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Unit 1. Powerful images.

Kathy Gude with Jayne Wildman

№ weeks, lessons Topics. Additional material. Vocabulary Grammar Skills H/W (workbook) Additional materials
Reading Listening Speaking Writing

Unit 1. Powerful images.

(Teacher’s book, p.8-17)

Week 1     Lesson Images in nature SB p.4-5 TB p.8-9 TB p.8,9 Culture notes TB p.8 Optional activity TB p.9 Revision idea! ex.3 (wordsearch),p.5 ex.4 (verbs and prepositions),p.5 ex.5 (suffixes and prefixes),p.5   ex.1 (skim reading),p.4 ex.2 (scanning),p.5   Warm-up, p.4 Time to talk, p.5   ex.1 (skim reading and scanning),p.2 ex.2 (matching headings),p.3 ex.3 (compre- hension),p.3 Dictionaries
Lesson 2 Let’s focus on the Present Perfect and the Past Simple SB p.6-7 TB p.10-11 SB p.134 Grammar Reference TB p.11 Revision idea!   Quick quiz,p.6 ex.1 (the Present Perfect and the Past Simple),p.6 ex.2 (past particles),p.6 ex.3 (adverbs of time),p.6 ex.4 (the Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuous with since or for ),p.6 ex.5 (in other words),p.7 ex.6 (the Present Perfect with when, if or until),p.7       ex.7 (personal experience),p.7 ex.8 (group discussion),p.7   ex.7(the Present Perfect and the Past Simple),p.4 ex.8 (error correction),p.4 ex.9 (What’s the news?),p.4 ex.10 (in other words),p.4     Grammar Book
    Lesson 3 Let’s practise 1 SB p.8-9 TB p.12 ex.1 (negative prefixes),p.8 ex.2 (verbs and prepositions),p.8 ex.3 (word formation),p.8 Factfile, p.9 ex.4 (the Present Perfect and the Past Simple),p.8 ex.5 (adverbs of time),p.8 ex.6 (the Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuous),p.9 ex.7 (the Present Perfect with when, if and until),p.9 ex.8 (the right verb),p.9         ex.4 (travel wordsearch),p.3 ex.5 (negative prefixes),p.3 ex.6 (phrasal verbs with turn),p.3 Grammar Book, Dictionaries
Week 2   Lesson Photographic images SB p.10-11 TB p.12-14 TB p.12 Optional activity TB p.13 Culture notes TB p.13 Tapescript 1 TB p.13 Tapescript 2 TB p.13-14 Tapescript 3       ex.1- (note-taking)-Tapescript1,p.10 ex.2 - (listening for specific information)Tapescript2,p.10 ex.3-(Yes/No statements)-Tapescript3,p.10 Warm-up, p.10   ex.11 (saying the same thing in different ways), p.5  
    Lesson 5 SB p.11 TB p.14-15 ex.4 (phrasal verbs), p.11     ex.5 (word stress)- Tapescript4, p.11 ex.6 (Role-play: Exchanging information), p.11 ex.7 - (picture-based discussion),p.11      
  Lesson Week 3 Lesson Images of Britain SB p.12-13 TB p.15-17 TB p.17 Revision idea!   ex.5 - (prepositions), p.13 ex.2 - (choosing the right heading) p.12   Warm-up, p.12 ex.1- (understanding the task),p.12 ex.3 (saying the same thing in different ways), p.13 ex. 4 - (comple-ting senten-ces)p.13 ex.6 – (brain- storming- p.13) ex.7 – (planning),p.13 ex.8 – (writing) p.13 ex.9- (checking),p.13   ex.12 (writing), p.5 Grammar Book, Dictionaries
    Lesson Let’s practise 2 SB p.14-15 TB p.17 SB p.134 –Grammar Reference   ex.1 (phrasal verbs), p.14 ex.2 (word building),p.14 ex.3 - (prepositions), p.14 ex.4 (It’s time), p.14 ex.7 (articles), p.15     ex.5 - (discussion), p.15 ex.8 (saying the same thing in different ways), p.15 ex.6 – (paragra-phing), p.15   Grammar Book, Dictionaries
Lesson Home or extensive reading               Readers


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