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Places to Stay (16. Accommodation and Catering)

While on a trip any traveler needs rest and shelter. A traveler can find rest, food and drink in any hotel. The most popular places are motels, hotels, hostels and bed and breakfast (B&B).

Hotels are much the same in all countries. They are the places to go if you are looking for comfort and extra services, though of course they are the most expensive kind of accommodation. They often have more facilities for food than the other places to stay, offering main meal and also snacks and room service.

Motels (also called motor hotel or motor inns) are hotels especially for drivers. Often they’re near motorways or main roads, and there’s always lots of parking space. Some have a bathroom and a place to cook or make tea or coffee (self-catering).

Guesthouses are usually smaller and cheaper than hotels and are often pleasant and friendly. Apart from the bedrooms, there will be a dining room for meals and a living room that guests can use.

A popular place to stay is “B&B” – a private house or farm which takes a few guests. They are actually like guesthouses, but they are smaller and may give you the opportunity to meet some residents at home.

Inns are pubs with accommodation and meals, though these may be more like pub food than restaurant meals. Many inns are interesting old buildings which have been used for centuries by travelers, and they are often cheaper than hotels.

There is a classification by the AA system. This classification is regarded as an accepted mark of quality in all classifications from the simplest inn to the most luxurious hotel. This classification indicates:

- One-star hotel is a hotel generally of small scale with acceptable facilities and furnishings. All bedrooms with hot and cold water: adequate bath and lavatory arrangements. Meals are provided for the residents but their availability to non-residents may be limited.

- Two-star hotels offer a higher standard of accommodation and some private bathrooms. A wider choice of food is provided but the availability of meals to non-residents may be limited.

- Three-star hotels are hotels with spacious accommodation with a large number of rooms with private bathrooms. Fuller meals facilities are provided but lunch and weekend service to non-residents may be restricted.

- Four-star hotels offer a high standard of comfort and service with the majority of bedrooms providing private bathrooms.

- Five-star hotels are luxury hotels offering the highest international standard.



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