

ÀñòðîíîìèÿÁèîëîãèÿÃåîãðàôèÿÄðóãèå ÿçûêèÄðóãîåÈíôîðìàòèêàÈñòîðèÿÊóëüòóðàËèòåðàòóðàËîãèêàÌàòåìàòèêàÌåäèöèíàÌåõàíèêàÎáðàçîâàíèåÎõðàíà òðóäàÏåäàãîãèêàÏîëèòèêàÏðàâîÏñèõîëîãèÿÐèòîðèêàÑîöèîëîãèÿÑïîðòÑòðîèòåëüñòâîÒåõíîëîãèÿÔèçèêàÔèëîñîôèÿÔèíàíñûÕèìèÿ×åð÷åíèåÝêîëîãèÿÝêîíîìèêàÝëåêòðîíèêà


5. 1. to; at; in; to 2. to; at, in 3. to, at; at, at 4. to; at, in 5 in; to 6. at, in 7. in; at 8. in, at; at 9. to; at 10. to, at; to ö. at, to, to 12. to, to, in 13. At, in, to 14. at, at; to, in 15. In, at

16. At, to, in 17. At, at 18. to, at; at; at, in 19. at, to, in, at, at 20. in 21. at, to; in; to, to 22. in; at 23. in, at, in 24. in, at 25. at; to, in 26. in, at 27. to, in 28. to, at, to, to 29. in, at 30. in, at 31. in, at 32. at, to, in 33. in, to 34. To, in; to 35. at, to, to 36. in; in; at

6. 1. on, with; with; by; in 2. in, on/into 3. to; on; On, by, in, on 4. at, out, to, of 5. at; on, off 6. to, in; on 7. to, in, on

8. on; with, of 9. of, into, in/with 10. at, on 11. out of, on 12. in, at, on; in 13. with, to, of 14. to; to, of, at, to/on; to, on 15. at/from, off/out 16. with, in; out of 17. into/out of, of, off; in, on 18. on; on, into 19. with, of, in 20. in; in; into, on 21. at, with, in; on 22. By, of; with, on 23. on, to, in/on; to, of 24. with, under, of 25. on, to, of 26. of, to 27. in, of; in; in, at/by, of, at, in 28. into, in, by, of 29. in/at; of, at, on; with, in 30. by, on 31. off; on, in 32. into, into, with 33. by, by, on, of 34. of, at, of 35. of, in, to 36. off; on; to

7. 1. in, for 2. at, since 3. At, of, for 4. in, for; During, in 5. for, on, in; from; for/on 6. under, with; in, during/in 7. by, of, in, in 8. by, for, in, of 9. from, since; on; of, to 10. for, during 11. with; for; for; in 12. for; of, for 13. under, with, for 14. in, for, in, till/until, of 15. for, on/for 16. In, of, off 17. in, by, from 18. on, to, by 19. for/to, from; in 20. at, during, for 21. by; on, for 22. by, in, on, in, in, over 23. of; in, for 24. in, for, of 25. of, from to or to from; for, to, by, for 26. at/by; for 27. from, at, with, for 28. for, till; with, for 29. on/into, off/out of, at, at 30. from, with/at; in, in, in, of 31. of; in, with 32. for, in 33. with, into/to, with 34. from, with, for; under/of, till 35. of, on; from 36. on; for

8. 1. on 2. in, from 3. in, in 4. of; In, of, in 5. on; on, in/at; at, at, at/on 6. to, with; on with; on 7. in; on with; of 8. in, by

9. of, at 10. to, for, of 11. At, to 12. about, to 13. in/by, in, up 14. for; for, for, over 15. for/about, on; about 16. of, for, from

17. for; in 18. in, with, for 19. on; for 20. with, into, with 21. for, in, on 22. In, to, to 23. by/with, out, in, of 24. of, after, in; with grass, which annoyed

25. at, away/off 26. to, of, to, away/off 27. to; on 28. In, with of, from 29. to; under 30. on, to 31. of, to 32. about, off, at/by 33. to, of 34. for, with 35. of, of, of 36. under, for, for

9. 1—, for 2. —, for 3. —, to 4. —, for 5. —, of 6. for; In, for for 7. to, — 8. in/at, —; of, for 9. for/to, in 10. —; for 11. to, for 12. —, of/in 13. for, for; of, —, for 14. for; — 15. on; — 16. to/past, —, of 17. —, at/in; —, on 18. —; —, —; to, for 19. for, for, in/at; for, — 20. to, in 21. to, —, — 22. —, in; —, with 23. —, for, at/by/on 24. to, to, in 25. —; to 26. —, —• with, of 27. —, in, in 28. to; —, of 29. —, of 30. on, —, for' for/— 31. —, in, for 32. —, till 33. —, —, to; —, —, with 34. —; to, in/with 35. —, —, in 36. to, —, in

10. (till is always replaceable by until) 1. to 2. till

3. to/till 4. till 5. till 6. till 7. to/till 8. to 9. to/till; till 10. to, till 11. to; till 12. to; till

11. 1. since; for 2. since 3. since 4. since 5. for 6. Since 7. for

8. since; for 9. since; for 10. for 11. for 12. Since

12. 1. then/afterwards; after 2. after 3. After; Afterwards

4. then/afterwards 5. then, then 6. then 7. after 8. then

9. after/afterwards 10. then 11. then 12. then; Then 13. afterwards 14. afterwards 15. then 16. then

13. 1. out, in/back 2. for 3. on with 4. out of 5. up to

6. away with 7. up 8. out/about 9. off/away 10. up to 11. out 12. on with 13. over 14. over 15. up 16. away 17. through 18. of 19. up to 20. through 21. away 22. over 23. off 24. up to 25. in 26. over 27. out 28. for 29. off/into/on 30. on 31. up to 32. back 33. on/along 34. away with 35. back/in 36. out of

14. 1. on 2. back 3. down 4. after 5. in 6. ahead

7. off/away/back 8. at/for 9. out of/away from 10. back 11. up 12. back 13. up with 14. round/back 15. out 16. for 17. out for 18. out 19. back 20. forward to 21. in 22. into/at 23. on 24. out on/on to 25. through/over 26. through 27. up 28. up 29. up, down 30. forward to 31. up to 32. at 33. down on 34. up 35. on 36. through

15. 1. to/round 2. ahead/on 3. round 4. for 5. on 6. out 7. into/over 8. off 9. up 10. out 11. in for 12. out 13. down 14. round 15. up to/over to 16. through 17. back on 18. through with 19. up 20. into 21. down 22. back 23. over/through 24. off 25. along/on 26. off/away 27. away/off 28. in for

29. across/upon 30. up 31. without 32. down 33. round 34. on with 35. out 36. down

16. 1. in 2. away with 3. aback 4. though 5. up 6. up 7. down 8. after 9. after 10. over 11. up 12. back 13. up against 14. to

15. away with 16. up 17. down 18. off 19. over/through 20. to 2l over 22. for 23. into 24. in 25. for 26. out of 27. out 28. on

29. away 30. in 31. down 32. down 33. on/over 34. into 35. in 36. over

17. 1. down 2. away 3. at 4. into 5. down 6. in 7. down 8. off 9. out 10. on 11. down 12. on 13. for 14. off 15. out 16. in 17. down 18. at 19. for 20. off 21. up 22. out 23. down 24. off 25. in 26. up 27. out 28. off 29. back 30. up 31. out 32. into 33. over 34. up 35. out of 36. out/up

18. 1. away 2. back 3. up 4. off 5. for 6. back 7. off 8. out 9. off/out 10. up 11. down 12. up 13. away 14. out 15. up

16. away 17. on 18. in 19. up 20. off 21. down to 22. up 23. out

24. out/off 25. up with 26. up 27. on 28. up for 29. up 30. out 31. up 32. down 33. up 34. forward/on 35. out 36. down

19. 1. away 2. back 3. down 4. in 5. through 6. off 7. off

8. out of 9. off 10. in 11. away 12. up 13. down 14. out 15. out

16. on 17. in with 18. down/on 19. down 20. up/away 21. off

22. off 23. over 24. off 25. in 26. up 27. up 28. off 29. up

30. down 31. off 32. out 33. back on 34. out/on 35. round 36. out

20. 1. about 2. for 3. away with 4. for 5. out/off 6. over/about 7. for 8. up 9. away 10. off/out 11. through 12. for 13. up 14. round/to 15. out 16. up 17. up 18. over 19. up 20. up 21. round 22. in 23. about/around 24. out 25. out 26. away 27. down 28. out 29. up 30. on 31. up 32. down 33. up 34. up 35. on to 36. up

21. 1. out 2. out of 3. up 4. about 5. back 6. in 7. out 8. back

9. up 10. up to 11. for 12. out 13. up 14. out 15. up 16. up

17. up to 18. in 19. up 20. up 21. in 22. out 23. back 24. on

25. for 26. away 27. into 28. out 29. out 30. on 31. by 32. up 33. off 34. up for 35. down 36. off.

