

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Computers, a Hazard to the Environment?

(I)__ Computers were supposed to create "(2)_ paperless office",

but things don 7 seem to have worked out that way. (3)_ spread of the

PC. plus (4)_ high-speed copiers, laser printers, and FAX machines, have

all dramatically increased (5)_ consumption of paper in the office. Many

companies are recycling their paper, and some paper products are made

using recycled materials, but (6)__ paper is only one of the problems. In

an effort to recycle hardware components, some companies are now

accepting empty toner cartridges and selling refurbished ones. (7) ___

Batteries are another problem. Though they only constitute two-tenth of one percent of (8) __ total volume in landfills, their toxic heavy metals

make them account for 20 percent of (9) ____ hazardous waste from

households and offices. Some companies are collecting (10) worn-out

batteries and (11)__ others are developing (12)__ batteries that do not

use (13)_ heavy metals.

И Оборот "for + существительное (местоимение в объектном падеже) +инфинитив"

1. For this work to be done quickly it must be mechanized. 2. There is a chance for him to prove that he was right.


1. Чтобы эта работа была выполнена быстро, ее надо механизировать.

2. У него есть возможность доказать, что он был прав.

Задание 46. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на оборот "for + существительное (местоимение в объектном падеже) +инринитив" и на происходящее при этом изменение структуры предложения.


1. Although it is unusual for the military to field experimental prototypes (опытный образец) in war zones, that spokesman notes that it is not unprecedented.

2. According to social critic Sally Heigesen, a change in the nature of corporate enterprise (акционерное предприятие, корпорация) beginning in the 1970s made it possible for women to get better jobs.

3. In order to develop such core research areas, POSTECH provides intensive support for them to create new research fields through interdisciplinary cooperative research.

4. For physics as a whole to be logically consistent, there has to be a theory that somehow unites quantum mechanics and general relativity.

Ш Задание 47. Прочитайте текст. Обратите внимание на структурные преобразования предложений при переводе выделенных инфинитивов.

Any presentation requires a clear strategy or plan to help your objectives. The aim is not to spend twenty minutes talking non-stop and showing a lot of nice pictures. It is to convey a message that is worth hearing to an audience who wants to hear it.

However, how many speakers really hold their audience's attention? What is the secret for those who do? First, find out about the audience and what they need to know. Plan what you are going to say and say it clearly and concisely.

A good speaker uses various signals to help hold the audience's attention and make the information clear. One type of signal is to introduce a list with a phrase like "There are three things we have to consider". The Speaker then says what the three things are and talks about each one at the required level of detail. For example: "There are three types of price that we have to think about: economic price, market price and psychological price. Let's look at each of these in more detail. First, economic price. This is based on production costs and the need to make a profit"...and the speaker goes on to describe this type of price.

Another signaling technique is to give a link between parts of the presentation. Say where one part of the talk ends and another starts. For example, a well-organized presentation usually contains different parts, and progression from one part to the next must be clear, with phrases like



"That's all I want to say about the development of the product. Now let's turn to the actual marketing plan".

Another type of signaling is sequencing of information. This usually follows a logical order, perhaps based on time. So a project may be described in terms of the background, the present situation and the future. Key words in sequencing information are first, then, next, after that, later, at the end, finally.

Careful repetition is another technique which helps to emphasize key points.

A final point concerns timing and quantity of information. Psychologists have suggested that concentration is reduced after about twenty minutes without a break or a change in activity. Furthermore, audiences should not be overburdened with technical details or given too many facts to remember. It is claimed that to ask people to remember more than three things in a five-minute talk is too much. Some say that seven is the maximum number of any length of presentation. Any such calculations are probably not very reliable, but every speaker needs to think about exactly how much information of a particular type a specific audience is likely to absorb andto plan accordingly.

Л» Задание 48. Письменно переведите текст, учитывая переводческий комментарий. Поменяйтесь с другим студентом переводами, прочитайте его вариант, сравните со своим переводом, вместе проанализируйте достоинства и недостатки ваших переводов.

Quantum Spacetime

1. инфинитивный оборот

Any piece of matter or concentration of energy distorts the geometry of spacetime and causes other particles and light rays to be deflected (1) toward it, aphenomenon we call gravity.

Quantum theory and Einstein's theory of general relativity separately have each been fantastically well confirmed by experiment - but no experiment has explored the regime where both theories predict significant effects. The problem is that quantum effects

are most prominent at small size scales, whereas general relativistic effects require large masses, so it takes extraordinary circumstances to combine both conditions.

