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Составные повороты/Вращения - Compound Turns/Rolls

    ( Arabian Mobius ) From a Tee, start the roll towards the down leg, dropping the shoulders to a vertical head-down tilt. Roll the torso a complete 360°, ending the rotation in a Compass with the opposite leg down from the original Tee.
    ( Flip-Through ) Perform a flat 360° turn while rolling 360° to keep head facing the same direction. The legs remain straight and together, and the waist bends as little as possible.
    ( Thomas Flair ) Perform a flip-through with the legs straddled and piked when they are towards the front. The leading leg is raised first into the straddle pike position when in front. The legs are horizontal and the waist is straight when the torso is face down with the legs to the back.
    ( Propeller ) Perform rapid barrel rolls while turning with the torso horizontal.
    ( Thomas Flair Roll-Out ) Start as in Thomas Flair, raising and lowering the first leg. The second leg raises and rolls back over first leg (now horizontal) as the torso rolls towards the first leg. The second leg continues to moves downward, ending in Tee on that leg.
    ( Inward Tee Roll Mobius ) From a Tee, start the roll away from the down leg (the down leg moves inward, across the body), dropping the shoulders to a vertical head-down tilt. Spin the torso to complete a 360° roll, ending in a Compass on the same leg as the down leg in the original Tee.
    ( Thomas Straddle Roll Flair ) Start as in Thomas Flair, raising the first leg. As the second leg raises, straighten the torso and perform a full barrel roll with the legs straddled. When rolling back to face-up, bend at the waist to return the legs to a straddle piked position and finsh as in a Thomas Flair.
    ( Thomas Back Flip Flair ) Start as in a Thomas Flair, raising both legs to the piked straddle position. As the second leg reaches the upward position, flip the torso over backwards in a straddle back loop, returning to the straddle pike position on the back, and complete the Thomas Flair.
    ( Thomas Front Flip Flair ) Start as in a Thomas Flair, raising both legs to the piked straddle position. As the first leg swings down and towards the rear, pike the torso forward into a straddle front flip, returning to the flat straddle position on the front, and complete the Thomas Flair.
    ( Thomas Spin Flair ) Start as in a Thomas Flair, raising both legs to piked straddle position. Hold this position and perform a 360° spin, continuing the Thomas Flair out of the spin.
    ( Indian Seat Flip-Through ) Flip-through with legs in an Indian Seat position.
    ( Stag Flip-Through ) Perform a Flip-Through with legs in the stag position.
    ( Pinwheel Reverse ) From a Pinwheel in one direction, roll the torso over 180°, reversing the arm and leg positions into a Pinwheel in the opposition direction.
    ( Thomas Double Flair ) Start as in Thomas Flair, raising and lowering the first leg. As the second leg raises the torso rolls 180° onto its front towards the first leg. The second leg continues to moves downward, through a flat straddle. The sequence repeats as the first leg comes around and up again, this time on a heading 180° away from the initial heading.
    ( Outward Tee Roll Mobius ) From a Tee, start the roll towards the down leg (the down leg moves outward, away from the body), dropping the shoulders to a vertical head-down tilt. Spin the torso to complete a 360° roll, ending in a Compass on the same leg as the down leg in the original Tee.
    ( Compass Arabian Mobius ) From a Compass, invert to a Tee and continue rolling in an Arabian Mobius.
    ( Stag Switch Flip-Through ) Perform a Flip-through with the legs in the stag position, switching the legs from a stag on one side to a stag on the other side half-way around.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-05; просмотров: 125; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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