22. 1. over 2. out 3. for 4. off 5. up 6. out 7. to/about 8. out 9. up 10. in/out/round 11. away 12. through 13. back 14. up 15. up 16. out 17. up 18. out 19. out of 20. out 21. away 22. after

23. up with 24. up 25. to/about 26. up with 27. in/up 28. out 15»

29. down 30. out 31. up/in 32. back 33. off 34. away 35. up 36. out

23. 1. down 2. up 3. off 4. up 5. up 6. down 7. in 8. öð 9. out 10. up 11. in 12. at 13. up 14. up 15. up 16. with 17. out 18. on 19. off 20. up 21. out 22. out 23. on 24. up 25. down

26. for 27. out for 28. up 29. off, off 30. on 31. without 32. out 33. down 34. up 35. out 36. up to

24. 1. out of 2. out for 3. up to 4. up to 5. up with 6. up against 7. up for 8. away with 9. ba'ck on 10. out of 11. up for

12. away with 13. in with 14. up with/in 15. on with 16. on to

17. away with 18. up to 19. back on 20. out for 21. round to 22. over to 23. up to 24. out of 25. up with 26. up with 27. up to 28. down on 29. forward to 30. out to 31. on with 32. out of 33. out on/on to 34. up with 35. up, down 36. in for

25. 1. account for 2. blew it up 3. broke off 4. called off 5. carry out my orders/carry my orders out 6. catch up with them/catch them up 7. clear up a mystery/clear a mystery up 8. came across 9. come off 10. came round/to 11. cutting road deaths down/cutting down road deaths 12. enter for/go in for

13. get off/out of 14. get out of it 15. gave out the names/gave the names out 16. give up smoking 17. go up, come down

18. went into/looked into 19. set off/out 20. take up 21. bring up children/bring children up 22. held up 23. turn up 24. picked Spanish up/picked up Spanish 25. up to you 26. jump at it

27. keep off 28. keep up with him 29. knocked him out 30. let you off 31. getting over it 32. leave/miss out or leave/miss ...out 33. looking them up 34. make up for 35. mix up 36. pay me back/out

26. 1. Let me in 2. looked at her 3. rang him up 4. look after 5. made it up 6. pull through 7. look out 8. put off 9. look on him 10. put on uniform 11. look into 12. looked through me 13. look up my sister/look my sister up 14. put out 15. put up 16. put you all up 17. ring up 18. runs down his own garden 19. run down 20. running into 21. run up against 22. put in for 23. call in/send for 24. settle down 25. sat/stayed up 26. stand for 27. stood by him 28. takes after him 29. took up golf 30. taking me in 31. throw/give up a good job 32. turned down her application/turned her application down 33. turned out 34. wound up 35. work out 36. took on, worn out, give it up

27. 1. went 2. broken 3. set 4. turn 5. wore 6. called 7. wait g. call/put 9. put 10. try 11. get 12. come 13. knock 14. leave

15. take 16. sent 17. carrying 18. let 19. put 20. hand/pass 21. looks 22. go/keep 23. turning 24. move 25. put/switch/turn 26. put 27. puts 28. Come 29. put 30. see 31. got/jumped

32. get 33. taken 34. took 35. took 36. showing

28. 1. up to 2. brought up 3. break up 4. caught up with 5. been up to 6. do up 7. drew up 8. fill in 9. got up 10. gave it up 11. gave up 12. went up to 13. grow up 14. held up 15. keep up with 16. picked up 17. make up for 18. pick up 19. lock up 20. pulled up/drew up 21. put up with 22. tied up 23. mixed up 24. locked up 25. ring him up, look up 26. turned up 27. took up 28. put up 29. settle up 30. make up 31. make up 32. wash up

33. stood up for 34. wound up 35. stay up/sit up 36. sat up

29. 1. dropped out 2. carry out 3. breaks out 4. cut it out 5. find out 6. getting out 7. died out 8. cut/leave out 9. make out 10. backed out 11. throw out 12. pick out 13. keep out

14. looking out 15. Look/Watch out 16. sold out 17. ran out 18. rub it out 19. pointed out 20. see/show you out 21. turned out 22. set out 23. put out 24. moving out 25. wipe out

26. work/find out 27. find out 28. Put out 29. wear them out 30. blew out 31. gone out 32. let them out 33. fall out 34. come out 35. Look out/Watch out 36. stands out

30. I.I turned it down 2. running down 3. took it down 4. Put it down 5. settle down 6. took over 7. talk it over 8. ran away 9. let me down 10. went over/through 11. backed away 12. closing down 13. got over 14. look down 15. broke down

16. look it over 17. backed away 18. clear away 19. ran away 20. shouted down 21. was over 22. do way 23. die down 24. burnt down 25. broke down 26. turned away 27. boiled over 28. give it away 29. handed down 30. puts away 31. got/ran away 32. talk over 33. cut down 34. come/go down 35. went down/were over 36. turn over

31. 1. get on 2. take over 3. jump at 4. taken aback 5. make up 6. carry on 7. think it over 8. breaks up 9. look in 10. fix you up 11. turn it down 12. hanging about 13. turn up 14. taking on

15. closing down 16. settled down 17. picked up 18. handed over !9. take to 20. looking Bill up and down 21. care for 22. go on 23. put on 24. take off 25. pointed out 26. answer me back

27. fell out 28. stand up for 29. keep out 30. look up 31. looking

for 32. puts customers off 33. fall off 34. make out 35. ordered about 36. put up with 37. broke out 38. put in 39. make up for 40. taken in

32. 1. got up 2. washed up 3. set out/off 4. pick up 5 get on 6. turned out 7. care for 8. took to 9. brought up 10. pointing out 11. showing off 12. turn/switch off 13. burn down 14. ring up 15. turn/switch off 16. get in 17. locked up 18. break in 19. go up 20. rang up 21. see to 22. held on 23. got in 24. turned/switched off 25. went on 26. got out 27. handing/passing round 28. pulled/drew up 29. let you off 30. get away with 31. put out 32. Put up with 33. looks up to 34. grows up 35. looking forward to 36. looking for 37. fed up 38. caught up with 39. dying away 40. keep up with 41. get to 42. put us up 43. sold out 44. talking over


3. 1. smells 2. are eating 3. practises 4. are driving 5. believe

6. has 7. is swimming 8. hates 9. gets 10. is moving

7. 1. think/already know 2. I'm thinking 3. I'm just smell­ing/don't they smell 4. I'm gradually forgetting 5. see/you're not looking/is pointing 6. Don't hear/you're just imagining 7 is hearing 8. I'm just tasting/does it taste 9. think/is seeing/don't approve 10. don't think/really knows/he is saying 11. stands 12. Do you realize/are standing 13. has

