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Ex. 3. Translate into Russian.

A. 1. Fire is spreading rapidly to adjacent compartments. 2. Fire-fighting is in progress by water/ steam/ foam/ carbon-dioxide/ powder. 3. Fire-fighting is ineffective. 4. Fire is under control. 5. There is no access to life-boats. 6. Electric pumps are inoperative, reason: power blackout.


B. 1. Hole in way of Hold N6 1/ engine room/ amidships/ starboard/ port side; below/ above water line. 2. Taking water Into Hold No 1. Hold No 1 is partly/ half/ fully flooded. 4. The ship is trimmed by head/ stern (the ship has a trim ahead/ astern). 5. Listing to port/ starboard. 6. Heavy list to port/ starboard. 7. Unable to launch life-boats. 8. Pumping is ineffective. 9. List is rapidly increasing, risk of capsizing. 10. We are trying to offset the list. 11. We are launching life-boats. 12. Two life-boats launched. 13. EPIRB/SART activated.


C. 1. Aground for two thirds of her length. 2. Spilling dangerous cargo. 3. Heavy swell increases the risk of capsizing. 4. I am discharging ballast. 5. Unable to refloat without assistance. 6. I am jettisoning part of cargo. 7. Steering gear breakdown.


D. 1. I request helicopter for evacuation of the casualties/ survivors. 2. Fire-fighting assistance is required. 3. I request tugs for refloating. 4. I require pumps. 5. Oil-response ship is required.


Ex. 4. Study the following format messages in the GMDSS.

Standard Initial Distress Message in the GMDSS


This is ... (name, call sign, MMSI or other identification of the vessel).


Nature of the distress.

Assistance required.

Any other information which might facilitate rescue.





This is motor vessel FRUIT EXPRESS, call sign Tango Oscar Foxtrot Bravo,

MMSI number one-three-nine-zero-six-five-zero-zero-two.

Position: latitude 52 degrees 06 minutes North, longitude 004 degrees 38 minutes West.*

I am on fire after explosion in hold.

I require immediate assistance.


* OR: my present position: bearing: 054 degrees from North Point, distance 3.5 miles (should be pronounced: bearing: zero five four degrees from North Point, distance: three point five miles.)


Acknowledgement of the Initial Distress Message in the GMDSS.


Identification of the vessel in distress (name, call sign, MMSI).

This is ... (name, call sign, MMSI or other identification of the acknowledging station).

Received MAYDAY.





Motor vessel FRUIT EXPRESS, call sign Tango Oscar Foxtrot Bravo,

MMSI number one-three-nine-zero-six-five-zero-zero-two.


(or This is m/ v Tornado, call sign TIPB, MMSI number 159217002).

Received MAYDAY.


Ex. 5. Practice in transmitting and receiving initial distress messages using the following situations. Note that the statement of the problem should normally be brief as the initial call is primarily intended to alert appropriate stations.


1. У вас на судне пожар в трюме номер 2, есть угроза распространения огня на смежные грузовые помещения, в которых находится взрывоопасный груз.
2. Судно село на мель на 2/3 длины корпуса, из трюма номер 1 имеется утечка воспламеняющегося груза, сильный крен на правый борт.
3. Взрыв в грузовом танке номер 1, огонь не локализован, сильный дифферент на нос.
4. Произошло столкновение с неопознанным подводным объектом, трюм номер 2 частично затоплен, быстро увеличивающийся крен на левый борт.
5. Взрыв в машинном отделении, вышла из строя энергетическая установка, команда готовится к оставлению судна.
6. Оторвался винт при штормовой погоде в двух милях от берега, судно неуправляемо, и его сносит на скалы.
7. Судно наскочило на скалу, пробоина ниже ватерлинии, дифферент на нос.
8. Смещение груза во время шторма, сильный крен на правый борт, судно неуправляемо, вода поступает в отсеки.



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