(2) Allied with this hole in the experimental data is a huge conceptual problem: Einstein's theory of general relativity is thoroughly classical, or nonquantum. (3) For physics as a whole to be logically consistent, there has to be a theory that somehow unites quantum mechanics and general relativity. This long-sought-after theory (4) is called quantum gravity. Because general relativity deals in the geometry of spacetime. a quantum theory of gravity will in addition be a quantum theory of spacetime.

Physicists have developed a considerable collection of mathematical procedures for turning a classical theory into a quantum one. Many theoretical physicists and mathematicians have worked on applying those standard techniques to general relativity. Early results were discouraging. Calculations carried out in the 1960s and 1970s seemed to show (5) that quantum theory and general relativity could not be successfully combined. Consequently, something fundamentally new seemed to be required. (6) such as additional postulates or principles not included in quantum theory and general relativity, or new particles or fields, or new entities of some kind. Perhaps with the right additions or a new mathematical structure, a quantumlike theory could be developed that would successfully approximate general relativity in the nonquantum regime. (7) Many different approaches along these lines have been tried and many physicists and mathematicians are convinced that alternatives must be studied. (8) Loop quantum gravity theory is the best-developed alternative. In the mid -1980s a few scientists decided to reexamine the question of whether quantum mechanics could be combined consistently with general relativity using the standard techniques. They knew that the negative results from the 1970s had an important loophole. Those

2. инверсия

3. конструкция

for + in fin live

4. атрибутивное





инфинитивный оборот

7. рема

8. рема


9. инфинитивный оборот
Oxygen combining with substances, oxide is formed.
Almost all metals are good conductors of electricity, silver being the best conductor of all.

calculations assumed that the geometry of space is continuous and smooth, no matter how minutely we examine it. just as people hadexpected matter to be (9) before the discovery of atoms.

Независимый причастный оборот (Absolute Participle Construction)

Обстоятельственные причастные обороты могут быть зависимыми и независимыми.

I. Когда обстоятельственный причастный оборот относится к подлежащему предложения, он называется зависимым:

Having finished school he entered the University. Inspecting the motor the engineer made some valuable remarks.

Окончив ШКОЛу, он поступил в


Осматривая мотор. инженер

сделал несколько ценных


Если причастный оборот в роли обстоятельства оказывается в середине предложения (и в некоторых случаях в конце предложения), то он выделяется запятыми, что исключает возможность принять его за определение к слову, стоящему слева от него. Значит, если перед /wg-формой стоит запятая, то оборот следует переводить деепричастным оборотом. обстоятельственным придаточным предложением или придаточным предложением, вводимым союзом что. например:

Water, having weight and occupying space, is a form of matter. We have used the simpler method, eliminating questioning.

Вода, поскольку она имеет вес и занимает пространство, является формой материи. Мы использовали более простой метод, что дало возможность избежать опроса.

2. Когда причастие входит в состав независимого причастного оборота, оно выражает действие не подлежащего этого предложения,

а существительного или местоимения, стоящего перед ним. Таким образом, причастный оборот не зависит от подлежащего всего предложения.

Основные признаки независимого причастного оборота:

он почти всегда отделен запятой;

перед причастием стоит существительное без предлога или местоимение в именительном падеже, играющее роль подлежащего в причастном обороте.

Независимый причастный оборот может стоять или в начале, или в конце предложения.

1) Если независимый причастный оборот стоит в начале предложения, он переводится на русский язык придаточным обстоятельственным предложением времени, причины или условия с союзами: когда, так как. поскольку, если, после того как.


Когда кислород соединяется с другим веществом, образуется окисел.

2) Независимый причастный оборот в конце предложения часто переводится самостоятельным бессоюзным предложением или с союзами причем, а. и, но.

Почти все металлы являются
хорошими проводниками

электричества, причем серебро является самым лучшим из них.

3) Независимый причастный оборот может вводиться служебным словом with, которое не переводится; кроме того, запятая в этом случае может отсутствовать, например:

Когда (если) воду охлаждали, скорость реакции была низкой. Так как модель перестроена, мы

With water being cooled, the rate of

the reaction was low.

With the model reconstructed we


may start rethinking of the whole process.

можем начать снова обдумывать весь процесс.

