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Задание 1. Выберите любой тип текста и охарактеризуйте его по значимым признакам, как это сделано в таблице выше.

Ш Определяющим признаком является состав информации в тексте, поэтому, в соответствии с преобладающим в тексте видом информации, все тексты можно подразделить на 4 группы:

1. Примарно-когнитивные тексты: научный, научно-учебный, научно-популярный, объявления. искусствоведческий, музыковедческий, философский, документы, деловое письмо. Для них характерен групповой (реже коллективный источник) и реципиент. 1 или II группа переводимости.

2. Примарно-оперативные тексты: законодательный, религиозный, проповедь, инструкция, рецепт. Источник коллективный или групповой, реципиент, как правило, коллективный, группа переводимости I или II.

3. Примарно-эмоциональные тексты: траурное объявление, некролог, беллетристика, публичная речь, реклама, мемуарный текст. Источник преимущественно коллективный, хотя иногда наблюдаются признаки индивидуального источника, реципиент также в основном коллективный, группа переводимости I или II, в отдельных случаях III (реклама). Исключение составляет личное письмо, где и источник, и реципиент - индивидуальные.


4. Примарно-эстетические тексты: художественный текст, художественная публицистика. И источник, и реципиент -индивидуальные, группа переводимое™ - III.

Такое разделение текстов по группам является условным.

Задание 2. Прочитайте данные ниже тексты, проанализируйте их с учетом определяющих признаков: вида информации, коммуникативного задания, реципиента и источника, меры переводимости.


The microchip's main accomplishment is ushering us into the era of personal computing, one that would have seemed inconceivable just 30 years ago. Without the chip, most every mechanism that modern society has come to rely on - from jumbo jets to stereo Hi-Fis - would come to a grinding halt. With tens of billions of chips in the world running most even imaginable machine, many scholars now rank the development of the microchip as one of humankind's greatest achievements. 2)

Anna P. Barlow, age 51, of Newport, went home to be with her Lord on Monday, October 14, 2006. Anna is survived by her loving husband, Carl Barlow: daughters, Theresa (Tavis) Hagadon and Susanne (Chris) French; sons. Carl (Cheryl) Barlow, Jr. and Donnie Barlow. Funeral service will be 2:00 p.m. on Thursday. October 17, 2006 at Faith Chapel Funeral Home with Father Gerald McMahon officiating. Interment will follow in Pfeiffer Cemetery.


"Dear, dear!" said Sue, leaning her worn face down to the pillow, "think

of me, if you won't think of yourself. What would I do?" But Johnsy

did not answer. The loneliest thing in all the world is a soul when it is

making ready to go on its mysterious, far journey. The fancy seemed to

possess her more strongly as one by one the ties that bound her to

friendship and to earth were loosed.


Dear Sirs,

We refer to the visit of our specialists and would like to thank you for receiving them and assisting them on site. We have now had the

opportunity to review their report and to advise you of the action we

will be taking for the machine to give a satisfactory performance. We

are sure the machine can be adjusted to suit specific applications.


New Night flying restrictions designed to cut noise at London's main

airports - Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted - are to come into effect

from October. The government announced yesterday that a new quota

system based on how much noise different types of aircraft make would

be introduced, replacing the current regime based on the number of

aircraft movements.


Business Manager needed in Pensacola

Strong organizational skills. Accounts receivable. Accounts payable.

Payroll. Human Resources, Financial Statement and Administrative

Management experience required. Strong accounting skills and budget

preparation/analysis needed. Microsoft Office and Excell spreadsheets a

must. Prio radio traffic experience a plus. Cumulus Broadcasting offers

a full benefit package. Cumulus Broadcasting is an equal opportunity

employer. Send resume to: Cumulus Broadcasting. Inc. 6573 North

"W" Street. Pensacola, Florida 32513


The artillery is a supporting arm. It acts by fire alone and is not capable

of independent action. The arty is prepared to fire under either nuc or

nonnuclear conditions. The primary mission of arty is to support the

ground-gaining arms by fire, give depth to combat by counterbattery

fires, attack hostile reserve, restrict movement, and disrupt

communication systems and other installations.


WP soft hereby grants to you, and you accept, a limited, nonexclusive

license to use the Software in machine-readable, object code form only,

and the user manuals accompanying the Software only as authorized in

this Agreement.


This kind of account is one, which will be concerned normally with putting money into the bank and not withdrawing it for some time. The usual object of having a deposit account is that interest is given on the balance held in the account, while interest is not usually given on balances in current accounts.



Dear Daddy, 1 love college and I love you for sending me - I'm very, very happy, and so excited every moment of the time that 1 can scarcely sleep. You can't imagine how different it is from John Grier Home. 1 never dreamed there was such a place in the world. I'm feeling sorry for everybody who isn't a girl and who can*t come here; I am sure the college vou attended when vou were a bov couldn't have been so nice.


The VCR supplies a signal to the TV via the RF coaxial cable on

channel E21-E69. It is possible to view the video picture on your TV in

the same way that you watch broadcasts. If you have connected the

VCR to the TV through the Audio/Video input sockets, then you do not

need to follow the procedure below. Notes: If the VCR is turned on with

the aerial not connected, all channels are skipped. Therefore, firmly

connect the aerial and then turn the VCR off and on again. In this case

see page 7 [To Restart Plug in Auto Tuning].



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