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Teaching to listenПідсумок Аудіювання є найважливішим із чотирьох навичок мовленнєвої діяльності, оскільки сприйняття на слух є основним джерелом інформації, а для початківців, які не вміють читати, аудіювання є єдиним каналом отримання нової інформації, сприйняття та засвоєння лексичного, граматичного та фонетичного матеріалу. Крім того, аудіювання є необхідною передумовою виконання інструкцій та успішного спілкування. Щоб відповісти на питання, чи підтримати бесіду, спочатку треба зрозуміти репліку співрозмовника
Discussion tasks: 1. In what ways listening might be beneficial for beginning learn- 2. How would you start teaching to listen? 3. Discuss the value of selective and global listening. 4. How would you organize a listening comprehension lesson?
Observation tasks: 1. Observe a listening comprehension lesson, identify its stages and goals of each stage. At the post-observation discussion compare your notes with the teacher's plan. 2. Would you change anything in the lesson plan if you taught this class? ■ if! . ■ ■ Practical tasks: 1. You are having a lesson in the second form. The subject of the lesson is "Our Classroom". What activities will you plan to teach listen ing? How would you check the comprehension if the learners can neither read nor write in English? 2. Plan a listening comprehension lesson based on story telling for the third-year pupils. 3. Choose a suitable for beginners poem and prepare both global and selective listening tasks based on it.
Suggestions for further reading: 1. Cross D. A Practical Handbook of Language Teaching. London, 1991. 2. Ellis G., Brewster J. The Storytelling Handbook. Penguin Books, 1991. 3. Halliwell S. Teaching English in the Primary Classroom. Longman, 1998. 4. Harmer J. How to Teach English. Longman, 1998. 5. Scrivener J. Learning Teaching. Oxford, 1994. 6. Underwood M. Teaching Listening. New York, 1990. 7. Ur P. Teaching Listening Comprehension. Cambridge, 1992. 8. Weir C.J. Communicative Language Testing. London, 1990. 9. Willis J. Teaching English through English. Oxford, 1993.
- Propose your learners to write a list of things they can do for their friends. Write a composition about your friend. To encourage children to read the teacher has to make this activity Texts should be short. It is better to choose those, which are sup-