8. 1. don't build, use 2. is having 3. drinks, is drinking 4. does she do, plays, watches 5. is raining, haven't 6. leave

7. speaks, don't understand 8. is making, makes 9. wears 10. don't like 11. am wearing 12. is reading 13. am redecorating 14. is boiling 15. are you enjoying, am enjoying, want 16. do you get, go, am going 17. are you putting, am going, are you coming, do you mind 18. do you owe, I owe, do you intend 19. do you belong, do you read, do you change, I change 20. learns, doesn't seem 21. always buy/am always buying, win 22. do you like, am giving 23. promise, promise 24. do you always write 25. do you love, like, don't love 26. do you dream, dream, eat, ha\e 27. smells, do you keep 28. are always complaining/always complain 29. are using 30. is always saying/always says, does 31. do you know, falls 32. are you writing, write, do you want 33 are having, wonder, are talking 34. do you believe, don’t

believe, do you read 35. is making, do you think, doesn't matter, makes 36. is smoking, expect, are building, don't you put, does, doesn't seem

9. 1 does Tom think, thinks, agree 2. does this one cost, it costs 3. do you hear, is blowing 4. do you see, am looking, don't see 5. listens, is always thinking 6. deserts, goes 7. do you under­stand, don't understand 8. do you have, eat, drink 9. rises, see, are picketing 10. are you walking, walk, am hurrying, am meet­ing, doesn't like 11. wish, keeps, think, wants 12. do you recog­nize, think, don't remember 13. wonder, waiting for 14. is wait­ing, want 15. don't you see, see, am not wearing, does it say, says 16. is always borrowing/always borrows, remembers 17. do you need, do you feel 18. does it save, take, doesn't matter 19. am saving, am going 20. think, are getting 21. are looking, is just taking 22. does, is always working 23. is he doing, think, is polishing 24. is coming, do you want 25. is Peter getting on, seems 26. Is Mrs Pitt looking/does Mrs Pitt look, is smoking, and (is) dropping 27. leave, arrive, spend, set, sounds, get 28. makes, finds, goes, does not forget, returns, looks 29. finds, recognizes, coils, kills 30. does the snake feel, don't know, ends 31. do you end, begins, put, prefers 32. does the word "catastrophe" mean, mean 33. are you waiting, am waiting, doesn't open, know, want, starts/is starting 34. are you smoking, don't smoke, am smoking, want, says, removes 35. owns, don't know, uses, knows, owns 36. do you mind, ask, depends, con­cerns, refuse

10. (Negatives are given in their contracted form, af­firmatives are not given in their contracted form, but in speech present progressive tenses are normally contracted in the af­firmative.) 1. are you going; am going, do you want 2. do you smoke; I don't smoke, smokes, I do; spends 3. sees; are you waiting; am waiting 4. you usually go; belongs, wants; is using 5. go; takes, passes; is working, am queueing 6. Are you coming, are you waiting; think, wait, are, looks 7. are waiting; is dialling; Do you know; phones 8. does he come; comes; speaks 9. wonder, is speaking; comes, suppose, is speaking 10. are having; are opening; writes; get; have you (got) 11. says, is coming, wants 12. Do you have/Have you got; don't think; don't see; does a traffic warden do 13. walks, stays, parks, sticks 14. is putting, sees; hates 15. want; are just closing; we always close, doesn't

want 16. is listening, is reading, is doing, is writing 17. reads knits, isn't knitting 18. goes, doesn't go; likes; prefers 19. are watching; are enjoying, don't understand 20. happens; Does the teacher give; gives, shows, discusses 21. gets; sits, stands, walks runs 22. is that man standing; is trying, is waiting; doesn't he use/isn't he using; don't bother; prefer 23. are wearing; Do óou like; suits, doesn't fit 24. speak, come 25. is taking, is coming 26. talk; prefer; are talking; aren't talking 27. are having; am meeting; Do you go 28. go, am going; takes, costs 29. Are you doing; am packing, am catching; are you staying 30. Are you going; I am staying; are coming; Do you invite; invite 31. am just going; is pouring; don't you wait; stops 32. gets, washes, shaves, gets, don't hear; hear, makes 33. gets; makes, wakes; sings, bangs, drops, plays 34. don't you ask; mention, doesn't do; says, doesn't make, think, believes 35. Do you see; keeps; Do you think, is asking; expect, is making; do you make; stop, ask, write 36. starts, stays; moves; takes, does, wishes

11. 1. writes, know, is doing; Does your son write; hear; seems 2. cost; Do you think; depends 3. am seeing; am changing; are always changing; don't you leave 4. look/are looking, are you thinking, am thinking; are only just starting; know, am reading, says, starts 5. is always knocking on my door and asking; does she do; puts; don't mind, annoys, knows, needs, takes 6. does she do, runs out; borrows, takes, wants, finds 7. does she owe; don't know, don't keep; is leaving, is getting; am trying 8. don't you offer; sounds; doesn't realize, owes 9. says, owe, seem, owes, remember 10. don't think, is enjoying; keeps, is enjoying; enjoys; know, wants, is expecting/expects 11. are you staying; am leaving; am going 12. are you coming, are you going; depends; agrees; expect 13. is seeing; don't you come 14. Do you see; is watching; do you know, is watching; comes, goes, makes 15. are all these people doing, are they wearing; they are making; are working 16. sounds; Do you think; don't know, see, finish, are still taking on 17. Is Ann acting; doesn't act; imagine, knows 18. lives, come, see; doesn't bother, climbs, knocks 19. are moving; are you leaving; suits; know, does, is/are pulling down; are widening; say 20. ask, likes, says, don't know, thinks, suits, is merely being 21. want; tells, says, thinks 22. Does your sister's frankness annoy; does; doesn't want; wants 23. hear; am not living; are still working, is taking 24. think, take, expects; are they doing; are putting; seem, smoke,

slows 25. are always hammering; keeps, begins, hear; shakes 26. is stirring, is standing; says, are boiling; don't think, matters, cook, don't know, isn't getting; thickens 27. is being painted, isn't look­ing; Do they stop; are having 28. does the word "Establishment" mean; doesn't give; means, have 29. say, belongs, imply, accepts; isn't trying/doesn't try 30. Do all rich men belong; do, are always jeering/always jeer; is used 31. is being pulled; are using; go, get 32. smell; do; think, is coming; is probably ironing; irons, watches, gets, forgets, is pressing; is thinking 33. are you looking; am look­ing; am always looking, puts; put; don't you try 34. are travelling; is reading, is doing, is looking out; stops, falls 35. spends; amuses; is watching, sees 36. does; checks; doesn't need; happens, makes; makes

12. 1. are you going; we'll probably go 2. are having; is leaving/leaves 3. shall/will see; will probably look 4. am seeing; will refuse 5. shall/will know; will tell 6. will be; shall/will miss; will walk, will probably catch 7. shall/will probably come; will give, am coming 8. will get; are staying, will have to; will move 9. will he say; won't mind; will just buy 10. won't know; will leave 11. will never get; will meet, will fall 12. am going; Are you coming; shall/will probably have 13. Are you walking; will get; will bring 14. am having, are starting; will make 15. Are you taking; am taking; will pass; will/shall take 16. are you meeting; are meeting; is taking 17. are you doing; will go; will probably stay 18. is Jack arriving; is he getting; will come 19. are they doing; are going; is happening; are taking; will enjoy 20. will wake, won't get 21. are spending; shall/will manage; will turn; will be able 22. is catching, will be 23. is George coming; are moving, shall/will have to 24. am ringing; Shall I ask; shall/will be; will write 25. are having, are lunching, is standing; are giving 26. will let, shall/will find 27. are getting; Are you going; Are they having 28. Shall I wait, will take 29. will you have; will have; will have; are having, am having; will have 30. will give; am collecting 31. is getting; will happen; will ring, will sleep, will come 32. am being; is leaving, am taking; will soon be, will spend, will lose or will spend ... and lose 33. am flying; are you taking; will spend 34. are going; are having ... and going; will come; is coming; will ask 35. is coming; Shall we go'; will get, shall/will be able; won't pay 36. are opening, are having; will look; will come; are you having; are missing; are going

