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The Pronoun

Study the rule “The Pronoun” and train your knowledge doing the following exercises:


Ex. 1.Complete the sentences using personal pronouns from the list: he, she, it, you, I, one, we, they, me, you, him, her, it, one, us, them.


1) Josh lost his hat. … doesn’t know when it happened.

2) We met girls in the cafe, but Bob didn’t meet …

3) Kate was there too. I talked to … for twenty minutes.

4) Carol bought a new car. … is a Mercedes.

5) I need some help. Please, help …

6) My friend and I sold all the trees. … need some new flowers now.

7) He looked at me. … couldn’t help him.

8) They invited us. … agreed to come.

9) I want to send … this present. They will be glad.

10) We lost his documents. … was very angry.


Ex. 2. Fill in the possessive pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs.


1. This book is worse. … is better.

2. It is not my bag. It is …

3. They lost their copy. It is …

4. She brought the umbrella. It is …

5. We have the new books. There are …

6. You don’t have a pen. Is it … ?

7. I don’t need this pencil. I have …

8. He bought a new picture. It is …

9. Are these pencils … ?

10. They have books for home reading. They are …


Ex. 3. Choose the correct form:


1. She often sees (he, him) in the office.

2. They live near (she, her) in this house.

3. He teaches (we, us) French this year.

4. You’ll sit near (I, me) at this party.

5. I’ve known (they, them) for five years.

6. She wants to talk with (he, him).

7. He explains the rule to (we, us) very often.

8. You always help (I, me) with my home tasks.

9. He always looks at (she, her) when they meet.

10. We always speak to (he, him) in Japanese.

11. He lost his pen. Give him (your, yours).

12. They bought a new house. It is (their, theirs).

13. Ann gave me this dictionary. It is (her, hers).

14. The children bought a book for Bob. Now it’s (his, his).

15. I never ask for pens and pencils. I always have (my, mine).


Ex. 4. Fill in the following reflexive pronouns: myself, himself, herself, itself, yourself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.


1) I can do it … .

2) The vase broke … It was of bad quality.

3) The students enjoyed … at the party.

4) The cat washes … every morning.

5) She loves … very much.

6) My brother shaves … every morning.

7) Kathy likes to look at … in the mirror.

8) Did you enjoy … at that party yesterday?

9) The boys taught … to ride a bike.

10) Ann and I helped … with this problem.


Ex. 5. Translate the following sentences into English:


1. Її новий автомобіль дуже дорогий (expensive).

2. Я не можу допомогти йому.

3. Ця книжка не наша.

4. Це не ваш зошит, а його.

5. У тебе немає ручки. Візьми мою!

6. Кішка завжди вмивається сама.

7. У неї гарний характер та зовнішність.

8. Його племінник – продавець.

9. Я виховую трьох дітей сама.

10. Ми робимо домашнє завдання з англійської мови самі.


Ex. 6. Change the demonstrative pronouns this and that to plural form (those, these) and make necessary changes in the sentences:


1. This letter is yours. — These letters are yours.

2. That house is too far away.

3. This book is not new.

4. This dictionary on the chair is mine.

5. This box is very beautiful.

6. That picture is an oil painting.

7. This is my mother’s idea.

8. That armchair is new.

9. This box of cigars is his.

10. That bag is John’s one.


Ex. 7. Change the sentences to negative form using any instead of some:


1. We have some guests today.

2. Give me some pens.

3. The doctor gives her some medicine.

4. I want to buy some envelopes today.

5. There is some news I want to tell you.

6. We need some lemons for the cake.

7. They read some English books.

8. There is some sheep in the yard.

9. We see some cats near the house.

10. They keep some paint in the box.


Ex. 8. Fill in some or any where necessary:


1. I haven’t … tomatoes now.

2. Please put … sugar in this coffee.

3. There are … flowers in the vase.

4. She hasn’t … dogs at all.

5. He wanted to buy … lemons.

6. They never have … trouble with their child.

7. Steve says he has … money with him.

8. We need … apples for fresh juice.

9. We never have … problems with our car.

10. Don’t give … money to Kate.


Ex. 9. Fill in the gaps with something; somebody; anything; anybody; nothing; nobody; somewhere; anywhere:


1. There is. .. pleasant in her appearance.

2. She never does … wrong.

3. Will … give me this information?

4. There is … in the room.

5. He knows … interesting about this.

6. I can meet you … near the University.

7. Will … help me to do this?

8. If you need … ask her please.

9. Where is my dress? I can’t find it …

10. There was … in the hall. It was empty.


Ex. 10. Insert much or many, a few or a little:


1. I haven’t many/much money.

2. How many/much will it cost?

3. How many/much English books do you have at home?

4. Our teacher gives us many/much information about English pronouns.

5. There weren’t many/much people there.

6. Don’t put many/much sugar into my tea. I want just a few/a little.

7. Don’t buy many/much books here. I know a better shop.

8. Will you have a few/a little more coffee.

9. There is a few/a little snow in the yard.(на дворі).

10. There are a few/a little books on the shelf.




(урок 4)

ТЕМА: Person’s character and appearance.

