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Unit 9. Wisdom and knowledge.

(Teacher’s Book, p.83-92)

    Lesson Culture vulture SB p.108-109 TB p.83-84 TB p.84 –Revision idea! ex.4, p.109 –(word search) ex.5, p.109 –(what’s the difference?)   ex.1, p.108 –(reading for gist) ex.2, p.108 –(matching statements to content)   Warm-up, p.108 ex.3, p.108 –(writing a summary) Time to talk, p.109   ex.1, p.34 –(reading for gist) ex.2, p.34 –(matching statements to content) ex.3, p.34 –(writing a summary) Dictionary
  Lesson   Good for the brain? SB p.110 TB p.85-86 TB p.85 –Culture notes TB p.85 –Tapescript 29 TB p.86 –Tapescript 30 ex.4, p.110 –(words and meanings)     ex.1, p.110 –(completing notes) ex.2, p.110 –(listening for detailed information) ex.3, p.110 –(statements the speaker makes) Warm-up, p.110   ex.4, p.35 –(understanding meaning) ex.5, p.35 –(opposite meanings) ex.6, p.35 –(words with different meanings) Dictionary
Week 27   Lesson SB p.110-111 TB p.86-87 TB p.86 –Tapescript 31 TB p.87 –Revision idea!     ex.6, p.111 –(silent letters) ex.5, p.110 –(sentence pauses) ex.7, p.111 –(brainstorming a presentation) ex.8, p.111 –(organizing your information) ex.9, p.111 –(presenting your information) ex.10, p.111 –(giving a presentation) ex.11, p.111 –(answering questions about your presentation)      
  Lesson Let’s practice1 SB p.112-113 TB p.87-88 ex.1, p.112 –(word formation) ex.2, p.112 –(phrasal verbs with take) ex.3, p.112 –(prepositions)   Factfile, p.113   ex.4, p.112 –(talking about memories) ex.5, p.113 –(the right word)     Dictionary
Lesson Let’s focus on the third conditionals, wishes and regrets SB p.114-115 TB p.88-89 TB p.89 –Revision idea! SB p.139 –Grammar Reference   Quick quiz, p.114 ex.1, p.114 –(grammar in context) ex.2, p.114 –(the third conditional) ex.3, p.115 –(the right form) ex.4, p.115 –(expressing wishes and regrets about the past)     ex.5, p.115 –(a world of difference!) ex.6, p.115 –(every student’s worst nightmare!)   ex.7, p.36 –(speculating about the past) ex.8, p.36 –(expressing wishes and regrets about the past) Grammar Book
Week 28   Lessons 82-83 Academic attitudes SB p.116-117 TB p.90-92 TB p.90 –Culture notes TB p.91 –Revision idea! ex.3, p.116 –(vocabulary) ex.4, p.117 –(presenting statistics and information) ex.5, p.117 –(using the passive) ex.1, p.116 –(understanding the task) ex.2, p.116 –(using headings)   Warm-up, p.116 ex.6, p.117 –(understanding the task) ex.7, p.117 –(designing a questionnaire and conducting your survey) ex.8, p.117 –(planning) ex.9, p.117 –(writing) ex.10, p.117 –(checking) ex.9, p.37 –(using headings) ex.10, p.37 –(presenting statistics and information) ex.11, p.37 –(writing)  
    Lesson Lets practise2 SB p.118-119 TB p.92 ex.1, p.118 –(words that go together) ex.8, p.119 –(word search) ex.2, p.118 –(third conditional) ex.3, p.118 –(speculating about the past) ex.4, p.118 –(expressing wishes and regrets about the past) ex.5, p.118 –(using had better) ex.7, p.119 –(matching headings)   ex.9, p.119 –(discussion) ex.6, p.119 –(factual information)   Dictionary, Grammar Book
Week 29 Lesson Home or extensive reading               Readers


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