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Fire and Accident Insurance

Fire insurance

Fire insurance companies offer three main types of policy:

1. Insurance of home and business premises and their contents.

2. Special perils policies, which protect the client against loss or damage due to special factors, e. g. floods or earthquakes

3. Consequential loss insurance, which means insurance against losing money as a consequence of an accident, e.g. when a company is unable to produce goods because of fire damage to their factory.




I. Memorise the following words and phrases:

insurance cover розмір страхової відповідальності
insurance premium страховий внесок
cover note тимчасове свідоцтво про страхування, ковернот
to indemnify відшкодувати збитки
indemnification відшкодування збитків
fraud обман, шахрайство
subrogation суброгація (страх.) перехід прав застрахованого до страхувальника
wrecked vehicle автомобіль, що зазнав аварії
life assurance страхування життя
benefit payment виплата страхової суми
beneficiary бенефіціарій (одержувач грошей по страховому полісу)
to cover claims for compensation виплачувати компенсацію
to depreciate знецінюватися
consequential loss insurance страхування ризику втрат внаслідок якихось обставин
peril ризик

II. Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents of the phrases below:

proposal form; the principle of good faith; it might have depreciated by 20% to £ 9,600; stock market; special peril policy; to claim the wrecked vehicle; to pay matured life assurance; to restore original position; original price.


III. Match the following terms and their definitions:

1) beneficiary a) the price of the insurance
2) special perils police b) this is not the policy inself, but an agreement that the goods are covered until the policy is ready
3) cover note c) protects the client against loss or damage due to special factors, e.g. floods or earthquakes
4) idemnification d) insurance against losing money as a consequence of an accident
5) insurance premium e) a person who receives something, esp. money or property
6) consequential loss insurance f) it means that the insurance company will compensate the client to restore their original position before the loss or damage


IV. Answer the questions:

1. What types of policy do you know?

2. What does the policy indemnify the client against?

3. What is the insurance premium?

4. What is a cover note?

5. What does a proposal form state?

6. What does the right of subrogation mean?

7. What does the principle of good faith mean?


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