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Sample Contract 2Kyiv November 30, 20…
Firm " ............ ", Kyiv, hereinafter referred to as the "Supplier", on the one part, and .....hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", on the other part, have concluded the present Contract for the following. Article 1 The Supplier shall at the Customer's request receive during the period of (dates) the Customer's specialists and skilled workers hereinafter referred to as "Trainees" for industrial and technical training at the Supplier's enterprises. In (date) the Supplier shall receive 29 trainees of the Customer for industrial and technical training in Ukraine. The field of their training and the period of their stay in Ukraine are stated in the Appendix which is considered to be an integral part of the present Contract. In future receiving the Customer's trainees for industrial and technical training in Ukraine shall be agreed upon by the parties; a corresponding Addendum to the present Contract shall be concluded in each particular case. Article 2 Technical and industrial training of the Customer's trainees shall be carried out in accordance with the programmes to be prepared and agreed upon with the Customer's representatives (the leader of the trainees' team) when the trainees arrive at Ukrainian enterprises where the training will be carried out. Article 3 Technical and industrial training of the Customer's trainees shall be carried out in Ukrainian language with the help of interpreters. Article 4 Technical and industrial training of the trainees (practical training and theoretical classes, studies of Ukrainian language, preparation of the training programmes, use of manuals as well as the services of interpreters) shall be provided by the Supplier free of charge. The Supplier shall provide the trainees with free medical services including hospitalization if necessary, but excluding the cost of medicines (in case of out-patient treatment). Article 5 The Customer shall send the trainees to Ukraine without their families. Three months before the trainees' arrival in Kyiv the Customer shall submit to the Supplier a list of trainees, indicating the proposed field and speciality of training, details of their educational qualifications and industrial experience in Ukraine. The Customer shall notify the Supplier of the date of the trainees' departure for Kyiv a month in advance. Before their trip to Kyiv the trainees shall be medically examined and shall have health certificates stating their fitness for the technical and industrial training required in their certain speciality. Article 6 The trainees shall observe the Ukrainian laws and customs, as well as all rules and regulations in force at the enterprises of training and in hotels. They shall also observe the instructions on the industrial safety measures in the course of training. Article 7 The Supplier shall provide the trainees with three meals a day as well as with transport for their trips from their residence to the place of training and back. Besides, the trainees shall be provided with overalls and extra meals (special meals) as per the Ukrainian norms in force. During the technical and industrial training the Supplier shall provide the trainees with hotel accommodation or living accommodation, one room for two trainees. Article 8 The Customer shall provide the trainees with pocket money and warm (winter) clothes for the whole period of training in Kyiv as well as shall pay the trainees' travelling expenses from the Republic of ...... to Kyiv and back and cover luggage transportation expenses. The Customer shall pay the trainees insurance expenses against accidents and illness for the period of their stay in Kyiv. Article 9 The Customer may recall their trainees from Ukraine either at his own discretion or at the Supplier's request and replace them by others, and the parties shall inform each other both of a withdrawal and replacement in writing. The expenses to be incurred in connection with the withdrawal of a trainee for the reason beyond the Supplier's control shall be borne by the Customer. Article 10 The Customer shall reimburse the Supplier for the following expenses connected with the upkeep of the trainees at Supplier's enterprises: a) expenses connected with providing the Customer's trainees with living accommodation, three meals, transport for the trips from their residence to the place of their training and back at the rate of....hryvnas per month for each engineer or technician (foreman) and .....hryvnas per month for worker. For an incomplete calendar month of training the reimbursement of the expenses incurred shall be effected at the rate of 1/30 (one thirtieth) of the above monthly rates per day. b) Expenses incurred in connection with trips of the trainees within Ukrainian territory and provision of overalls and extra meals (special meals) to the trainees in the instances stipulated by the norms in force in Ukraine. The reimbursement of such expenses shall be effected against the actual expenditures incurred. Article 11 Payments to reimburse expenses on the upkeep of the Customer's trainees at the Supplier's enterprises as well as their trips within the territory of Ukraine during their training shall be effected by the Customer in hryvnas out of the credit granted in accordance with the Agreement between Supplier and Customer........on Economic and Technical Cooperation dated..........against invoices, presented by the Supplier to the Customer through the Suppliers Bank once in three months for the amount of expenditures incurred by the Supplier during past three months. To effect the above payment the Customer shall establish Letters of Authority with the Supplier's Bank in favour of the Supplier. Each Letter of Authority shall be established by the Customer within 15 days from the date of the Supplier's notification for the amount, indicated in the notification, and shall be valid for 12 months. Article 12 The Present Contract shall be valid from the date of signing. Legal Addresses of the Parties: Customer.......... Supplier .........