АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
Mrs. Hunt Where's Jane? Simon In her room. Mrs. Hunt What's she been doing? Simon She's been looking at herself in the mirror. Mrs. Hunt She got sunburnt today. Look at yourself, Simon. You've got sunburnt, too. Simon I know. Here's the property section. Mrs. Hunt If we were sure that we'd stay here, we could have a house built. Mr. Hunt But Sarah, we want an old house. We can't have an old house built. Mrs. Hunt You're right. How stupid I am! Simon There are no good ones in the newspaper. Mrs. Hunt None? Simon No, there aren't any here. Mr. Hunt We'll look again tomorrow. I'll find a few and compare them. Yes, while you're enjoying yourselves in Scotland, I'll be running round looking at houses. Simon Don't run too fast. Dad. Mr. Hunt Very funny!
Part 3
Judy I don't know what to do or where to go. Bob Take yourself to the cinema. Judy I've no money. Bob Visit a friend. Judy I don't know who to visit. I haven't got any friends. Bob Take the dog for a walk. Judy No, I'd rather do nothing.
Late again
Joe How long has Betty been getting ready? Dave For at least an hour. And she'll probably need another hour. Joe Why? Dave She hasn't washed or dressed yet. Joe It's a good thing she hasn't got to shave, too.
Комментарий к двадцать девятому уроку
Часть 1
1 A new house Новый дом 2 Now we've got to decide where to live and what kind of house to buy. Теперь нам нужно решить, где жить и какой дом покупать. At first we thought we'd rent a house in the suburbs. Сначала мы думали, что снимем дом в пригороде. a at first - сначала б in the suburbs - в пригороде 4 Now we've decided to buy one, since we've said that we'll stay for at least two years. Теперь мы решили купить дом, поскольку сказали, что задержимся по крайней Мере на два года. а Не путайте, пожалуйста, уже известное вам значение слова since - с (since yesterday - со вчерашнего дня, since 1973 - с 1973 года) с тем значением, которое вы сейчас узнали: since -поскольку, так как. б at least - по крайней мере, по меньшей мере 5 Since the children and 1 are going to Scotland tomorrow, I won't be able to look for a house. Поскольку дети и я завтра уезжаем в Шотландию, я не смогу искать дом. 6 There are certain things which are very important to us. Некоторые вещи имеют для нас очень большое значение, (букв.Есть некоторые вещи, которые очень важны для нас.) 7 For example, Guy's been talking about a large garden where he can grow flowers and vegetables. Например. Гай мечтал о большом саде, где он мог бы выращивать цветы и овощи, (букв.Гай говорил о большом саде, где он мог выращивать цветы и овощи.) 8 I do hope he'll find a house we like. Я очень надеюсь, что on найдет дом, который нам понравится. Вы знаете, что глагол do употребляется как вспомогательный глагол для образования вопросительной или отрицательной формы: Do you like it? 1 do not like it. В утвердительном предложении он употребляется для усиления значения основного глагола и всегда имеет логическое ударение. Послушайте, как он выделяется голосом: I do hope я очень надеюсь. Do come to see us. - Обязательно приходите к нам . Часть вторая
9 It's a good thing Peter has taken the children out to-day. Хорошо, что Питер увез детей на прогулку сегодня. to take somebody out - увезти кого-то на прогулку, взять с собой развлечься, развеяться, увести из дому. 10 ... it'll give us a chance to discuss houses. . . . это даст нам возможность обсудить новый дом (букв, обсудить дома). 11 We'll tell them what we've decided and find out what they think. Мы им расскажем, что мы решили, и узнаем, что они думают. 12 First, we do not want a modern house. Во-первых, мы не хотим современного дома. 13 No, that's second. Нет, это во-вторых. 14 First, we do want to live outside London. Во-первых мы ни за что не хотим жить в Лондоне, (букв,мы обязательно хотим жить вне Лондона.) 15 Simon won't argue about that. Саймон не будет об этом спорить. 16 I'd rather live a little closer to town. Я бы предпочла жить поближе к городу. 17 I'll think about it while I'm shaving. Я подумаю об этом, пока буду бриться. 18 While you've been shaving, I've been adding to our list. Пока ты брился, я дополняла наш список. 19 What have you been listing? Что ты записала в список ? 