АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
семестр⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 37 из 37 1. What kind of state is Great Britain? 2. In what way do the monopolists achieve their power over the government in Britain? 3. What are the branches of power in the United Kingdom? 4. What is the highest legislative body in the United Kingdom? 5. What do the executive bodies of Great Britain consist of? 6. What kind of organ is the House of Lords? 7. Who is responsible for directing national policy in Great Britain? 8. Who is responsible for the operation of public services in Great Britain? 9. What are local authorities responsible for? 10. What can you say about the Prime Minister of Great Britain? 11. Where is the residence of the British Prime Minister? 12. What does the British Parliament consist of? 13. How often are British Parliamentary elections held? 14. What kind of government does each state in the USA have? 15. What is the President of the USA? 16. How often do Americans choose their new President? 17. Who of the US presidents was elected for a fourth term? 18. What is the seat of the US Congress? 19. What are the two chambers of the American Congress? 20. How often do elections in the House of Representatives take place? 21. Who was the first President to live in the White House? 22. Who does the highest executive power in the United States belong to? 23. What kind of person must the President of the USA be? 24. What are some of the functions of the President? 25. Who is the legislative power vested in? 26. How many chambers does the Congress consist of? 27. How many members are there in the Senate? in the House of Representatives? 28. What must all bills and resolutions pass in order to become a law? 29. What can you say about lobbyists? 30. What is the head of the judicial branch of power in the United States? 31. Who does the Supreme Court of the United States consist of? 32. Where are most of the criminal and civil cases tried? 33. How often are general elections held in Russian Federation? 34. When was the last general election held? 35. Can you name the last three Prime Ministers? 36. Can you name the Minister of Internal Affairs? 37. Can you give an example of the recent change of government? 38. How many political parties are there in Russian Federation? 39. How many systems of law are there in the United Kingdom? 40. What sources of law do these systems include? 41. What does the term «judicial precedent» mean? 42. What kinds of courts are there in the United Kingdom? 43. What are their functions? 44. What is the structure of the US criminal justice system? 45. What are the components of the criminal justice system? 46. Does the criminal justice system function effectively? 47. Can you give any examples to prove it? 48. What is necessary for its efficient functioning? 49. What is an attorney in the US? How is he appointed? 50. When does an attorney resign? 51. What does the number of assistant attorneys in federal judicial districts depend on? 52. What makes attorneys so important in American communities? 53. How do attorneys in the US realize their political ambitions? 54. What is the job of a juror? 55. What is a job of a judge? 56. What qualities should a good juror have? 57. What requirements should one meet to be eligible for jury service? 58. What are the reasons for a person to be excused from jury service? 59. What is a jury pool? 60. Who is responsible for making laws in the US? 61. Name American courts in the descending order. 62. In what way are the federal courts organized? 63. Where does litigation begin? 64. What does the word «to appeal» mean? Литература: 1. Байбурина Р.З., Галиева Д.А., Петрова Е.А. и др. Английский язык для курсантов общеобразовательных учреждений МВД России. – Москва, 2011. 2. Куценко А.И., Тимофеева Г.И. Английский язык – Учебное пособие для юридических учебных заведений. - Москва, 2008. 3. 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Учебное пособие – Ростов-на- Дону, 2002. 11. Кравченко А.П. Англо-русский и русско-английский юридический словарь – Ростов-на-Дону, 2001. 12. John and Liz Soars. New Headway (Pre-Intermediate) / English Course. – Oxford University Press, 2007. 13. John and Liz Soars. New Headway (Intermediate) / English Course. – Oxford University Press, 2010. 14. Raymound Murphy. Essential Grammar in Use / A self-study reference and practice book for elementary students of English – Cambridge University Press, 2009. 15. Gillian D. Brown, Sally Rice. Professional English in Use // Law – Cambridge University Press, 2009. 16. Elizabeth Sharman. Across cultures. – Longman Pearson Education Limited, 2009.