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26. 1. There is a good Italian restaurant nearby 2. I would like to have a cup of coffee 3. Jane is an editor 4. Jack is the editor of the university paper 5. There is a magazine on the table 6. Did you find the magazine you were looking for?

7. Last night I saw a new movie ~ How did you like the movie?

8. Tom is going to buy a new car 9. Tom is going to insure the car 10. I am readin-g an interesting book 11. The book that I am reading is on the table 12. The sun was shining 13. Linda is the daughter of a well-known lawyer 14. The Cherry Orchard is a play by Chekhov 15. Because of the bad weather on Friday we could not go to Cleveland 16. The Smiths have bought a new house 17. You are right. The food here could be better 18. They offered us food and drink 19. They went to the Alps every summer 20. I am going to Boston tonight 21. Have I shown you the watch I bought in Switzerland? 22. Could you deliver the milk to my house? 23. Milk is wholesome 24. The price of gold is falling 25. Gold is a precious metal 26. He graduated from Columbia University 27. The Columbia University campus is located on the West Side 28. London is an old city 29. There are many museums in London 30. Have you ever visited the British Museum? 31. There is always hope 32. Last night I heard Rigoletto and enjoyed the music 33. I like music very much 34. I met Nancy's sister 35. There are many good restau­rants in Greenwich Village 36. Let us take a Broadway bus 37. 1 am waiting for the Broadway bus 38. Mexico is rich in oil 39. Paris is the capital of France 40. The largest river in the USA is the Mississippi River 41. Pete usually goes to see the dentist once a year 42. Last Sunday we went to a jazz concert. ~ Did you like the concert? 43. Do you have a telephone? 44. The telephone rings very often 45. My wife is at the doctor's 46. The scholar was awarded the Nobel Prize 47. Jack is a good worker


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