Week 23
| Visions of the future
SB p.94-95
TB p.73-74
TB p.73 –Culture notes
TB p.74 –Revision idea!
| ex.3, p.95 – (verbs and meanings)
ex.4, p.95 – (adverbs)
| ex.1, p.94 – (key information)
ex.2, p.94 – (reading literary texts)
| Warm-up, p.94
Time to talk, p.95
| ex.1, p.30 – (reading literary extracts)
| Dictionary
| No end in sight!
SB p.96
TB p.74-76
TB p.74 –Tapescript 25
TB p.75 – Tapescript 26
| ex.3, p.96 –(homonyms)
| ex.1, p.96 –(multiple choice questions)
ex.2, p.96 –(homophones)
| Warm-up, p.96
| ex.2, p.31 –
(in your own words)
ex.3, p.31 – (words which go together)
ex.4, p.31 –(words and meanings)
| SB p.97
TB p.76
TB p.76 –Revision idea!
| ex.4, p.97 –(speculating)
ex.5, p.97 –(question tags)
ex.6, p.97 –(picture-based discussion)
Week 24
| Let’s practise1
SB p.98-99
TB p.77
| ex.1, p.98 –(prepositions)
ex.2, p.98 –(phrasal verbs)
ex.3, p.98 –(adjectives and adverbs)
ex.4, p.98 –(homonyms)
| Factfile, p.99
| ex.5, p.99 –(prioritizing)
ex.6, p.99 –(the right word)
ex.7, p.99 –(discussion)
| Dictionary
| Let’s focus on ways of talking about the future
SB p.100-101
TB p.77-79
TB p.77 –Tapescript 27
TB p.79 –Revision idea!
SB p.138-139
Grammar Reference
| Quick quiz, p.100
ex.3, p.100 –(the future with will and going to?)
ex.4, p.100 –(the future perfect or the future with will?)
ex.5, p.101 –(the future continuous)
ex.6, p.101 –(find the extra word!)
| ex.2, p.100 –(true or false)
| ex.1, p.100 –(describing pictures)
ex.7, p.101 –(fifty years on)
| ex.5, p.32 –(forms of the future)
ex.6, p.32 –(the right form)
ex.7, p.32 –(the future continuous or the future perfect?)
| Grammar Book
Week 25
| Applying for a job
SB p.102-103
TB p.79-80
TB p.80 –Revision idea!
| Words connected with work, p.102
ex.2, p.102 –(the right word)
| ex.1, p.102 –(understanding the task)
ex.3, p.102 –
(a letter of application)
| ex.4, p.103-
(formal and informal language)
ex.5, p.103-
(completing sentences)
ex.6, p.103-
(understanding the task)
ex.7, p.103 –(planning)
ex.8, p.103 –
ex.9, p.103 –(checking)
| ex.8, p.32 –(words connected with work)
ex.9, p.33 –(the right word)
ex.10, p.33 –
(writing your personal statement)
ex.11, p.33 –
(writing a letter of application)
| Let’s practise2
SB p.104-105
TB p.81
| ex.1, p.104 –(words that go together)
| ex.2, p.104 –(will or go to)
ex.3, p.104 –(the future continuous)
ex.4, p.104 –(the future perfect, the future continu-ous, will or going to)
ex.5, p.105 –(extra word)
| ex.6, p.105 –
(a letter of application)
| Dictionary,
Grammar Book
| Let’s revise Units 7and 8
SB p.106-107
TB p.82
TB p.82 –Tapescript 28
| ex.6, p.107
ex.7, p.107
ex.8, p.107
| ex.1, p.106
ex.2, p.106
ex.3, p.106
ex.4, p.106
ex.5, p.106
| ex.9, p.107
| Dictionary,
Grammar Book
Week 26
| Home or extensive reading
| Readers