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Простые повороты - Simple Turns

    ( Pinwheel ) The torso is sideways. The legs are split apart with the upper leg backwards, and lower leg forwards. The arms are extended in opposition to the legs. The body rotates around the vertical axis either backwards or forwards.
    ( Helicopter ) The lower torso is vertical, and the upper torso is curved forwards into a flat position with the shoulders and arms horizontal overhead. The legs are straight and together. The body spins as quickly as possible around the vertical axis.
    ( Beacon ) The torso is sideways. The legs are split apart with the lower leg forwards of the torso. The upper arm is holds the ankle of the lower leg. The upper leg is straight in line with the torso. The torso is straight. The body turns around the vertical axis.
    ( Side Pike Turn ) The torso is sideways. The legs are piked and straight. The hands are holding the ankles. The body turns about the vertical axis.
    ( Side Tuck Turn ) The torso is sideways, in a tuck position. The hands are holding the legs close to the chest. The body turns about the vertical axis.
    ( Discus ) The torso is inverted. The legs are split apart with the front/lower leg in a stag position and the back leg straight. The upper arm holds the knee of the back leg with the torso arched back. The body turns around the vertical axis towards the back.
    ( Frisbee ) The torso is inverted. The legs are flat and split apart with both legs straight. The upper arm holds the knee of back leg with the torso arched back. The body turns around the vertical axis either towards the front or back.
    ( Top Spinner ) From an Inverted Tee, bend the horizontal leg inward to the opposite side and hold the foot with the hand on that side. The upper leg remains vertical (e.g R leg to L side, held by L hand, with L leg upward and R hand outstretched). Spin as quickly as possible away from the outstretched arm.
    ( Mustang ) The torso is inverted with the hips twisted sideways and the legs in a tight double stag, with the toe of the front foot on the knee of the back leg. The back hand holds the back foot, and the front hand is on the front knee. The body spins around the vertical axis.
    ( Headspin (Kaleidoscope) ) The torso is inverted. The back is arched with the head down. The body spins around the vertical axis with the head as the pivot point.
    ( Stag Pinwheel ) Perform a Pinwheel with the front leg bent in a stag position.
    ( Double Stag Pinwheel ) Perform a Pinwheel with both legs bent at least 90° at the knees.
    ( Face-up Dali Spin ) The torso is inverted. The legs are flat in the Dali position with the lower leg forward and upper leg back. The upper hand holds the back/upper knee while spinning.
    ( Inverted Criss-Cross Spin ) On the back, with one leg as close to horizontal as possible, and other leg raised as close to the chest as possible. Arm opposite the raised leg is extended at an equal angle in the opposite direction as the raised leg, to cross it near the knee. Other arm is extended overhead.
    ( Toe-Down Sit Spin ) The torso is in a seated position, with one leg extended straight forward, and the other leg bent at the knee with the toe pointing straight down. The knees are together. The body spins around the vertical axis.
    ( Weathervane Spin ) (Diagonal Oblique Toe-Down Sit Spin) In a seated position, with one leg extended straight forward, and the other leg bent at the knee with the toe pointing straight down. Knees are together. The arm on the opposite side as the straight leg is extended over the leg, towards the toe. The other arm is extended straight backwards, with the shoulders rotated in the same direction as the arms.
    ( Helix Helicopter ) The lower torso is vertical, and the upper torso is curved forwards into a flat position with the shoulders and arms horizontal overhead. The legs are in an open stag position, with one leg straight down and the raised foot canted across the front of the straight leg at a diagonal. The body spins around the vertical axis as quickly as possible.
    ( Skater Sit Spin ) The torso is in a seated position, with one leg extended straight forward, and the other leg bent at the knee with the knee below the level of the straight leg, and the foot under the torso. The arms are extended outward to the side. The body spins around the vertical axis.
    ( Knee Spin ) The body is in a knee standup position, with the torso bent slightly forwards. The knees are close together. The arms are extended outward to the side. The body spins around the vertical axis as rapidly as possible.
    ( Weed Wacker ) The torso is inverted. The legs are bent and straddled to the side as far as possible. The hands are close to the knees. The body turns rapidly about the vertical axis.
    ( Dipper ) The torso is inverted. One leg is straight and flat, in line with the torso. The other leg is out to the side, turned with the knee inward and bent upward at the knee, such that the foot points towards the head, with the hand on the same side holding the foot of the bent leg. The other arm is extended overhead or to the side. The body turns around the vertical axis.
    ( Double Dipper ) The torso is inverted. One leg is bent and held as in a Dipper. The second leg is in line with the torso, and bent towards the held leg to place the foot on the knee of the held leg. The body turns around the vertical axis.
    ( Twister ) The torso is upright. One leg is in a semi-seated position, under the torso. The other leg is crossed over the first leg, with the foot crossed over the knee of the lower leg. The body spins around the vertical axis.
    ( Flat Dipper ) The torso is flat. One leg is extended straight and flat, in line with the torso. The other leg is out to the side, turned inward and bent upward at the knee, such that the foot points towards the head, with the hand on the same side holding the foot of the bent leg. The other arm is extended overhead or to the side. The body turns around the vertical axis.
    ( Compressed Diamond Knee Spin ) The torso is upright. The legs are straddled but the knees are bent and the feet are together with the feet directly under the torso. The body spins around the vertical axis.
    ( Oblique Knee Tuck Spin ) The torso is flat, in a tuck position. The arms are horizontal, in an oblique position, with one to the front of the body, and one to the back. The body spins around the vertical axis as rapidly as possible.
    ( Sun God Spin ) The torso is upright. The legs are straddled but the knees are bent and the feet are together with the feet directly under the torso, as in the Compressed Diamond Knee Standup, but the head is tilted upward facing the sky. The body spins around the vertical axis.
    ( Centrifuge ) The torso is inverted. One leg is straight and flat, in line with the torso. The other leg is turned outward and bent upward at the hip and downward at the knee such that the shin of the bent leg is nearly parallel to the straight leg. The knee of the bent leg is held by the hand on the same side



Дата добавления: 2015-08-05; просмотров: 109; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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