13. 1. are you going; am going; are you going to do; am going to fish 2. are you going; am not going; am staying/going to stay; am going to write 3. is going to rain 4. are you staying-am going; are you going to do; am going to try 5. am going to dye; Are you going to do, are you going to have it done; am going to have 6. am going to read 7. are you doing; are coming, am going to show/am showing; are you taking; am going to take/am taking 8. are starting; are going; Are you going to climb; is going to climb; am going to sit ... and do 9. are going; Are you going to sail; are taking/are going to take; are going to try 10. Aren't you going to ask; am leaving; are you going to do; Are you going to have; am starting 11. Are you going to use; am going to live; am going to start; are you going to do/are you doing, am selling/am going to sell; is getting 12. is going, is having; is going to look; is coming 13. am going to send; am seeing 14. is arriving; Is he spending; is he catching, is spending; is giving ... and attending 15. Is he bringing; is going to do, is giving 16. am starting; are you going to do; am going to study 17. Are you going; am going to get; am going; am going to ask; is joining/is going to join, they are all going to pick 18. am going to buy; is going to be 19. are you going to do; Are you going to sell; am going to learn; am having 20. am moving in; Are you going to have; am going to paint 21. Are you having; am going to do/am doing; am going to use; are going to help; am hiring/am going to hire 22. am going to do; am going to plant ... and make; Are you going to give/are you giving 23. am getting; are starting, is coming 24. are meeting; Are they just going to repeat; are they going to climb; are go­ing to offer

14. Shall can be replaced by will in these answers. 1. shall recognize 2. will see/am seeing 3. is playing 4. is coming 5. am going 6. shall know 7. shall owe 8. shall believe 9. am having 10. will have 11. is being/will be 12. is coming 13. is catching 14. are you meeting, at meeting 15. are you riding/will you ride 16. will Mrs Pitt say, won't mind 17. will it matter 18. won't forget 19. is leaving 20. shall remember 21. will break 22. will never forgive 23. will like 24. are laying 25. will see 26. will grow 27. will understand 28. will scratch 29. shall be 30. won't pass 31. is going 32. am moving 33. will soon forget 34. will wait 35. won't write 36. will be

18. 1. am going to have 2. are going to assemble; will come 3 am going to shampoo 4. am going to make; will burn 5. am going to paint 6. am going to make 7. will look 8. will see 9. will wait 10. are going to camp ... and cook 11. am going to put 12. Are you going to wear; am going to sit ... and watch; am not going to get 13. will take 14. will have 15. will start; will get, will bake 16. is going to bake; will soon get 17. Are you going to try; am going to try; will confiscate 18. shall/will have; will come

19. am not going to take; am going to mend; is going to help

20. Are you going to paint; am going to take 21. will add; won't be able to read; am going to type; shall/will have 22. will type 23. will ring 24. am going to ring 25. Aren't you going to climb; are going to climb; are going to try; will cook, will buy 26. am going to wash; will come 27. are going to pick; will probably come, will start 28. will have to go, will be; will get; Will you let 29. will stay; will try 30. am going to start; Are you going to do; is going to help 31. is going to write; will buy; will buy 32. is going to dig 33. is the new owner going to make; is going to concentrate 34. are going to bottle 35. will go 36. are going to buy; will stay

19. 1. will/shall both be coming 2. will meet, will forget 3. will be watching; will ring 4. will/shall be doing; will still be working 5. will get, will do 6. will be coming 7. will/shall be working 8. will/shall be taking of 9. will come 10. will be playing 11. will get; will still be; will be going, will ask 12. will be, will be wondering/will wonder 13. will/shall never be able; will be helping; won't be helping; will/shall be helping 14. will write, will try; will type 15. will/shall be typing; will type 16. will tell 17. will just be coming 18. will be melting 19. will be talking ... and showing, will/shall feel 20. will tell, won't believe 21. will just be getting up 22. will be wearing; will wrap ... and go 23. will be; will be speaking, will be addressing 24. will be reading, will be ringing 25. will still be standing 26. Will you please forward; will/shall be staying 27. will be coming 28. will be leaving 29. won't start; will give 30. will be coming 31. will be looking 32. will you be arriving; will/shall be travelling; Will there be; will send 33. Will you be using; will put 34. will/shall be having; will be hobbling 35. will enjoy; won't/shan't have; will/shall be map-reading, will/shall be 36. will write

20. 1. won't do 2. won't come; won't be driving 3. won't/shan't be coming 4. won't have; won't come 5. won't/shan't be teaching 6. will/shall be doing; won't/shan't be eating 7. won't eat 8. won't bite 9. won't be coming 10. will be fishing 11. won't clean 12. won't/shan't be showing

13. won't/shan't be washing; will/shall be having

14. won't/shan't be wearing; won't recognize 15. won't be, won't believe 16. won't/shan't be delivering 17. won't be wear­ing 18. won't tell 19. won't be using; won't do 20. will/shall have; won't/shan't be paying 21. won't pay; will have 22. won't work 23. will get on; won't be working 24. won't even show; won't come

22. (shall can be replaced by will In these answers. Con­tractions may be used.} 1. will be walking 2. will walk 3. shall be bathing 4. will wash 5. shall be doing 6. shall be working/am working 7. will have 8. will be looking 9. shall be thinking/shall think 10. will assemble 11. will meet, shall I recognize, will be wearing 12. will leave, shall be going/am going 13. will be debat­ing/are debating 14. will go 15. will be working 16. will post, shall be going/am going 17. will be dancing/will dance 18. will be letting off ... and making/will let off ... and make 19. will re­main 20. shall be sitting, won't be reading 21. will be going/will go 22. will be changing/will change 23. will come 24. will bring 25. shall all be living 26. will be going/will go 27. shall not be playing 28. will be opening/will open 29. will drive 30. shall be entering 31. will hand 32. will be arriving/will arrive 33. will be leaving 34. will be using ... and leaving/will use ... and leave 35. will bring, will catch 36. will put

23. (In these answers I/we won't can be replaced by I am not going to/ we are not going to without any change in meaning. It is also grammatically possible to replace you/he/they won't by the going to form, but this would make the negative much less emphatic. Shan't is replaceable by won't.) 1. won't help 2. won't be meeting 3. won't cut 4. won't be cutting 5. won't be coming/isn't coming 6. won't come 7. won't lend 8. won't be speaking/isn't speaking 9. won't work 10. shan't be working 11. won't have 12. shan't be teaching/am not teaching 13. won't speak 14. shan't be writing 15. won't feed 16. won't go 17. won't paint 18. shan't be taking 19. won't bor­row 20. won't wash 21. shan't be using 22. won't send 23. won't

play 24. won't be singing/isn't singing 25. won't play 26. won't be taking part/isn't taking part 27. won't eat 28. shan't be eat­ing 29. won't ride 30. won't be riding/isn't riding 31. won't give 32. won't be drinking 33. won't open 34. won't tell 35. won't eat 36. won't be wearing

