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The English legal profession comprises two different types of lawyer: barristers and solicitors. Traditionally, the two branches did different types of work. Today, this distinction is increasingly breaking down, but the terms ‘solicitor’ and ‘barrister’ still describe two different professionals, who each undergo a different training process and set of exams in order to qualify. The term lawyer, however, covers both.

Traditionally, the major difference between the work of the two branches was that solicitors dealt directly with clients, while barristers were usually called on by a solicitor where necessary, either to give advice on a detailed area of law, or to represent the client in court (just as patients usually see a GP first and are then referred to a specialist if necessary). In addition, only barristers could appear in the higher courts. However, changes made in the 1990s have broken down some of the differences between the two branches. Clients can now consult barristers directly without being referred by a solicitor, and solicitors can appear in all courts, provided that they have undergone a specialist training course (solicitors who do this are often known as solicitor advocates). In fact, although it is often believed that barristers do most court work, solicitors have always done a lot of criminal court work, because 95 per cent of criminal cases are heard in the magistrates’ courts, where the defendant is usually represented by a solicitor rather than a barrister.

Task 5. Translate the texts in written form .

Лексический минимум




1. Law закон (регулирующий, предписывающий акт) Syn: code , constitution, regulation , statute
2. fair law справедливый закон
3. unwritten law неписаный закон
4. according to the law в соответствии с законом
5. to apply a law применять закон
6. to enforce a law обеспечивать соблюдение, исполнение закона
7. to annul a law аннулировать закон
8. to break / violate a law нарушать закон
9. to adopt / enact / pass a law принимать закон
10. to cite a law цитировать закон
11. to declare a law unconstitutional объявить закон противоречащим конституции
12. to draft a law готовить законопроект
13. to interpret a law толковать закон
14. to obey a law подчиняться закону
15. lynch law закон или суд Линча, самосуд, линчевание
16. antitrust law антимонопольный закон
17. blue law закон, регулирующий режим воскресного дня
18. higher law высший закон, нравственный закон
19. There is no law against (fishing). Нет закона, запрещающего (рыбную ловлю).
20. It is against the law (to smoke in an elevator). По закону запрещено (курить в лифте).
21. law (2) 2) право; правоведение, законоведение,
22. administrative law административное право
23. business law право, регулирующее область деловых отношений
24. canon law каноническое, церковное право
25. civil law гражданское право
26. commercial law торговое право
27. constitutional law конституционное право, государственное право
28. copyright law авторское право
29. corporate law корпоративное право
30. criminal law уголовное право
31. family law семейное право
32. international law международное право
33. Roman law римское право


Дата добавления: 2015-01-01; просмотров: 150; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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