

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Testing Description

(1) Connect the cable and adaptors well. And run the PC-MAX program.

(2) Click on [Europe] to enter interface as shown on the left image;



(3) Select diagnostic program
(take Volkswagen/Audi for example)

Click on [VW]to enter its diagnostic program as shown in the left image.
Note: Program descriptions will be displayed under the version information. It is changed depending on different versions.


(4). Select a version such as V3.2 and click on [OK]to download the diagnosis program as shown in left image. Click on [Cancel]to go back to the previous menu if necessary;

(5). Select vehicle type. Take Volkswagen/Audi for example, we have two vehicle types for selection: [With Canbus] and [Without Canbus].Here we choose [Without CANbus] as an example to introduce the test.






(6) Select system:

[Common system Auto-Scan]:Test the common-use ECU automatically;

[All system Auto-Scan]:Test all ECU automatically;

[Common]:by choosing this item, all common-use ECU will be displayed on the screen, users can then select ECU required accordingly;

Other systems:Enter the systems as per relevant ECU type.


(7) Click on [Common] to enter the interface shown on the left.


Select [01-Engine] to enter the interface with the following functions.

[01-Interrogate control unit versions]

[02-Interrogate fault memory]

[03-Final control diagnosis]

[04-Introduction of basis setting]

[05-Erase fault memory]

[06-End output]


[08-Read measuring value block]

[09-Read individual measuring value]


[11-Login procedure]

[15-Write VIN]

Note:Functions 04,07,10,15 require knowledge of the systems operation, please use properly.

ўЩ[01-Interrogate control unit versions]

Click on [01-Interrogate control unit versions]to see the information of control unit as shown on the left.

Note: Read out old ECU codes with this function when performing ECU coding.

ўЪ [02-Interrogate fault memory]

To display the DTC saved in the current control unit, click [02-Interrogate fault memory]. Please refer to the left image.

ўЫ [03-Final control diagnosis]

Click on the button [03-Final control diagnosis] to test relevant actuator automatically as shown on the left image. Click on [Active Test] to begin the actuator test.



ўЬ [04-Introduction of basis setting]

Click on the button [04-Introduction of basis setting] for basic setting. Input desired text using the number keys and click on the button [OK] to start the basic setting.

l [Del]: Delete the input numbers;

l [Left]: Move cursor to left;

l [Right]: Move cursor to right;

l [Home]: Move cursor to Home;

l [End: Move cursor to End;

l [Enter]: confirm enters.




The window of Ў°Basic setting!Ў± in left image will popup after Basic Setting is done.

l [Input]: continue to Input Channel number;

l [Back]: Back to the Function Menu.

Note:Under basic setting mode, you can perform solenoid and engine control unit adaptation without starting the engine, or finish ¦Л control process self-adaptation when engine starts. Also you can check faults or ignition timing by connecting or disconnecting ¦Л control.

ўЭ [05-Erase fault memory]

Click on the button [05-Erase fault memory]to erase DTC as shown on the left image.

l [OK]: Return to the previous menu


ўЮ [06-End output]

To exit from the diagnostic program, please click on [06-End output].

l [Yes]: Exit the diagnosis program

[No]: Return to the previous menu

ўЯ [07-Coding]

Click on [07-Code control unit] to go to interface shown in left image. Then input the code and click on [OK], the scanner will begin the coding. Click on [OK] after coding succeeds.

Note: Please only code the ECU after the ECU has been changed or a function has been added (ie Cruise control). You can get the code of the old ECU by choosing [01-Interrogate control unit versions], then recode the new ECU accordingly.

ўа [08-Read measuring value block]

Click on [08-Read measuring value block] to enter interface shown in left image. Please input the relevant channel number, and click on [OK]to read data stream information.

Note: For channel definition, please refer to relevant technical manual.


The left image is the data stream of Group 01.

l [PageUp]: See previous group data stream;

l [PageDown]: See next group data stream;

l [Waveform]: Review data stream in graph;

l [Replay]: Review data stream;

l [Channel]: Return to the interface to input channel number;

l [Back]: Return to the Function Menu.

l [Print]: save the current screen to SD card.


ўб [09-Read individual measuring value]

Click on [09-Read individual measuring value]to enter the interface shown in the left image. Input the channel number and click on[OK]to view the relative data.


Click on [Read Value], and current value will be displayed.

l [Input]: Back to the input interface;

l [Increase]: View the data of next channel number.

l [Decrease]: View the data of the previous channel number;

l [Read value]: Read current value;

l [Back]: Back to function list menu;

l [Print]:Save the current screen to SD card




Click on [10-Adaptation] to enter the interface of inputting channel number as shown in left image.

Note: Self-adaptation includes: self-study during idle, service reset, IMMO adaptation and so on. You should login first for some of the functions. For login methods, please refer to [11-Login procedure] on page 26.


After inputting the relative channel number, click on [OK]to enter the interface as shown in left image.


l [Input]: Back to the Ў°input channel numberЎ± interface;

l [Read]: Read the adaptation value of current channel;

l [Back]: Back to function list interface;

l [Print]: Save the current screen to SD card.


Click on the button [Read] to read the adaptation value of current channel.


l [Input]: Input new adaptation value;

l [Back]: Back to function list menu.

l [Print]: Save the current screen to SD card.



Click on [Input] in enter the Ў°input adaptation valueЎ± interface shown on the left. Input the new value and then click the button[Ok] to go to the next step.


After inputting the new value, new adaptation value will be displayed on the screen. If no error is found, please click on the button [Change]to go to the next step.



Last step: Click on the button[Save]to save the new adaptation value and go back to the self-adaptation interface.


[11-Login procedure]

To perform adaptation in some group, login will be needed first. Just click on the button [11-Login procedure], input the code number and then click on [OK].

Note: Login is required when performing functions such as ECU coding, change channel adaptation and IMMO, etc.

[15-Write VIN]

Volkswagen/Audi uses the 3rd generation anti-theft technology, if you change engine control unit and instrument cluster at the same time you must rewrite the VIN code. Please click on [15-Write VIN]to input the new VIN.




Дата добавления: 2014-12-23; просмотров: 204; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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