12. As time went on, the bombardment of the moon's surface by comets eased, with impacts becoming less frequent and less powerful.


Задание 49. Переведите предложения, соблюдая правила перевода независимого причастного оборота. Проанализируйте структурные изменения предложений при переводе.

1. The PLC programs were modified to track the passage of slab slices through the machine in the course of casting, the slab tracking being accomplished in several steps.

2. Each customer order is tracked through a plant, quality data being collected at every stage.

3. Equations expressing the desired water flow rate for each zone having been developed, the PLC could read the casting (литье) speed from the machine tachometer.

4. A supervisor)' computer control system has been developed, metallurgical and thermal model of the RH process being combined.

5. Sensors and automatic instruments measure the dimensions and temperature of the ingot after each pass through the rolls, the control computer calculating and regulating the roll settings for the next pass.

6. Normally goods are sold above cost price, the difference being profit: sometimes however they are sold at less than cost price, the difference being loss.

7. You can have numerous windows on the screen at a time, each containing its own program and/or document.

8. Programming process ends with the written documentation completed.

9. The early phase of the Moon's evolution was followed by a violent pelting of its surface by comets, asteroids and meteoroids. As time went on, the bombardment eased, with impacts becoming less frequent and less powerful.

10. It is far too early in the morning, and Bonnie L. Bassler is charging across the Princeton University campus, incandescent purple coat flying, brown curls bouncing, big laugh booming.

11. With tens of billions of chips in the world running most every imaginable machine, many scholars now rank the development of the microchip as one of humankind's greatest achievements.

Задание 50. Письменно переведите текст, учитывая переводческий комментарий.

The Equivocal Success of the Wright Brothers (1)

The Wrights used aerial control as the key to building and flying the first airplane. But trying to refine their invention in secret nearly cost them their glory.

A popular myth about the Wrights brothers is that (1) 1. "they were considered to be cranks because everyone knew Субъектный that flying was impossible." Untrue. This fiction is based инфинитив, on the turn-of-the-century writings of several skeptics. The оборот reality is that people had been flying since 1783. thanks to the invention in France of a practical hot-air balloon. By 1903 powered balloon flights and glider soaring were commonplace. And engines were becoming lighter and producing more horsepower. (2) Fitting the elements 2. Замена together was acknowledged as tricky, risky and expensive, части речи but few people thought that airplane flying would always be "impossible". (3) // was the Wrights secretiveness that 3. Инверсия made this magazine (and many others) skeptical about their accomplishment.

On December 17, 1903, Orville Wright took off in a
powered airplane, flew for 12 seconds and 120 feet, then
bumped down into the sand. (4) // took two more years for 4.
the Wrights to build and fly the world's first truly Конструк-
controllable airplane. Having constructed and learned how ция for
to fly an unpowered aircraft, the Wrights then embarked on infinitive
creating a more robust, motorized version. (5) Most 5. Незави-
automobile engines being too heavy, they designed their симый при-
own and built it using an aluminum-copper alloy. частный




Дополнение с причастием

подлежащее + сказуемое + дополнение + (as) Participle I, II

При переводе между сказуемым и дополнением ставится союз что или чтобы (иногда как).

Глагол have в этой конструкции имеет значение заставлять, сделать так, чтобы. Глагол get - добиваться. Они могут не переводиться, а лишь придавать высказыванию эти значения.

Задание 51. Переведите предложения, выделяя оборот «дополнение с причастием». Обратите внимание на изменение структуры предложения при переводе данного оборота. I. We have already mentioned this method as affording good results. 2. He considered valence as being a property of atoms and to be a constant for each element. 3. We may think of this molecule as being just like one of benzene (бензол). 4. Faraday never considered bodies as existing with nothing between them but distance, and acting on one another according to some function of that distance. 5. He regards this concept as being not a simple one. 6. We have the program debugged. 7. He had our research group presented at the last symposium. 8. He has got himself fooled. 9. I


Не disliked the program being written in C++

I know her making this research for 5 years.

We consider this problem as consisting of two parts.

We have the program debugged. We got the program debugged.

Ему не нравилось, что программа была написана на языке C++

Я знаю, что она проводит это исследование в течение пяти лет.

Мы считаем, что эта задача состоит из двух частей. (Мы рассматриваем эту задачу как состоящую из двух частей.)

