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Сальто с поворотом назад - Twisting Back Loops

    ( Back Split Half Twist ) Back loop. The legs are split and straddled apart. Perform a half twist with the torso during the loop, keeping the legs apart, with the same leg leading throughout the loop.
    ( Gainer Half Twist ) From a position with one leg in front of the other, scissor the back leg forward into a Back Half Twist loop.
    ( Back Full Twist ) Back layout loop with a full twist during the loop.
    ( Back Stag Full Twist ) Back stag loop with a full twist during the loop.
    ( Back 1-1/2 Twist ) Back layout loop with 1-1/2 twists during the loop.
    ( Back Double Twist ) Back layout loop with 2 twists during the loop.
    ( Back Half Twist ) Back layout loop with a half twist during the loop.
    ( Back Quarter Twist ) Back layout loop with 1/4 twist to end the loop facing sideways.
    ( Solo Back Full Twist ) Back layout loop with a full twist starting and stoping in static poses without additional loops.
    ( Standup Back Full Twist ) Back layout loop wih a full twist ending in a standup pose.
    ( Back Three-Quarter Twist ) Back layout loop with 3/4 twist to end the loop facing sideways.
    ( Back Split-in Full Twist ) Start as in back split half-twist. As legs come down towards vertical, bring them together and quickly complete the full twist.
    ( Back 2-1/2 Twist ) Back layout loop with 2 1/2 twists during the loop.
    ( Standup Back 1-1/2 Twist ) Back layout loop with 1-1/2 twists ending in a standup pose.
    ( Back Triple Twist ) Back layout loop with 3 twists during the loop.
    ( Solo Standup Back Full Twist ) Back layout loop wih a full twist starting and stoping in standup poses without additional loops.
    ( Solo Back Half Twist ) Back layout loop with a half twist starting and stoping in static poses without additional loops.
    ( Standup Back Half Twist ) Back layout loop with a half twist ending in a standup pose.
    ( Back Hip-Hugger Straddle Full Twist ) Back straddle loop with a full twist with the hands on the hips during the loop
    ( Headstand Back Full Twist ) Back layout loop with one full twist, starting and stopping in a headstand.
    ( Back Tuck Full Twist ) Back tuck loop (medium or loose tuck) with a full twist during the loop.
    ( Tango Loop ) (Back Diagonal Split Scissor 1/2 Twist) With the torso at a diagonal angle (between vertical and horizontal), rotate the torso backward starting with the legs in a split position, and scissor the legs while performing a half-twist to end up facing the opposite direction with the opposite leg in front.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-05; просмотров: 97; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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