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Unit 10. Divided loyalties.

(Teacher’s Book, p.93-103)

    Lesson Love conquers all SB p.120-121 TB p.93-94 TB p.93 –Culture notes TB p.94 –Revision idea! ex.3, p.121 –(in you own words) ex.4, p.121 –(uses of make) ex.5, p.121 –(masculine and feminine nouns)   ex.1, p.120 –(reading for gist) ex.2, p.121 –(multiple choice questions)   Warm-up, p.120 Time to talk, p.121   ex.1, p.38 –(reading for gist) ex.2, p.39 –(multiple choice questions) Dictionary
    Lesson Let’s focus on reported speech SB p.122-123 TB p.94-96 TB p.95 –Culture notes TB p.96 –Tapescript 32 TB p.96 –Revision idea! SB p.140 –Grammar Reference   Quick quiz, p.122 ex.1, p.122 –(reporting statements) ex.2, p.123 –(reporting orders) ex.3, p.123 –(reporting questions) ex.4, p.123 –(embedded questions)   ex.5, p.123 –(note-taking) ex.6, p.123 –(what did your partner say?)     ex.5, p.40 –(statement, polite order or question?) ex.6, p.40 –(reporting direct speech) ex.7, p.40 –(reporting verbs) ex.8, p.40 –(reporting memos) ex.9, p.40 –(embedded questions) Grammar Book
Week 30     Lesson Let’s practice1 SB p.124-125 TB p.96-97 ex.1, p.124 –(words that go together) ex.2, p.124 –(expressions with make) ex.3, p.124 –(reporting statements) ex.4, p.124 –(reporting orders) ex.5, p.124 –(reporting questions) ex.6, p.125 –(embedded questions) ex.7, p.125 –(the right verb) Factfile, p.125   ex.8, p.125 –(discussion)   ex.3, p.39 – (in your own words ex.4, p.39 –(expressing feelings) Grammar Book
  Lesson Opting out SB p.126 TB p.97-98 TB p.97 –Tapescript 33       ex.2, p.126 –(multiple matching) ex.3, p.126 –(idioms) Warm-up, p.126 ex.1, p.126 –(describing contrasts)      
    Lesson SB p.127 TB p.98-100 TB p.98 –Tapescript 34 TB p.99 –Tapescript 35 TB p.99 –Culture notes TB p.100 –Revision idea!       ex.4, p.127 –(vowel sounds) Soundbites, p.127 ex.5, p.127 –(communicating meaning) ex.6, p.127 –(negotiating)      
Week 31   Lessons 91-92     Conflicting interests SB p.128-129 TB p.100-102 TB p.102 –Revision idea!     ex.1, p.128 –(understanding the task) ex.2, p.128 –(deciding what is important) ex.4, p.128 –(summarizing a paragraph) ex.5, p.129 –(cutting out unnecessary information)   Warm-up, p.129 ex.3, p.128 –(answering questions to write a summary) ex.6, p.129 –(understanding the task) ex.7, p.129 –(planning) ex.8, p.129 –(writing) ex.9, p.129 –(checking) ex.10, p.41 –(deciding what is important) ex.11, p.41 –(summarizing two letters) ex.12, p.41 –(writing)   Dictionary
    Lesson Let’s practise2 SB p.130-131 TB p.102 ex.1, p.130 –(idioms) ex.2, p.130 –(prepositions) ex.3, p.130 –(words that go together)       ex.4, p.130 –(negotiating) ex.5, p.131 – (a summary)   Dictionary
Week 32   Lesson Let’s revise Units 9 and 10 SB p.132-133 TB p.103 TB p.103 –Tapescript 36 ex.6, p.133 ex.7, p.133 ex.8, p.133 ex.1, p.132 ex.2, p.132 ex.3, p.132 ex.4, p.132 ex.5, p.133   ex.9, p.133       Dictionary, Grammar Book
Lesson Home or extensive reading               Readers
Lessons 96-105 Revision lessons



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