24. 1. are you going to feed 2. are you letting/are you going to let/will you be letting 3. will you light 4. are you wearing/are you going to wear/will you be wearing 5. will you wear 6. will you come 7. will you have 8. are you having/are you going to have 9. ate you going to study/will you be studying 10. will you be speaking 11. will you turn 12. Any one of the four forms is possible here: "Will you take" implies that the matter has not yet been decided and that the speaker is offering a choice of dates. The other forms would imply that the matter has already been arranged and that the speaker is merely asking for informa­tion. 13. will you be listening/are you going to listen 14. will you help 15. will you be staying 16. will you lend 17. are you meeting/are you going to meet/will you be meeting 18. will you come 19. will you have 20. will you translate 21. will you be us­ing/are you using/are you going to use 22. will you be go­ing/are you going, will you get 23. will you come 24. will you be passing/are you going to pass/are you passing, shall be spend­ing/am going to spend/am spending, will you get 25. are you going to keep 26. are you travelling/are you going to travel 27. are you going to repair 28. will you hold 29. are you go­ing/will you be going 30. will you kindly explain 31. will you recognize 32. are you sending/are you going to send 33. will you tell 34. are you going/will you be going 35. are you going to type/will you be typing 36. will you stop

25. 1. will have repaired 2. will have done 3. will/shall have made 4. will have finished 5. will have planted 6. will/shall have passed 7. will/shall have done 8. will have walked 9. will have lost 10. will have spent 11. will/shall have worked 12. will have been driven 13. will/shall have sent 14. will/shall have given 15. will have died 16. will have driven 17. will/shall have picked 18. will have sunk

26. Part 1. 1. is looking; sees, rings; answers 2. am ringing 3. says; use 4. uses; eats; don't think, likes 5. would suit/suits; like; would we arrange/do we arrange, use 6. includes; doesn't include 7. see; does the room face 8. faces; looks, gets 9. sounds

10. Would 7 p.m. suit or Will 7 p.m. suit; can't/couldn't /wouldn't be able to, don't get 11. will/would be; don't think, will have; passes, stops 12. I'll find ; I'll see 13. comes, asks 14. is coming 15. She'll probably come, are sitting; get; don't think, give 16. do; listens; will be 17. rings; looks, smiles 18. says, goes

Part 2. 19. am speaking; am spending; would you like 20. I'd love; do I get 21. I'll meet 22. I'll do 23. conies 24. sounds 25. see 26. are you doing 27. am spending 28. you'll freeze, doesn't kill; are you getting 29. am catching, is meeting 30. I'll lend; I'll tell 31. likes 32. I'll give, fall, goes; are having, is going, is catching 33. is always going; go 34. comes, hear, will be

28. (will and shall may be contracted.) 1. returns 2. are 3. strikes 4. hears 5. shall/will have 6. comes 7. turn 8. gets 9. won't start 10. goes 11. will see 12. will be 13. hall/will lend

14. will wake 15. will he ring 16. goes 17. is 18. shall/will give, comes 19. see 20. get 21. shall/will go 22. have 23. will fall 24. goes 25. arrives 26. lifts 27. will go on 28. will become

29. won't move 30. will go on 31. learns 32. leap 33. shall/will have 34. get 35. begins 36. arrives

30. (Contractions men/ be used.) 1. have taken 2. have fin­ished/finish 3. have had 4. have been 5. goes/has gone 6. gets/has got 7. has done 8. have done 9. will see 10. have had

11. shall/will take 12. go 13. have seen 14. goes/has gone

15. won't let 16. shall/will let 17. sees 18. won't hear 19. has passed/passes 20. has sold 21. have swept/sweep 22. will get 23. will give 24. says 25. have returned/return 26. has been 27. have signed 28. won't know 29. have subsided/subside

30. has left 31. shall/will have 32. have had 33. shall/will stay 34. have made 35. has eaten 36. will come/come

31. 1. begins 2. gets 3. open 4. are 5. start 6. receive/have received 7. like 8. are 9. slows 10. stops 11. will explain, are

12. read/have "read 13. have been 14. have cleaned ... and painted or clean ... and paint 15. have settled/settle 16. see 17. have seen 18. have finished/finish 19. have reached/reach 20. have done 21. lifts/has lifted 22. arrives 23. knows, will give 24. has cooled/cools 25. have finished/finish 26. have given 27. will tell, are 28. have been, will let 29. have flown 30. has been 31. come

32. shall/will have finished, see, finish/have finished, start

33. Have seen 34. have driven 35. will give, wakes 36. arrived

35. 1. were talking/passed 2. was sleeping/was awak-ened/went/was happening/knew/was barking 3. didn't take/thought/was joking 4. were drinking/broke out/soon carne/called/was just beginning/arrived/took/were get--ting/made/ succeeded/were still looking 5. was going on/called/rang/didn't answer/was coming/thought 6. was looking or looked/were you sitting 7. left/were still talk­ing/seemed

38 1. was eating 2. was sleeping or slept 3. was studying, were having 4. went 5. entered 6. was looking or looked 7. saw 8. owned 9. was writing, broke

43. 1. decided 2. chose 3. looked, were getting, was mixing, was washing 4. were, asked, was doing 5. replied, was going, went, knew, were looking 6. began, found, were 7. worked 8. started/were starting, rang 9. was, wanted, was playing 10. stayed, went 11. left 12. returned, came, wasted 13. said 14. thought 15. was just climbing, rang 16. said, was getting, went, opened 17. was, was coming, arriving

44. 1. was walking, realized, was following 2. walked, turned, stopped 3. appeared, stopped 4. went 5. stopped, stopped, looked, was 6. looked, was wearing/wore, wondered 7. decided 8. was standing 9. came, rang, moved off/was moving off, jumped 10. missed, got, was following/followed 11. crawled 12. pulled, looked, was getting/got 13. changed, got 14. left, bought 15. was standing, came 16. was carrying, got, sat, read 17. looked, was getting/got 18. was becoming/became, went, sat, asked, was following 19. said, wasn't following, threatened, admitted 20. told, was, was trying 21. told, advised, didn't want, was being followed

45. 1. was sitting, saw; seemed 2. was snowing, woke; re­membered, was coming, decided, lost 3. reached, realized, did not know; was wondering, tapped 4. was running/ran, struck 5. looked; was going; was drawing 6. were listening, were whis­pering, was reading; hated, read 7. was reading, burst, rushed 8. went, didn't find; said, didn't know, was doing, thought, was probably playing 9. stopped/used to stop; closed, gave 10. promised, saw, was telling 11. picked, dialled; found; were planning 12. met; were; was studying, wasn't spent 13. was just starting, opened, leapt 14. were you doing, said; was cleaning

' 15. looked, said, was leaving the district and (was) going; said,

was, was going, told, was getting/got on 16. were building, was 17. were reading, were just turning over; was knitting, was play, ing; opened, said 18. was; were they doing; heard, were looking; Did they find; discovered 19. told, made; was just pulling 20. was just sticking, came; tried, refused 21. took; Was she actually working 22. said, was coming, wondered 23. was wondering, came, bought 24. was always borrowing, asked, said, hadn't, knew, wanted 25. went, had, was being; turned, saw 26. bumped, asked, said, was having 27. attacked, was putting; thrust, tore; contained; patched 28. did you break; fell, was putting, was, was, was going 29. didn't go; cancelled, spent 30. was just rising, shouted; looked 31. was raining, played/were playing; was try­ing, didn't get/wasn't getting on, kept 32. were you doing, rang; was making; did you do, heard, went; opened, was 33. rang, found, said, was making 34. said was, rang; answered, was talk­ing, saw; went 35. didn't get, were having/had; rang up, said, were making; pointed out, was, had; said, were always having 36. were you doing/did you do, got; was working/worked; did you stay, stayed; left, were always going; became/was becoming

46. 1. was burning 2. was writing 3. was making 4. left 5. was just leaving 6. was watching, turned, went 7. stood 8. was playing, insisted 9. was walking 10. was having, lunched 11. wore, carried 12. did you think4liked 13. shared, was always complaining/always complained ' 14. realized, was travelling 15. was playing, threw 16. was just opening, blew 17. was open­ing, heard, put, crawled 18. was looking, found 19. saw, were you doing 20. were playing, heard, hid, took 21. was cleaning, went, killed 22. didn't allow, was blowing 23. was crossing/crossed, stepped, fell 24. was still lying, saw 25. saw, stopped 26. did you damage, ran, were driving, were going 27. was getting/got, started, fell 28. called, was already getting up 29. was mend­ing/mended, got 30. heard, went, opened, didn't recognize, wasn't wearing 31. were sitting, was doing, was knitting, were reading, smiled, said 32. were dancing, broke, stole 33. knew, were looking, hid, went 34. was always buying 35. told, was spending/spent, listened 36. began, banged