20 Extra bedroom for guests. Лишнюю спальню для гостей. 21 I also wrote "Simon's room" on the list. Я также поставила в список "комнату для Саймона". 22 Simon would like a place where he could amuse himself and entertain his friends. Саймон хотел бы иметь место, где он мог бы сам развлекаться и принимать друзей. 23 That's what I thought. Я так и думала. 24 Let's look in the paper, where there'll be some advertisements. Давайте посмотрим газету, там будут объявления, (букв.Давайте посмотрим в газету, где будут объявления.) В английских газетах очень много места отводится объявлениям разного рода: о покупке и продаже собственности, о бракосочетаниях, о рождении детей, и т.п. За счет объявлений и рекламы резко увеличивается объем газет, поэтому центральные газеты в Англии занимают много страниц (20-40). 25 She's been looking at herself in the mirror. Она разглядывала себя в зеркало. 26 None? Ни одного? 27 While you're enjoying yourselves in Scotland ... Пока вы будете развлекаться в Шотландии . . . В этом уроке вам встретился новый тип местоимений: yourselves, himself, herself, и т.п. Эти так называемые возвратные местоимения соответствуют в русском языке слову себя или - в сочетании с глаголами - переводятся глаголами на -ся (возвратными глаголами: бриться, развлекаться, и т.п.) We're amusing ourselves. Мы развлекаемся. He's amusing himself. Он развлекается. He's looking at himself. Он смотрит на себя в зеркало. She's looking at herself in the mirror. Она смотрит на себя в зеркало.
EXERCISES Exercise 1
Examples He will be working while we are enjoying ... in Scotland. He will be working while we are enjoying ourselves in Scotland. He has burnt... with a match. He has burnt himself with a match. 1 He will be working while wc are enjoying ... in Scotland. 2 He has burnt. .. with a match. 3 They will enjoy ... at the seaside. 4 You have hurt..., haven't you? 5 I am going to enjoy ... this evening. 6 Simon wants a place where he can amuse ... 7 She has cut... badly. 8 Why don't you go out and enjoy ..., children? 9 We have not enjoyed ... so much since last year. 10 The computer turns... off at night.
Exercise 2
Examples I'll show you a pub. Can we sit in the garden? Yes, I’ll show you a pub where we can sit in the garden. He went to a college. Could he study music there? Yes, he went to a college where he could study music . 1 I'll show you a pub. Can we sit in the garden? 2 He went to a college. Could he study music there? 3 We're going to find a house. Can we have a garden? 4 They might want a table. Wijl they be able to talk quietly? 5 I wanted to find a cheap place. Could we have a good meal there? 6 They're moving to Scotland. Do their grandparents live there? 7 He will probably want a hotel. Will he be able to stay for a long time? 8 I think she lives in a house in Hampstead. Are there a lot of other girls there?
Exercise 3
Examples What has she been doing at the hairdresser's? He sunbathed. What has he been doing on the beach? She had her hair done. She has been having her hair done at the hairdresser's. He has been sunbathing on the beach
1 What has she been doing at the hairdresser's? I made some cakes. 2 What has he been doing on the beach? They danced. 3 What have you been doing in the kitchen? I waited for Joe's train. 4 What has she been doing at the launderette? She had her hair done. 5 What have they been doing at the nightclub? She watched the planes. 6 What have you been doing at the station? He sunbathed. 7 What has she been doing at the airport? He washed his car. 8 What has he been doing in the garage? She washed the clothes.
Exercise 4
Examples I'm going to the beach. What about you? I don't know where to go. I'm making a dress. What about Sue? She doesn't know what to make. 1 I'm going to the beach. What about you? 2 I'm making a dress. What about Sue? 3 I'm learning French. What about Helen? 4 I'm going to London. What about the Hunts? 5 I'm buying some sandwiches. What about you? 6 I'm driving to Scotland. What about Harry? 7 I'm doing something. What about Mary? 8 I'm going to a hotel. What about Simon? 9 I'm looking for a big house. What about you? 10 I'm eating at that Italian restaurant. What about the Hunts?