АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
Глава 1 THE PASSIVE VOICE 5⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 103 из 103 1.1. Конструкция ................................................ 7 1.2. Употребление пассива ................................. 20 1.2.1. Made in Russia ................................. 20 1.2.2. Неопределенно-личное предложение ...26 1.2.3. "Можно", "нельзя" и. им подобные ....44 1.2.4. Пассив и возвратные глаголы ............49 Глава 2 УСЛОВНЫЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ 73 2.1. Первый if ..................................................77 2.2. Второй if ...................................................97 2.3. Третий if ................................................. Ill 2.3.1. Зачем он нужен .............................. Ill 2.3.2. The Past Perfect Tense ..................... 114 2.3.3. Перфектный инфинитив .................. 116 2.3.4. Третий if во всей красе ................... 120 2.4. Свистопляска ........................................... 126 Глава 3 РАЗНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ 137 3.1. Think-Question .......................................... 139 3.2. Хвостатые вопросы ................................... 145 3.3. Косвенный вопрос .................................... 169 Глава 4 СОГЛАСОВАНИЕ ВРЕМЕН 181 4.1. Общая картина ......................................... 182 4.2. Косвенная речь ........................................ 196 Оглавление361 4.3. Досадные мелочи .......................................206 4.3.1. If и компания при согласовании времен ..................................................206 4.3.2. Going при согласовании времен ........209 4.3.3. Достраивание ..................................211 Глава 5 ОНИ МЕШАЮТ НАМ ЖИТЬ 237 5.1. Оборот there is ..........................................238 5.2. Some, any, every, no ...................................256 5.2.1. Собственное значение .......................257 5.2.2. Старые знакомые ............................266 5.2.3. Иллюзия греха ................................275 5.3. Существительные исчисляемые и неисчисляемые............................................. 289 Заключение305 The keys309 Quotations349 Сканирование Янко Слава yankos@dol.ru http://www.chat.ru/~yankos/ya.html
The keys Стр. 44 1. I am not reading this book now. 2. He will marry her. 3. I know what you want. 4. I am going to Paris next week. 5. Do you understand me? 6. He went to Washington yesterday. 7. I didn't lock the front door. 8. I will send you a letter. Стр. 56 What music does he like to listen to? What are they speaking about? What does he always write with? How many snickers did my wife eat yesterday? What do they rob twice a month? How often do they rob banks? How many packs of Whiskas will I buy for my darling Fluff? Who/whom will 1 buy ten packs of Whiskas for? Стр. 58 Для студента Y: Who are you talking about? Who did he buy this wonderful necklace for? Whom did he abandon? Whom does she love? Who is he looking for? Who did he steal $ 1,000,000 from? Whom will he love for ever? The Keys 257 Стр. 59 1. What did he lock with the brass key? What did he lock the back door with? 2. What does everything depend on? 3. How many glasses of beer did he drink? 4. Who(m) will they do away with? 5. What dress did she put on? 6. What (kinds of) songs are they singing to the guitar? What are they singing traditional songs to? 7. Who(m) doesn't he want to understand? 8. What did she forget about? 9. Who(m) does he remind her of? 10. Who(m) is he apologizing for his misbehavior to? What is he apologizing to her for? 11. What will love find? I2. Who is she shouting at again? Стр. 62 Who waited for her on the street? Who did he wait for on the street? Where did he wait for her? Who lives in a large beautiful house? What kind of house do they live in? Who is hunting for her money? What is her fiance hunting for? Who will kill him? Whom will her husband kill?