

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Close, cost, cost, know, go, have, like, meet, open, smoke, teach, wash, live


1. My friend … in Samara. 2. They … many interesting stories. 3. Steve … ten cigarettes a day. 4. We usually …dinner at 7 o'clock. 5. I … films I often … to the cinema. 6. In Britain the banks … at 9 in the morning. 7. The City Museum … at 5 o'clock every evening. 8. Food is expensive. It … a lot of money. 9. Shoes are expensive. They … a lot of money. 10. Tina is a teacher. She … mathematics to young children. 11. Your job is very interesting. You … a lot of people. 12. Peter … his hair twice a week.


Ex. 6. Insert the pronouns:

1. … lives in Moscow. 2. … go into their classroom and sit down at the tables. 3. "Does … sometimes meet his friends at the office?" - "Yes, … does." 4. … have our English in the morning. 5. … doesn't speak English to her teacher. 6. … don't learn English, … learn French. 7. Do … have lessons in the morning? 8. Does … have his French in the morning or in the evening? 9. … doesn't often write sentences on the blackboard. 10. "What do … usually read in class?" - "… usually read our text-book."

Ex. 7. Put different types of questions (general, disjunctive, alternative, special) to each sentence given below:


1. People often spend more time indoors in winter than in summer.

2. My son usually leaves home at half past eight.

3. Ann is a cashier and works at the nearest supermarket.

4. Their youngest son goes to the technical school.

5. Water freezes at 0 degrees.

6. The nights are longer and colder in autumn.

7. She looks at her watch when she wants to know the time.

8. Some of my friends live in Kyiv.

9. It takes me ten minutes to get there.

10. We often go to the cinema.


Ex. 8. Give short answers to the questions (E.g.: Yes, he does; No, she isn’t):

1 Do you smoke? -

2 Do you live in a big city? -

3 Do you drink a lot of coffee? -

4 Does your mother speak English? -

5 Do you play a musical instrument? -

6 Does it rain a lot where you live? –

7 Does Jack play the piano? -

8 Is there a picture on the wall? –

9 Are these children pupils of the fourth form? –

10 Is January the second winter month? -


Ex. 9. Do the exercise according to the model:

Model: a) I'm a doctor (My brother) - My brother isn't a doctor.

b) They're schoolboys (Their friends) - Their friends aren't schoolboys.


1. Peter is a student. (His younger sister)

2. Mother is an accountant. (Father).

3. My uncle is a postgraduate. (His wife)

4. We are turners.(0ur friends)

5. Paul's sister is a laboratory-assistant. (His cousin)

6. Mary's mother is a housewife. (Her aunt)

7. My grandfather is an architect. (My uncle)

8. Kitty's sisters arc actresses. (Her mother)

9. We are first-year students. (Helen and John)

10. My nephew is a cashier. (My niece)


Ex. 10. Translate the following:


1. Взимку часто іде сніг.

2. Він заводить годинник кожного ранку.

3. О котрій годині вона зазвичай встає на вихідних?

4. З ким вона ходить до університету?

5. Літо – твоя улюблена пора року?

6. Деякі люди полюбляють подорожувати восени.

7. Вересень перший чи другий осінній місяць?

8. Погода навесні часто змінюється.

9. Твій годинник іде невірно, чи не так?

10. Лютий – найкоротший місяць року.



(урок 6)

ТЕМА: Weather and Seasons.

МЕТА:Тренування вживання лексичного матеріалу, розвиток діалогічного мовлення. Розвиток навичок читання тексту з повним розумінням змісту.


ЛІТЕРАТУРА: Англійська мова за ред. В.К. Шпака. Н.В. Тучина та ін. A Way to success: English for University students. Є.О.Мансі Практикум з англ. мови. J.M. Dobson Effective Techniques for English conversational groups.

ЗАСОБИ НАВЧАННЯ: Підручник, картки, словники, опорні схеми, граматичні таблиці.



1. What is the weather today?

2. What is the temperature (the humidity) today?

3. Can the weather change?

4. What affects the weather?

5. What is your favourite season? Name its characteristic features.

6. Can you predict the weather?



1. Робота з текстом «The Weather and Seasons» - читання, переклад:


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