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The Present Continuous Tense

Study the rule “The Present Continuous Tense” and train your knowledge doing the following exercises:


Ex.1. Transform sentences into the Present Continuous Tense:

Model:He prepares his task every day (now).

He is preparing his task now.


1. She often sits here ( now ).

2. My father works here ( now ).

3 My mother cooks dinner every day (now).

4. It often rains here in autumn (now )

5. The teacher answers his students questions at each lesson (at this moment).

6. He always prepares his exercises (at present).


Ex. 2. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative:

1. I am reading a letter. 2. You are thinking about it. 3. We are playing chess. 4. You are reading about Lomonosov. 5. We are learning foreign languages. 6. He is watching TV. 7. The children are doing their lessons. 8. She is having an English lesson. 9. Ann is reading a letter. 10. He is learning Spanish. 11. I am giving the book to Ann. 12. They are going to London.

Ex. 3.Put different types of questions to the following sentences:

a)Model 1 – alternative questions:They are still laughing.

Are they still laughing or crying?

1. He is sending a book.

2. She is writing a letter.

3. You are speaking English badly.

4. I’m thinking about it now.

5. We are playing cricket.

6. My father is watching TV.

7. We are listening to the music.


b)Model 2 – special questions: The ship is coming from Odessa (where?).

Where is the ship coming from?

1. I'm looking out of my window. (where?).

2. She is listening to the bird (what?).

3. The bus is going to Yalta (where?).

4. We are thinking about the holidays (who?).

5. The boy is laughing at the dog's tricks (what?).

6. The man is running after the train (where?).

7. Her brother is doing his lessons at this time. (when?).



c)Model 3 – disjunctive questions: The delegation is arriving on Sunday morning.

The delegation is arriving on Sunday morning, isn't it?

1. The teacher is explaining the new rule now.

2. The students aren’t reading a scientific text.

3. The doctor is consulting his patients in this room.

4. They aren’t working in the garden.

5. Oleg isn’t going to meet his friends in the park.

6. His sister is not studying at school.

7. She is going to open a new office in Kyiv.


Ex. 4.Use the verb in brackets in the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous:


1. Close the window! It … (to rain) now.

2. Look there, the train … (to come).

3. I … (to speak) English well.

4. The weather is fine, the sun … (to shine) brightly.

5. The sun … (to shine) brightly in summer.

6. Where is Mary? She … (to read) the book in the hall.

7. They usually … (to finish) their work at 5 o’clock.

8. She often … (to visit) this museum.

9. I … (to go) to visit my Granny tonight.

10. We … (to go) to the House of Culture every Sunday.


Ex. 5. Complete the sentences using the Present Continuous Tense:

Model: He never speaks, коли він працює. He never speaks while he is working.

1. My younger brother always moves his lips, коли читає.

2. We always consult a dictionary, коли ми перекладаємо з англійської.

3. My sister always smiles, коли танцює.

4. He is always silent, коли він обідає.

5. The students always listen, коли я пояснюю новий матеріал.

6. Never interrupt other people, коли вони розмовляють.

7. My mother never disturbs me, коли я роблю домашнє завдання.

8. My younger sister likes to laugh, коли я граюсь з нею.

9. I always look serious, коли здаю екзамен з англійської мови.

10. My Grandpa usually falls asleep, коли він дивиться телевізор.


Ex. 6. Supply the correct tenses:


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