АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
ЗАДАНИЯ. 1. Найдите соответствия следующих терминов на русском языке; дайте определения каждого из них:1. Найдите соответствия следующих терминов на русском языке; дайте определения каждого из них: non-finite forms of the verbs (verbids), the category of finitude, full predication (primary, genuine, or complete predication) vs. semi-predication (secondary, or potential predication), infinitive, ‘to-infinitive’ (‘marked infinitive’), ‘bare infinitive’, ‘split infinitive’, gerund, half-gerund (fused participle, gerundial participle), verbal noun, participle I (present participle, active participle), participle II (past participle, passive participle), complex subject constructions, complex object constructions, absolute participial constructions 2. Выберите один объектный глагол и один необъектный глагол; образуйте все возможные неличные формы каждого из них и используйте их во всех возможных функциях. 3. а) Сопоставьте использование герундиев и инфинитивов в следующих примерах и объясните семантические различия: 1) Don’t forget shutting the windows when you leave home. – Don’t forget to shut the windows when you leave home. It is very windy today. 2) I don’t like interrupting people. - I do not want to interrupt them; they seem to be very busy. 3) I remember seeing this book in many bookshops. - Remember to buy this book. 4) They stopped talking when they came in. - They stopped to exchange a few words with him. б) Сопоставьте использование герундиев и причастий в следующих примерах и объясните семантические различия: 1) Fancy his courting Emily! - Fancy him courting Emily! 2) I don’t like Jane’s nagging her husband. - I can’t listen to Jane nagging her husband. 3) She had to take sleeping pills every night. - A sleeping child is such a charming sight. 4) They sat there without talking for several minutes not knowing what to say to each other. в) Сопоставьте использование причастий и инфинитивов в следующих примерах и объясните семантические различия: 1) We saw the girl approach the people standing at the gateway. - We saw the girl slowly approaching them. 2) He heard the woman fumbling at the wall. - He heard the woman fumble at the wall. 3) There are things desired by all people. - There are things to be desired by all people. г) Сопоставьте использование причастий настоящего времени и прошедшего времени в следующих примерах и объясните семантические различия: 1) We often talked about those happy days spent in the country. - Children spending their summer vacations in the country are usually much stronger. 2) The burning leaves looked so sad. - There was a smell of burnt leaves in the garden. 3) She always blushed when asking for something. - She always blushed when asked. 4. Определите, являются ли полупредикативные конструкции в приведенных ниже примерах причастными конструкциями, герундиальными конструкциями или конструкциями с «полу-герундием» («герундиальным причастием»); объясните свое мнение: 1) Did you ever hear of a man of sense rejecting such an offer? 2) I object to Mary and Jane going out on such a windy day. 3) He spoke about my room being ready for me. 4) I insist on both of them coming at the same time. 5) I can’t imagine their daughter entering the college. 6) I don’t like the idea of her being married. 7) Did you ever hear of a child not crying at all? 8) “He says him being a chauffeur is only a blind, he’s some kind of an undercover man” (Chandler). 5. Объясните, почему приведенные ниже «инговые» формы являются отглагольными существительными: 1) It was the not knowing that troubled everyone. 2) Our likings are regulated by circumstances. 3) The making of a new humanity can't be a privilege of a handful of bureaucrats. 4) I am in a strong position to know of her doings.