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Watch the whole sequence about street entertainers and discuss the questions below in groups.

1 Which entertainments do you see in the street in Chester or in the school?

2 The school teaches street entertainers to develop their skills (to become better jugglers and acrobats), but what other things does the school try to teach?



Watch the first interview with David Alexander who runs the school, and tick the two correct answers to each question. Watch the section twice if necessary.

1 David wants the public:

ato take street entertainmentseriously.

bto relax and enjoy street entertainment.

cto understand that the Street entertainers take it seriously.

2 He says that street entertainment:

ahas a long history.

bis a form of begging.

cis an art form.

3 In the school, he wants to teach the street entertainers:

ato look after their financial affairs correctly.

bto improve and develop their skills.

cto earn a lot of money.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-05; просмотров: 121; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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