

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

ЗАДАНИЯ. 1. Найдите соответствия следующих терминов на русском языке; дайте определения каждого из них:

1. Найдите соответствия следующих терминов на русском языке; дайте определения каждого из них:

determination, determiner (lexical or grammatical), definite article, indefinite article, zero article (meaningful non-use, absence of an article), the semantic category of “definiteness – indefiniteness – generalization” (determiners of definiteness, determiners of indefiniteness, determiners of generalization)


2. а) Вставьте необходимый артикль, определите его значение и обоснуйте свой выбор с помощью теста на замещение или подстановку:

например: ... children continued to gallop about the room and didn’t pay any attention to their mother, who was trying to calm them down. - The children (those very children, who were in the room, the children of this woman, their mother: идентификация) conti­nued to gallop about the room...; … child is a blessing. - A child (any child, every child: классифицирующее обобщение) is a blessing; ... children like to play pranks. - Children (in ge­neral: абстракция, обобщение) like to play pranks.

1) ... man seemed to be very much upset. 2) ... man is worth sa­ving, no matter how unimportant he is. 3) ... man is the only in­tellectual creation of nature. 4) ... house was built three years ago. 5) He wanted to buy … house.

б) Объясните различия в использовании артиклей с существительным cat/cats в следующих предложениях:

1) The cat was domesticated many centuries ago. 2) А cat is a domestic animal. 3) Cats are the most popular pets.


3. Используйте необходимые артикли и поясните, какие ситуативные правила обусловили их употребление; дополните ситуативные правила семантическим объяснением, если возможно:

1) He looked silently at ... house where he was born.2)... man of whom I speak used to wear ... very worn out suit. 3) She was ... most beautiful of the sisters, with ... curly hair and ... delicate oblong face. 4) We passed ... place where I worked as ... young man. 5) There was … park down the river.


4. Объедините следующие устойчивые словосочетания в соответствии с использованными артиклями; добавьте собственные примеры:

by ... land (sea, air), out of .. doors, on ... whole, at ... glan­ce, to keep ... house, to take to ... heart, it’s ... pity (shame, pleasure), at ... sunrise (sunset), as ... result, to be out of ... question, in ... low (loud) voice, to take ... trouble, to be on … safe side, at ... present, by ... chance, to take … offence, for … hours, by ... name, on ... one hand (on ... other hand), to take ... fancy to, in ... hurry, to ring … bell


5. Объясните, является ли отсутствие артикля значимым в следующих примерах, и какое значение выражает нулевой артикль в каждом из случаев:

1) He was wearing a grey shirt and grey flannel trousers. 2) Usual­ly I have bread and butter and coffee for breakfast. 3) You need special knowledge to take up this job. 4) Blood is thicker than wa­ter. 5) “PLS ADVISE SOONEST DELIVERY DATE RGDS PETROV” 6) Man was given language to conceal his thoughts (Talleyrand). 7) Terrorism should be fought worldwide.



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