47. 1. woke, was always getting/always got, went, bought 2. had to, usually grazed/was usually grazing 3. didn't normally chase, made, was crossing, went 4. annoyed, began 5. was carry­ing, was raining, threw, ran 6. stopped, began, was doing

1 awoke, was sitting, was looking, called, turned, smiled 8. did you interrupt, was having 9. was carrying, heard 10. was looking, noticed 11. were walking/walked, heard, turned, held, stopped 12. arrived, was waiting, was wearing, (was) looking/looked, saw. waved, shouted, was saying/said, was making 13. escaped, was working, was wearing 14. was travelling, began 15. didn't like, was trying 16. was making, felt, brought, was able 17. saw, was painting, did you like, was only just starting, saw 18. took, was being, were still listening, left/were leaving 19. was, had to, was enjoying 20. were coming, stopped, said, was looking, asked 21. saw, were you using, was using, were you riding 22. was knitting 23. was, said, hoped, was enjoying 24. was watering, began, put, went 25. was just writing remembered, had 26. found, was digging, belonged 27. saw, was hurrying, asked, was going, said, was speaking, wasn't 28. called, was still working 29. came, was smoking, had, threw, hoped 30. noticed, was rising, were you smoking, came, asked 31. was swimming, stole, had to 32. said, were working, wanted 33. said, was building, thought 34. woke, said, thought, was trying 35. did you lend, was still reading, didn't know, were still reading 36. came, woke, started, woke, came, said, said, didn't hear, was barking, went, telephoned

48. 1. have, wound 2. haven't, ate 3. has, fed 4. haven't, have only repaired 5. have done, did 6. haven't, haven't found 7. have, made 8. haven't, have been 9. haven't, haven't seen 10. have, went 11. have driven, drove 12. hasn't, has, went 13. have, was 14. has, spoke 15. have only spent, have 16. haven't saved, have saved 17. hasn't, went 18. haven't seen, saw, didn't see 19. have, paid 20. haven't, flew 21. bit, has bitten 22. planted, haven't 23. has, wrote 24. haven't, drank, haven't drunk

49. 1. have you lived/have you been living, have lived/have been living 2. lived, went 3. did you wear, insisted 4. left, cut, have worn 5. wrote 6. has written, has just finished 7. flew, did you see 8. haven't seen 9. hasn't smoked 10. composed 11. did he arrive, arrived 12. did you lock 13. read, enjoyed 14. haven't fin­ished 15. have never drunk 16. have written 17. has stopped '8. have just cleaned 19. left, got 20. did, was 21. has just gone « 22. went 23. have you had, had 24. met 25. did you see 26. began, lasted, enjoyed 27. has just begun 28. has the newspaper come 29. arrived, started 30. has been 31. wrote 32. have

missed 33. broke 34. has been 35. worked, retired, went 36. have you been, spent, did you have, stopped

50. \. haven't seen, told 2. bought, did you pay, paid 3 did you find, found, didn't you leave 4. have lost, have you seen, ha­ven't, did you last wear, wore, left 5. has just left, has been, has never bought 6. left, did he go, didn't see, went 7. served, did that war begin, began, lasted 8. did you vote, voted, wasn't, was, lost 9. did you like, liked, quarrelled, dismissed, were, was 10. didn't know, knew, have you known, have known 11. hasn't had, have been 12. did you hear, did, did you think 13. didn't know, were, have you been, have been, have you been, went 14. have you tried, tried, found, started 15. have you seen, has anything happened, have escaped 16. has Mary fed, fed, did she give, gave 17. have you known, have known, did he do, came, was 18. have you seen, hasn't been bought 19. has the plumber been, stayed, did he do, turned, emptied 20. have you been, have been, did you enjoy, took, did you win, came 21. has that been, has been, have written, has been 22. have just been, have you seen, haven't, haven't read, read, was, did Tolstoy write, wrote, did he write 23. brought, did he do, wanted 24. have you been, have been, did he take, did, did it hurt 25. said, hasn't phoned 26. have just received, haven't paid, didn't I give, did, spent/have spent 27. have you been, have just started, did you find, answered 28. have you finished, have done 29. have cut, did it happen, slipped 30. did you get, got 31. did you meet, did, had 32. lost, has been, did he lose, was 33. has been, did you see, happened, ran 34. phoned, got 35. did not wear, have worn 36. has been, have just taken, has bought

51. Affirmative: the answer in each case is have/has + been + present participle, e.g. 1. have been making

Negative: have/has + not + been + present participle* e.g. 16. haven't been eating

Interrogative: have/has + subject + been + present parti­ciple, e.g 6. have you been doing

Present participles are as follows: 1. making 2. ringing 3. overworking 4. cutting 5. looking 6. doing, working 7. studying 8. waiting 9. raining 10. arguing 11. bathing 12. driving 13. wearing 14. saying 15. trying 16. eating 17. speaking 18. flying 19. playing 20. shopping 21. living 22. eating 23. looking 24. leaking 25. digging, helping 26. asking 27. using 28. driving 29. going 30. snowing 31. crying, peeling 32. making 33. drinking 34. smoking 35. eating 36. trying

52. 1. have walked 2. have been walking/have walked 3. have been walking/have walked 4. have been making 5. have you made, have made 6. has eaten 7. hasn't stopped 8. has been drinking 9. have pulled 10. have been pulling 11. have you been doing, have been picking 12. have you picked, have picked 13. have slept 14. has been sleeping/has slept 15. has been rid-ing 16. have ridden 17. has been making 18. have been work­ing/have worked 19. have heard 20. have been hearing/have heard 21. have been greasing 22. have been polishing 23. have been working/have worked, has never said 24. has been teach­ing/has taught 25. have taught, have never met 26. have you been, have been pumping/have pumped 27. have pumped 28. have been looking/have looked, haven't found 29. has been coughing/has coughed 30. have you heard, have known 31. have been trying, have said 32. has been sounding 33. has been rain­ing/has rained, has been postponed 34. has been hoping, hasn't dared 35. have been whispering, have you been helping, has he been helping 36. have you been making, have lost, have been trying, have throwing

53. 1. for 2. for 3. since 4. for 5. for 6. since 7. since 8. since 9. for 10. since 11. for 12. for 13. for 14. for 15. since 16. since 17. for 18. since 19. for 20. since 21. since 22. since 23. for 24. since 25. since 26. since 27. for 28. since 29. since 30. for 31. for 32. since 33. for 34. for 35. for 36. since

66. 1. have played/have been playing; Have you played, came; have played; joined, arrived 2. Have you played; have played; have had, have won, didn't really deserve 3. played, was, left, dropped, took 4. haven't seen; have you been; I've been; meant, hadn't/didn't have; Did you have/Had you, were; was; have only just got; enjoyed; skied, danced 5. skied, was, broke, haven't done 6. came, was; has been built, has become 7. hasn't started; has he been, has been, spent 8. have just heard; didn't you know; flew; Have you heard; got; told; didn't say, liked; has only been 9. didn't know, were; exploded, burnt 10. has been; used, rode, have had 11. made; has he been; we have only had; resigned, was 12. has left; left; Has anybody been appointed; have applied/applied, has been decided 13. Did you have/Have you had; was, have ever had, took; thought, was, searched,

announced, was; took off 14. did you spend; took, fed, walked bought, didn't need; passed 15. Have you booked; wrote, haven't answered 16. didn't know you were; have been; arrived 17. met said; made, found, needed, seemed 18. Did you know, arrived' didn't know 19. have you learnt/been learning; have been learn­ing 20. began, did; dropped, forgot; spent, studied, have been studying/have studied 21. rang, said; spent, couldn't/wasn't able to, rang; haven't seen, said; went, haven't come; went 22. have just had; did it go; did you enjoy; didn't actually hit, made

