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ПРОСТОЕ КОММЕРЧЕСКОЕ ПИСЬМО(ПРОДОЛЖЕНИЕ) ВЫРАЖЕНИЯ, ЧАЩЕ ВСЕГО ИСПОЛЬЗУЕМЫЕ В ДЕЛОВЫХ ПИСЬМАХ В этой главе приводятся основные выражения, чаще всего используемые в простых деловых письмах: 1) для подтверждения получения письма, факса, телекса и т.п.; 2) при ссылке на предыдущую переписку; 3) для вежливых просьб о чем-либо; 4) для ответов на эти просьбы; 5) при посылке чего-либо; 6) для передачи сожаления, извинения; 7) при исправлении ошибок. Для подтверждения получения письма, факса, телекса и т.п. используются следующие фразы:
При ссылке на предыдущую переписку, на какие-либо документы, телефонные разговоры, переговоры и т.д. обычно употребляются следующие выражения:
Фразы, используемые для вежливых деловых просьб о чей-либо:
Выражения, употребляемые для ответов на вежливые деловые просьбы:
Фразы, используемые при посылке чего-либо:
Выражения сожаления, извинения
Выражения, употребляемые при исправлении ошибок:
EXAMPLES OF LETTERS ОБРАЗЦЫ ПИСЕМ 1.Pointing out clerical error. Moscow, 18th August, 20.. Dear Sirs, m.v. "Valerian Kuybyshev" Order No. 2330 We confirm our telephone conversation of this morning during which we informed you that you had omitted to enclose with your letter of the 15th August the invoice" for the goods shipped by m.v. "Valerian Kuybyshev" against Order No. 2330. Please send us the invoice by air-mail. Yours faithfully, 2.Reply to the above — error acknowledged. London, 18th August,... Dear Sirs, Order No. 2330 With reference to our conversation by telephone today with Mr. G.P. Sidorov, we regret that through a clerical error our invoice for the goods shipped by m.v. "Valerian Kuybyshev" was not enclosed in our letter to you of the 15th August. We are sending you the invoice herewith and apologize for the inconvenience you have been caused. Yours faithfully, Enclosure 3.Pointing out error in documents. Moscow, 21st October,... Dear .sirs, Portable Gas Turbines. Order No. 1816 We thank you for your letter of the 18th October enclosed in which was your confirmation" of our Order No. 1816 for 3 Portable Gas Turbines. We would like to draw your attention to an error which we noticed in the order confirmation, viz. the nominal rating of the turbines is indicated as 180 b.h.p. instead of 150 b.h.p. For order's sake we would like you to acknowledge receipt of this letter. Yours faithfully, 4.Reply to the above error acknowledged. London, 24th October, ... Dear Sirs, 3 Portable Gas Turbines. Order No. 1816 We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your letter of the 21st October and very much regret that through a typing error the nominal rating of the Portable Gas Turbines was indicated in the confirmation of the order as 180 b.h.p. instead of 150 b.h.p. We thank you for pointing out this mistake to us. Yours faithfully, 5.Letter accompanying order for paints. SW/PL Portsmouth, 27th April, ... The Southern Paint Co. Ltd., Grayling Lane, Eastleigh
Dear Sirs, The demand for FINEX HOUSEMAN paints has been so heavy this month that our stocks, generally quite high at this time of the year, have fallen to a minimum. This means that we shall be unable to wait for the next bulk delivery, but must replenish stocks at once. The attached order, No. 4743, is for a total of 56 boxes. As this falls appreciably short of the amount necessary to qualify for the maximum discount, we cannot claim it. Nevertheless, as customers of long standing, we feel that we may ask you to include this order with our quarterly one due next month in order that we may take advantage of the best terms. We should bе obliged if you would treat this order as urgent and arrange for immediate delivery. Yours faithfully, T. Nicholls & Sons S. Wilkins Enc.