МЕТА:Закріплення лексичного матеріалу, розвиток діалогічного мовлення.


ЛІТЕРАТУРА: “Англійська мова” за редакцією Шпака. Є.О.Мансі Практикум з англ. мови.

ЗАСОБИ НАВЧАННЯ: Підручник, картки, словники, опорні схеми.



1. What adjectives do we use to describe person’s appearance?

2. How can we describe one’s character?

3. Describe your friend’s character and appearance.

4. What is the meaning of the expression “She has a bee in her bonnet” (“He is fit as a fiddle”)?

5. Can you explain the expression “He is as cool as a cucumber”?


1. Робота з текстом “Appearance”- читання, переклад.


When we speak about somebody's figure, face, hands, feet we mean his or her appearance. A person may be tall, middle-sized or short, thin or plump. A face may be round, oval or square. In summer some people may have freckles on their faces. Old people have wrinkled faces.

People's hair may be long or shot, thin or thick, good or bad, straight or curly. If it is long it is often plaited.

Its colour may be black or fair, chestnut or red. Old people have grey hair.

Eyes may be large or small. They may be of different colour, grey, green, black, or hazel (brown).

Cheeks may be rosy or pale (if a person is ill), plump or hollow (if a person is very ill). Some people have dimples in their cheeks when they smile.

Women usually have their hair done 'at the hairdresser's.

The manner of walking is called the walk (gait). One's step maybe: light, heavy, firm. Old people often shuffle their feet, have a shuffling gait.

2. Випишіть з тексту прикметники, що характеризують а) фігуру, б) обличчя, в) волосся, г) очі, д) щоки, є) ходу.

3. Опрацюйте інформацію, подану в таблицях, та складіть на її основі опис зовнішності вашого друга (одногрупника).

Hair can be:

1. curly- кудрявые;

2. smooth - гладкие;

3. straight/wavy - прямые \волнистые;

e.g.: straight shoulder-length hair прямые волосы по плечи.

You can wear your hair:

1. pinned up с заколкой сзади
2. in bunches fastened with slides(Br) barrettes(Am) · grips · ribbons · hair pins в хвостиках, закрепленных заколкой · резинками · лентами · шпильками
3. in plaits(Br)/braids(Am) в косах
4. to plait one's hair заплетать косы
· in a bun/ in a ponytail в хвосте
· to have one's hair cut подстричься
· to do one's hair причесываться
· to grow one's hair отращивать волосы
· to dye hair (e.g. in pink) покрасить волосы (в розовый цвет)
· to wear a wig носить парик
· to wear one's hair short носить короткие волосы
· shoulder-long по плечи
· hair rollers бигуди
· his hair is receding/thinning у него выпадает волос
· she's graying она седеет
· fringe (AmE: bang) челка

In colour it can be:

· red · grey/white · golden · ash-blond · silvery · dark/fair · brown/chestnut e.g. She was a black-haired girl. The boy was red-headed. · рыжие · седые · золотистые · пепельные · серебристые · темные\светлые, белокурые · каштановые

NB! Mind the word order of adjectives:
quality size age shape color origin made of type +noun

beautiful long wavy brown hair
old red French car

Face can be:

1. round круглое
2. long длинное
3. to have a long face(to have an unhappy, bored expression) иметь унылый вид
4. thin/chubby худое \ полнощекое
5. pale бледное
6. pretty/ugly хорошенькое, прелестное \уродливое
7. good-humoured добродушное
8. plain простое, обыкновенное
9. expressive выразительное
10. with a round · pointed · double · decided chin с круглым · острым · двойным · решительным подбородком
11. with hollow/rosy cheeks с впалыми/ румяными щеками
12. with bushy/arched/thin eyebrows с косматыми/ тонкими, полукругом тонко очерченными бровями
13. complexion цвет лица
14. pale/florid бледный/цветущий


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