23. sold, bought, left; arrived; wasn't, said; hasn't been taken

24. saw; thought, worked, said; worked, explained, went, told; gave; have worked 25. Have you been; went; were; Did you go; went; hired 26. have you been, came; have been 27. have seen; did you go; went; took 28. Did you see, were; saw; walked, asked, had, said, has just returned 29. Have you been; have been; haven't been

30. Have you seen; went, saw; Did you like; loved, didn't understand

31. has just died; knew; worked; didn't see, left, kept 32. thought, was, turned; shouted; said, didn't know, were 33. Hasn't Tom come; came; went; didn't hear 34. has just given; have just touched, didn't feel 35. came; went; looked; coughed, spun; exclaimed, didn't see 36. you have just agreed; didn't realize, wanted

67. 1. bought, haven't sold 2. was, began; ran, made 3. caught, didn't get in, arrived 4. looked up, came; have been, growled 5. rang, said; said, haven't had; didn't you tell 6. met, said, didn't see; Did you miss; didn't miss, replied; haven't missed; gave 7. went; worked, went 8. has been; did she go; went

9. bought, asked; told, have waited/been waiting, hasn't come

10. met, offered; said; have just had 11. arrived, landed, climbed out; recognized; exclaimed; didn't know, knew; have only just learnt, said; went 12. tried, heard, called out; have you been; has been 13. Have you been; went; Did you like; didn't see; was 14. have just bought; Have you read; haven't read; haven't even seen 15. Have you been; was; did you get; took 16. Have you seen; rang, got; has been; flew, decided; Have you heard; got, arrived 17. have you been; have been; did you do/were you Jo-ing; worked/was working 18. did you work; worked; Did you like; didn't like; did you stay 19. was, stayed, played; did you play; played; lost 20. did you begin; began, was; went; stayed, went 21. was, started; did you get; haven't got; have only been 22. left; rang; answered; said; has just gone, said 23. Have you been; was; Did you go; hitch-hiked 24. haven't seen; has been ill; collapsed, was taken; sent, hasn't come 25. was; Did you see; took, was, said, needed; haven't been able, haven't watched

26. Have you ever been; spent; went, met, wanted, didn't get

27. said; said; hasn't come; rang, were; said; got; didn't come

28. dictated, told; rang; Have you finished, asked; said, have done, haven't started 29. Have you found out; rang, answered, didn't seem; said; has been 30. said, Has Jack moved; said, didn't see; wasn't 31. have you been; have been; bought/have bought; found, got 32. have played, came; has been, inherited; Did you ever play; played, died, arrived 33. Have you seen; left; put 34. Have you met; met; did you talk; talked 35. did, bought, has made; have always done, have always found 36. had; have had, got; told, were; has been, have changed

68. 1. have been telephoning; Haven't you nearly finished; haven't got; have been trying, has been 2. has failed; has been practising, has got 3. have often wondered; have just found out 4. has been playing; has only just stopped 5. haven't you brought; Haven't you typed 6. Have you been sunbathing; has been rain­ing/has rained 7. have been building; have been watching/have watched 8. haven't found, has been; has been helping 9. have pulled down, haven't touched 10. have searched/have been searching, haven't seen 11. have been waiting, have waited 12. has been; has been looking, hasn't found 13. have been doing, haven't finished; have done 14. have just picked; have grown/have been growing, have never had 15. have you been doing; have been using 16. has just sold; have been painting, haven't sold 17. has this happened; have had, have thrown 18. have you done; has just gone; has finished 19. has worked /has been working, has never once been; have/has just presented 20. have been mending/have mended, have only done, has broken down 21. has collected/has been collecting; has col­lected 22. have been looking, have completely forgotten; has hap­pened 23. has been getting/has got, has been rising/has risen; has come 24. has eaten, has lost count, has attended; Has he put on 25. have been ringing up; has gone; has been working; has found out 26. has been using; haven't been 27. have been stand­ing; hasn't moved; has just shut ... and gone off 28. has/have been considering; have just given, have decided 29. have been Playing, haven't played 30. have been, haven't got 31. has been

standing; has already gone 32. has happened; have been wait­ing/have waited; has often kept, has never been 33. has been living/has lived, has never said 34. have just remembered, ha­ven't paid; hasn't rung; have been; have paid; has lost 35. have been shopping/have shopped; has been losing/has lost, have made, have been told, have known 36. have you been doing; have been looking; have been building

69. 1. gave, thanked, said, had enjoyed, knew, hadn't read, were 2. had seen, returned, didn't have/hadn't 3. didn't have, had already done, was 4. didn't have, did, left 5. had, was; decided 6. picked, went, slammed 7. felt, had reminded 8. had searched and found, remembered, was 9. had left 10. remembered, were 11. arrived; had been told, was, was 12. asked, said, hadn't been 13. wanted, had come 14. told 15. admitted, never bought/had never bought, assured, sold, wasn't 16. returned, saw, had broken in, was, was 17. were, had only just left 18. Probably they (had) heard/They (had) probably heard, had run/ran 19. had helped, was, poured 20. wondered, had found, hoped 21. had been given, had died 22. hadn't had, hadn't liked 23. seemed, had taken 24. put, took, had forgotten/forgot, had put 25. came, said, had just swallowed 26. thought, left, was, arrived, learnt, had just left 27. found, had been using/had used 28. parked, rushed; came, was 29. wondered, had stolen, had driven 30. was, was, had been working/had worked 31. was, had had 32. brought, hadn't come 33. kept, had seen 34. looked, went, saw 35. got up, was, won­dered, had stayed, had gone away and come back 36. opened, saw 37. had clearly been listening, wondered, had heard 38. asked, had been doing/was doing, said, had dropped, had been looking for/was lookingf for 39. didn't see, found, had probably dropped, opened 40. had been taking 41. were, turned, asked 42. pulled, ran off 43. (had) recovered, had disappeared 44. moved, found had been standing 45. had been telling/was telling

70. 1. I've been waiting 2. has been learning 3. had beer asking 4. I've been working 5. haven't been listening/I've been saying 6. have been pointing out 7. had been expecting 8. had been looking 9. had been giving 10. had been flying 11. you've been seeing 12. has been operating

71. 1. had already died 2. will already have started 3. had been cancelled 4. will have reached 5. had already gone to bed 6. will have left hospital 7. have got married

72. 1. I've never met him 2. haven't tried eating it 3. had never studied it before 4. had been feeling ill 5. will all have died 6. hadn't slept very well 7. It's all been used up 8. haven't spoken to 9. haven't read it yet 10. I hadn't been told anything about it 11. It's already been sent 12. I've just found them

73. 1. died/had reigned 2. was moved/had taken 3. real­ized/had had 4. returned, had been broken into 5. under­stood/had managed 6. called/discovered/had just missed/had gone out 7. set out/had left/had still not returned 8. saw/had occupied

74. I am still; I am having; I don't wish ..., you, if you find; it is still ... for me to stay; was unspoken ... us/it did not matter; you were, this was/it was or is/I now have to pay; you must forgive me; I do not want, Do you want to see me; you said/we parted/you did/you said; I have been living; did you speak; you are back/I shall perhaps seem; Then will be/you once hinted/who will make you forget your; I think of our (I feel) must be for us; I never positively said or I have never positively said/you did not understand or you have not understood/let me say/I love you/I want to marry you/I want to be with you; I ask of you/which might help me

77. 1. had arrested 2. had washed 3. had waited 4. entered 5. washed 6. had received 7. sat 8. had flipped 9. had taken 10. had lived

