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Письмо матери сыну, идущему в школу. Reprinted by permission of Rebecca Christian. ©1997 Rebecca Christian. Спортивная мама. Reprinted by permission of Judy Bodmcr. ©] 997 Judy Bodmer. Больше никаких поцелуев на ночь. Reprinted by permission, ©Newsday, Inc., 1969. Признаки взрослого материнства. Reprinted by permission of Liane Kupferberg Carter. ©1997 Liane Kupferberg Carter. Всегда, навсегда и навечно! Reprinted by permission of Jcanette Lisefski. ©1997 Jeanette Lisefski. Молчаливый герой. Reprinted by permission of Denny McConnick and Lisa McCormick. ©1997 Denny McCormick and Lisa McCormick. Вырастить ребенка. Excerpted from Babies and other Hazards of Sex by Dave Barry. ©1984 Rodale Press. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission from the Reader's Digest Association, Inc. Ребенок идет в колледж. Reprinted by permission of Stanley Volkens, executor for Phyllis Volkens. Мамина помощница. Reprinted by permission of Jane Jayroe. ©1997 Jane Jayroe. 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