

Where circumstances warrant. Max­imum Continuous Power may be used giving the rates of climb as stated in paragraph 4.10.

However, the engine manufacturer recommends, for reduced engine wear, that 2000 rpm and 30 In.Hg. AUTO RICH be used. The rates of climb will then be 540 fpm for the landplane, 460 fpm for the seaplane.

Refer to С r ui s e Power Chart in Appendix for recommended settings.


Keep cylinder head temperature con­sistent with limits in Figure 4-1. Low rpm at High Manifold Pressure helps to maintain climbing mixture strength and materially assists engine and oil cooling.

For continuous cruise,use Maximum Weak Mixture Power or less, taking the follow­ing steps:

(a) Flaps to "Cruise".

(b) Throttle back to 29.7 In.Hg. or less Mani­fold Pressure.

(c) Propeller lever to give 2000 rpm or less.

(d) Mixture lever to AUTO LEAN. Carburettor mixture temperature 40°F (4°C).

(e) Keep cylinder head temperature and oil in­let temperature consistent with limits in Fig­ure 4-1.

For Cruising power reduced below that obtained at maximum weak mixture use settings in Cruise Power Chart on page V in Appendix.


For favourable CG travel, without long-range tanks:

(a) Empty rear tank first, if aircraft is fully loaded, in order to move the CG progressively forward.


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