86. Part 1. 1. have just heard, would/should like 2. Do you think, could or would be able to 3. had, remember, said, was or had been, (had) got 4. can/could, can/could, suits/would suit 5. has, will/would bring 6. isn't, do not hesi­tate 7. are, will take him if I ask/would take him if I asked 8. has been/was, seemed

Part 2. 9. am/was, am, are going 10. will be 11. will look 12. enjoyed, missed, left/had left, looked 13. will be 14. Will you/Would you/Could you bring, doesn't suit 15. Don't bother, have 16. you'll have, bring, you'll have/you'll have had

Part 3. 17. Do you by any chance know 18. should/would like, have just heard, would exactly suit, doesn't apply, won't get 19. saw, was just leaving/had just left 20. said, was going, Promised, (had) found 21. have heard, don't even know, went 22. know, should/would be, would phone 23. have tried, doesn't seem

Part 4. 24. am, advertised, are coming/shall be coming, (shall) require 25. Would you please/Could you please tell me 26. should/would like 27. Would I be able/Could I 28. hopes/is hoping, don't drive, won't be/wouldn't be, need/shall need/should need 29. Do the local shops still deliver; know, did 30. should/would be, would tell, calls 31. ask/are asking, sounds; would you like/do you like 32. have been, lived, want 33. is also writing, would like, painted 34. has known, lived, am, would/will recommend 35. should/would of course be or am of course willing 36. should/would be, enclose

87. Part 1. 1. wrote, asking or to ask or and asked 2. replied, enclosing, filled up, returned 3. have heard, am beginning/begin, has gone 4. Would/Could you please check, have received 5. have received/did receive/received, haven't decided, should/would be, would tell 6. has already been, should/would like, don't get, shall/will have to, do, shall/will have or have

Part 2. 7. have suffered/have been suffering, leave/are leaving 8. stand, laughing, calling 9. get, bang/banging, reverse 10. sounds, finds, has had, is still learning, don't know, (do) know, takes, roaring, shouting 11. have gone, have all been, find 12. should/would be, would ask, could

Part 3. 13. Are you/Would you be 14. is coming, is bringing or is coming and bringing, or will be coming and bringing 15. haven't met, think, would/will like 16. will be able 17. receives, doesn't get, has asked 18. will probably ring, would be 19. know, don't usually eat, hope, won't be; can 20. passes, remember/will probably remember, will give

88. Part. 1. (Affirmative auxiliary verbs would usually be contracted in speech.) 1. Could 2. does 3. does, came, was, did, is, will/would do 4. do you want 5. should/would like 6. Would Thursday at 4.00 suit 7. wouldn't; is coming 8. would be able to/could do 9. would/will be 10. will/shall expect

Part 2. 11. Could 12. Speaking 13. have you been; have been trying; Don't you leave 14. do, went, have only just got in; is. didn't know, were 15. arrived; would have rung, have been; ha? only just ended; Are you doing 16. am going 17. is; am 18. am had told, would have kept 19. didn't know, dashed, told 20. did 21. does, was driving, had, was taken; am doing; are you really going; can't/couldn't you 22. can't/couldn't; suppose will/would be 23. will stay; will get over; would you like 24. IV

love; are you, will be, should/would hate 25. will be; will ring, am staying; stayed, didn't seem 26. did you stay; will tell

89. 1. If it rains next Sunday, we will stay at home and watch television 2. If you prepare well, you will pass your exami­nation 3. I will stay with the sick man until the doctor arrives

4. Mary won't start to type the letter until the manager comes

5. When the water temperature rises, we can go swimming to the ocean 6. When Jack arrives at Kennedy Airport, he will call us 7. As soon as I receive Bob's letter, I will let you know 8. I will give your book as soon as I see him 9. I'll watch the child while you sleep 10. If the telephone rings while the secretary is out, Linda will answer it 11. I'll call my wife before I arrive in Phila­delphia 12. I'll write down your address right now before I forget it 13. He will turn off the radio before he leaves the house

14. You won't finish the translation on the time unless you work hard 15. Unless the traffic is very heavy, we'll arrive by ten o'clock 16. I won't go to the party unless Mr Smith invites me

17. We will stay in this resort as long as the weather keeps fine

18. I'll leave for Miami as soon as the sun rises

90. 1. I didn't call him because I thought he was busy 2. I knew he was ill 3. I was sure they were talking in the garden 4. I was told he had come back from the South 5. I was sure she was receiving letters from them 6. I thought she was angry with you 7. I thought you had seen him there 8. I thought you had more courage 9. I didn't go out from the shop through the front door but through the back door 10. He didn't go to the cinema yester­day as he is taking an exam tomorrow 11. He insisted on going to the library though he won't need the book today 12. He worked harder last year than he does this year 13. I felt that he didn't want to go there 14. I knew that he had lived in Odessa

15. I was afraid that he would be angry if we didn't finish the work in time

91. 1. She is going to post the letter she has just written 2. She is walking up and down the room thinking of the letter she has been writing 3. Why are you lips black? I have been eating blackberries. I have eaten a whole plateful! 4. How long have you been catching fish here? 5. You look completely worn out. Any­thing wrong with you? 6. Rainborough noticed that she had been crying. her face was stained with tears 7. I saw that it was 2 o'clock. We had been sitting there an hour and a half 8. This coat

has seen better days 9. How much have you given me? Oh sorry, I have been wrong giving you the change 10. I've never seen anything half so splendid 11. Did you think you would have read the book by June, 1st 12. You haven't left anything behind, have you?

92. 1. When Richard came home, Ann was watching televi­sion 2. When we left New York City, it was raining 3. I was writing letters, when the telephone rang 4. We were watching television when somebody knocked at the door 5. Joe got sick while we were travelling in Europe 6. I was reading the newspa­per when my friend arrived 7. Jane was playing the violin when her guests arrived 8. We were having breakfast when the mail­man rang 9. Steven was talking with Ann when I saw them in Central Park 10. Jack was ordering lunch when I entered the restaurant 11. They were living in the Ukraine, when the war broke out 12. The accident happened while they were driving on the Highway 13. When you telephoned, we were having dinner

14. I was sleeping soundly, when somebody knocked at the door

15. It was raining hard when I got off the bus 16. When Joe came home, his wife was preparing dinner

93. 1. Is he working now? 2. He usually walks to work 3. Steve likes Chinese food 4. Does the class begin early in the morning? Yes, it does 5. Does she like to go shopping? Yes, she does 6. The Smiths don't like to travel 7. Henry doesn't have dinner in a restaurant 8. He turned off the radio and went to bed 9. It often rained last winter 10. David finally sold his old car 11. Did Joe come home very late last night? 12. When did Co­lumbus discover America? Columbus discovered America in 1492

13. How much did the ring cost? The ring cost 600 dollars

14. Alice did not come to the party 15. You didn't read the article carefully 16. I was working in my garden on Friday morning 17. They have lived here since June 18. Have you ever visited the Louvre? No, I have never visited the Louvre 19. I'm afraid I have lost my car keys 20. How long have you lived (have you been loving) here? I have been living here for 9 years 21. By five o'clock I had completed my work 22. It had been snowing for two hours when we left house 23. Why was he surprised that he had got a "3"? 24. Nobody knew what year this bridge had been built 25. I was told you had been reading this book for a month. It's high time you returned it to the library 26. The train will be late

27. You won't get to work on time 28. Will you meet Doris soon? 29. We are going to buy a colour TV set 30. We are not going to eat out tonight 31. Are you going to have ice cream for desert? 32. He will have done his homework by 7 p.m 33. A month from now we will have completed our scientific experiments 34. Before he leaves New York City he will have seen all his old friends 35. I am afraid you will have forgotten all these rules by tomorrow

36. I am not sure she will have passed this exam by that time

37. The Miller said he would go to see Little Hans when spring came and be would be able to give him a basket of first flowers


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