Мы заставили их отладить


Нам отладили программу.

had others consider my opinion. 10. They regard the exercises as being too simple for them. 11. The chemist is usually inclined to regard the appearance of this product as signifying that the reaction is over. 12. One cannot fail to see other countries tending for mutual cooperation. 13. They planned from the first the project as being primarily a communication experiment. 14. The mathematician is free to consider a 'geometry' as defined by any set of consistent axioms about •points', "straight lines', etc.

Ill A> Задание 52. Прочитайте текст. Письменно переведите предложения с выделенными конструкциями, обращая внимание на переводческий комментарий.

The Equivocal Success of the Wright Brothers (2)

The Great Day

1. независи­ мый при­ частный обо­ рот с with 2. Безгла­ гольная абсо­ лютная конс­ трукция

At Kill Devil Hills near Kitty Hawk on December 17. 1903, the Wrights sat their Flyer 1 on their launching rail (рельсовая) направляющая пусковой установки), laid on flat sand. Orville was at the controls (decided by a coin toss). They started the motor and. (I) with Wilbur running alongside guiding the wing, the craft became airborne- briefly. If it is debatable whether the first flight of the day was a controlled flight or a hop. the fourth and last. (2) with Wilbur at the controls, was definitive: it covered 852 feet in 59 seconds. The Wrights had flown a powered, heavier-than-air machine in free, controlled, sustained flight. Nine days later Scientific American cautiously noted: "'This is a decided step in advance in aerial navigation with aeroplanes".

The Wrights were triumphant aircraft inventors. Unfortunately, they were terrible aviation businessmen. They became so concerned about losing financial control of their invention that they kept it away not only from the prying eyes of competitors but also from potential customers and those who could have helped spread word



The Wrights brothers who were considered as being cranks were in fact triumphant aircraft inventors.

of their progress.

(3) Back in Dayton, at Huffman Prairie, the Wrights continued work on producing a flying machine. With their Fiver 2 they made more than 100 short flights, later on using a catapult to facilitate takeoff. In June 1904, (4) with rumors tricking in from Dayton, Scientific American complained: "Great secrecy was maintained about the test, and but few witnessed it". (5) Wrights allowed so few people to observe - or photograph - the aircraft flying. (6) It was not until 1990 that the Flyer 3 was designated as a National Historic Landmark, the sole airplane ever (7) to receive that honor.

The Wrights waited until they were close to selling airplanes to both the U.S. Army Signal Corps (войска связи США) and to a French syndicate before showing their aircraft publicly. On August 8. 1908. at a racetrack near Le Mans. France, in a Wright Model A Flyer. Wilbur astonished viewers with multiple flights of unprecedented piloting skill and technological advance, and the Wrights were held as heroes.

By 1909 the Wrights reached the peak of their fame. In the autumn of that year perhaps a million of astounded onlookers (8) лай1 Wilbur fly over New York and around the Statue of Liberty: a few days later a similar huge (9) crowd saw him take an aerial trip up theHudson River.Yet by 1911 several companies, mostly in Europe, were manufacturing aircraft that were safer, faster and more maneuverable than the Wright flyers.


3. Безглаго­льная абсо­лютная конс­трукция

4. независи­мый при­частный обо­рот с with

5. дополне­
ние с причас­

6. антоними­

7. инфини­
тив в функ­
ции опреде­

8. 9 сложное дополнение с инфинитивом

These changes are considered as Считается, что эти изменения
having affected
conditions on the повлияли на состояние всей
rest of the planet. планеты.

The program can be thought of as Можно считать. что эта
of three parts. программа состоит из трех

частей. She was heard playing the piano. Слышали, как она играла на


Если указано лицо, совершающее действие, то при переводе его следует выносить в начало предложения вместе со сказуемым.

Многие физики признали, что это явление оказывает огромное влияние на климат.

The phenomenon was recognized b\ mam physicists) as having great influence on the climate.

Если оборот «подлежащее с причастием» находится в придаточном предложении, то его сказуемое при переводе не выносится вперед, а переводится вводным предложением, например: как говорят, как сообщается, как было найдено, ит.д.

Братья Райт, которые. как считалось. были большими оригиналами, на самом деле оказались успешными изобре­тателями самолетов.


Подлежащее с причастием

подлежащее + сказуемое + (as) Participle 1,11

Данная конструкция переводится на русский язык по той же схеме, что и «подлежащее с инфинитивом».

При переводе причастия глаголом-сказуемым придаточного предложения его время определяется формой причастия и временем сказуемого.


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